Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

"Deep state" is such a useful term.

Once you see someone using it in a non-ironic fashion, you instantly know you're dealing with a hardcore commie-fascist traitor, and that everything they say is in service to DerParteiRepublikkkan, MotherRussia and the CCP.

Thus, everything they say should be assumed to be the opposite of reality, unless independent evidence indicates otherwise.

That's what history has shown us.
'Event 201: Oct 2019....This war game consisted of four "tabletop" simulations of a worldwide (coronavirus [italics]) pandemic. Participants included a group of high-ranking kahunas from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg/Johns Hopkins University Populations Center, the CDC, various media powerhouses, the Chinese government, a former CIA/NSA director, vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, the globe's largest pharmaceutical company; finance and biosecurity industry chieftains, and the president of Edelman, the world's leading corporate PR firm.

Conspiracy-minded critics dub this cabal the "Deep State." The World Economic Forum Director Klaus Schwab has christened their agenda the "Great Reset." '
(RFK Jr, TRAF, p. 425)
There's no need to reaffirm your enthusiastic support of Russian fascists. It's not like anyone didn't know how devoted to the cause of fascism you are.

I'm guessing that the "leave no 4-year-old unraped" policy of the Russian army is what especially thrills the Putinsuckers.
Most educated people know that Russians are historically rabid anti-fascists.
There's no need to reaffirm your enthusiastic support of Russian fascists. It's not like anyone didn't know how devoted to the cause of fascism you are.

I'm guessing that the "leave no 4-year-old unraped" policy of the Russian army is what especially thrills the Putinsuckers.
Listen you POS, don't you be accusing anyone here of raping kids you POS, and that's right I said PIECE OF SHIT, because that's exactly what you are. You and your Demoncrat allies can go straight back to hell from which you came.
"...The wires allegedly were addressed to Hunter Biden when his father was not in office and do not prove that Joe Biden received any of the money. CNN previously reported Hunter Biden used the Wilmington address on his driver’s license and the home was the site of a family intervention over his drug addiction in 2019.

Comer told CNN his panel is trying to put together a timeline on where Hunter Biden was living around this time.

According to the committee, the wires allegedly showed that Hunter Biden received a $10,000 wire from Wang Xin on July 26, 2019. Separately, on August 2, 2019, Hunter Biden allegedly received a $250,000 wire from Jonathan Li and Tan Ling. Both of the wires listed Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as the beneficiary address. The committee did not provide the bank wires in their announcement on Tuesday.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell said the new allegation from House Republicans “evaporates in thin air the moment facts come out.” Lowell said that in 2017, Hunter Biden made a “substantial investment” in Bohai Harvest Rosemont Partners, where Li is CEO. In 2019, the year of the wire transfers, Lowell said Hunter Biden was borrowing the funds using his equity as security, and the reason the wires went to the Wilmington address was because it was Hunter Biden’s only permanent address at the time.

“This was a documented loan (not a distribution or pay-out) that was wired from a private individual to his new bank account which listed the address on his driver’s license, his parents’ address, because it was his only permanent address at the time,” Lowell said in a statement provided to CNN. “We expect more occasions where the Republican chairs twist the truth to mislead people to promote their fantasy political agenda.”".."

"...The wires allegedly were addressed to Hunter Biden when his father was not in office and do not prove that Joe Biden received any of the money. CNN previously reported Hunter Biden used the Wilmington address on his driver’s license and the home was the site of a family intervention over his drug addiction in 2019.

Comer told CNN his panel is trying to put together a timeline on where Hunter Biden was living around this time.

According to the committee, the wires allegedly showed that Hunter Biden received a $10,000 wire from Wang Xin on July 26, 2019. Separately, on August 2, 2019, Hunter Biden allegedly received a $250,000 wire from Jonathan Li and Tan Ling. Both of the wires listed Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as the beneficiary address. The committee did not provide the bank wires in their announcement on Tuesday.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell said the new allegation from House Republicans “evaporates in thin air the moment facts come out.” Lowell said that in 2017, Hunter Biden made a “substantial investment” in Bohai Harvest Rosemont Partners, where Li is CEO. In 2019, the year of the wire transfers, Lowell said Hunter Biden was borrowing the funds using his equity as security, and the reason the wires went to the Wilmington address was because it was Hunter Biden’s only permanent address at the time.

