Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

Schwerin links to Xin:

'....Eric Schwerin, another former business partner, told Hunter Biden to expect a "significant distribution" from the Chinese venture in 2019. He later said those payments would be "far exceeding $150,000" which Hunter Biden owed to Wang Xin from an earlier capital loan. Wang Xin is one of the Chinese business people who sent a wire to Hunter Biden in Jul 2019 using Joe Biden's Delaware address.'
It's Jared's company..

They charge a management fee on 2 billion...

The investment committee rejected their submission.
what investment committtee? what are you talking about?

Yes he works there...yes the company charges a fee, what's your point? The money didn't go Jared as you falsely claimed....we know what the investment company does....these aren't secerts.

Why was China paying the Xidens directly? what did they do?
Schwerin visited the Bidens just after the latter's trip to Ukraine, 12 Dec 2015 (Hollie's post #174). Earlier on 9 Nov 2015 Baric, Wuhan bat lady Shi and Menachery report their disturbing GoF experiment on the virus that Daszak and Shi collected in Yunnan in Aug 2011, RsSHC014.

The Huazhong PEDV GoF experiment was published on 8 Jul 2015 (Chan and Ridley, Viral, p. 208). This is the communist Chinese sleeper-cell (Illinois) connection (Mind Wars thread 2018) to Hunter's Metabiota PEDV coronavirus (Nanaimo, British Columbia).

So Huazhong had already done GoF to PEDV before moving into University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign. Next, we align the chron for the collection of Metabiota's PEDV virus.
Huazhong's PEDV came from a pig, Metabiota's PEDV came from a bat (2010-2013):

Post #3,180
'Laos 2010-2013'

So Hunter's Metabiotan GoF may have occurred first, just off the West Coast of America.
what investment committtee? what are you talking about?

Yes he works there...yes the company charges a fee, what's your point? The money didn't go Jared as you falsely claimed....we know what the investment company does....these aren't secerts.

Why was China paying the Xidens directly? what did they do?
Inform yourself
Fact-check does not mention the Metabiota link to Jeffrey Epstein, and tries to sanitize Hunter's role:

Metabiota / Epstein / CIA
Fact-check does not mention the Metabiota link to Jeffrey Epstein, and tries to sanitize Hunter's role:

Metabiota / Epstein / CIA
Don't forget the mastermind, Obama.
And tell us why Kushner got 2 Billion.

Agreed, now what about Kushner?

As you know, Jarred Kushner did not receive $2 billion from the Saudis. They invested in a holding company he ran. That company buys stocks in companies or buys companies in trouble and turns them around. In fact, the Kushner Holding Company bought stock in an ISRALI automaker.

Specifically, why have the Chinese and other foreign countries paid huge amounts of money to the Biden cabal?
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Don't forget the mastermind, Obama.

'MI6 spy Christopher Steele is only one of many former intelligence officers who cheerlead draconian responses to COVID and applaud the onset of totalitarianism.

One of the early promoters of the marginalization, demonization, and officially sanctioned abuse of vaccine-hesitant parents is Juliette Kayyem, the former assistant secretary for Homeland Security under President Obama, and former member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Committee on Terrorism.

Kayyem was forced out of her high-level job at the Washington Post when critic leaked her involvement with the Israeli spywars company that makes the software system used to track and murder Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

As early as Ap 2019, she was editorializing for the Washington Post that patents who declined measles vaccine for their children should face "isolation, fines, arrests" and be treated to the same sanctions that government uses against terrorists and sex offenders.'
(RFK Jr, The Real Anthony Fauci, pp. 431-2)

'MI6 spy Christopher Steele is only one of many former intelligence officers who cheerlead draconian responses to COVID and applaud the onset of totalitarianism.

One of the early promoters of the marginalization, demonization, and officially sanctioned abuse of vaccine-hesitant parents is Juliette Kayyem, the former assistant secretary for Homeland Security under President Obama, and former member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Committee on Terrorism.

Kayyem was forced out of her high-level job at the Washington Post when critic leaked her involvement with the Israeli spywars company that makes the software system used to track and murder Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

As early as Ap 2019, she was editorializing for the Washington Post that patents who declined measles vaccine for their children should face "isolation, fines, arrests" and be treated to the same sanctions that government uses against terrorists and sex offenders.'
(RFK Jr, The Real Anthony Fauci, pp. 431-2)
Their children should be taken and sold into servitude.
We don't yet have the exact 2014 date of Guttieri's email, though the credibility of the Newsweek fact-check (post # 286) gets seriously roughed up here:

'In 2014, Metabiota's Vice President Mary Guttieri emailed Hunter Biden and said the firm could "leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia."

Days later, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi sent an email revealing Hunter Biden linked the Ukrainian gas company to Metabiota. "Please find few initial points to be discussed for the purposes of analyzing the potential of this as you called 'Science Ukraine Project," Pozharskyi wrote.'
Is this shit still going on?

Hey, MAGA rubes.

You've got nothing, you low-IQ deplorables.

Put up or shut the fuck up!
He didn't....that's a lie.

Saudi Arabia, along with numerous other countries used a investment firm he happens to work for, to invest money in businesses.

Nothing came to Kushner...that was just more deflection and propaganda from the dembot propgandist to defend the criminal cartel that is the Xiden family.

See, we can see what the money was used for, what the company that Kushner works for does...and see tht the billions didn't go to Kushner.

So why were the Xidens getting paid?
what the company that Kushner works for does...What company is that?
You seem to know, tell us the NAME of the Company you claim Kushner works for and the 2B.
I realize you have no valid contributions to make.

You are wrong about the laptop
The magic "laptop" your side can't find? And hasn't ever been able to find?

Swee Jeebus, you're so stupid, and so belligerent about being so stupid.

A commonality among Trump cult losers is that they're dumber than dirt. Humans with normal intelligence don't get sucked into the Trump cult.

The other commonality is that they're violent psychos.

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