“This was a documented loan (not a distribution or pay-out) that was wired from a private individual to his new bank account which listed the address on his driver’s license, his parents’ address, because it was his only permanent address at the time,” Lowell said in a statement provided to CNN. “We expect more occasions where the Republican chairs twist the truth to mislead people to promote their fantasy political agenda.”".."


“This was a documented loan…”

I would expect the hacks at CNN to add their own spin. And, I would expect Grifty and “The Big Guy” to take minimal CYA steps.

Seeing as how we’re documenting things, where is the documented loan repayment?

As Grifty and The Big Guy are eventually going to face a subpoena to testify, we can look forward to facts; bank records, receipts, etc., to understand the full extent of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
"...The wires allegedly were addressed to Hunter Biden when his father was not in office and do not prove that Joe Biden received any of the money. CNN previously reported Hunter Biden used the Wilmington address on his driver’s license and the home was the site of a family intervention over his drug addiction in 2019.

Comer told CNN his panel is trying to put together a timeline on where Hunter Biden was living around this time.

According to the committee, the wires allegedly showed that Hunter Biden received a $10,000 wire from Wang Xin on July 26, 2019. Separately, on August 2, 2019, Hunter Biden allegedly received a $250,000 wire from Jonathan Li and Tan Ling. Both of the wires listed Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as the beneficiary address. The committee did not provide the bank wires in their announcement on Tuesday.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell said the new allegation from House Republicans “evaporates in thin air the moment facts come out.” Lowell said that in 2017, Hunter Biden made a “substantial investment” in Bohai Harvest Rosemont Partners, where Li is CEO. In 2019, the year of the wire transfers, Lowell said Hunter Biden was borrowing the funds using his equity as security, and the reason the wires went to the Wilmington address was because it was Hunter Biden’s only permanent address at the time.

“This was a documented loan (not a distribution or pay-out) that was wired from a private individual to his new bank account which listed the address on his driver’s license, his parents’ address, because it was his only permanent address at the time,” Lowell said in a statement provided to CNN. “We expect more occasions where the Republican chairs twist the truth to mislead people to promote their fantasy political agenda.”".."

You calling it fantasy as the investigation is on going just shows your bias, so it should be odd to anyone reading that you are the least bit curious as to why Hunter Biden was receiving money from foreign nationals when he wasn't registered to do so, but nooooooo it's all just honest and above board activities to you eh ??? Then we have how many suspicious activities reports concerning bank transactions so on and so forth. Look we know you are shilling for the Biden's and for Democrat's, so don't act like you are trying to be impartial with your biased bull shite study. 😂
"...The wires allegedly were addressed to Hunter Biden when his father was not in office and do not prove that Joe Biden received any of the money. CNN previously reported Hunter Biden used the Wilmington address on his driver’s license and the home was the site of a family intervention over his drug addiction in 2019.

Comer told CNN his panel is trying to put together a timeline on where Hunter Biden was living around this time.

According to the committee, the wires allegedly showed that Hunter Biden received a $10,000 wire from Wang Xin on July 26, 2019. Separately, on August 2, 2019, Hunter Biden allegedly received a $250,000 wire from Jonathan Li and Tan Ling. Both of the wires listed Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as the beneficiary address. The committee did not provide the bank wires in their announcement on Tuesday.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell said the new allegation from House Republicans “evaporates in thin air the moment facts come out.” Lowell said that in 2017, Hunter Biden made a “substantial investment” in Bohai Harvest Rosemont Partners, where Li is CEO. In 2019, the year of the wire transfers, Lowell said Hunter Biden was borrowing the funds using his equity as security, and the reason the wires went to the Wilmington address was because it was Hunter Biden’s only permanent address at the time.

“This was a documented loan (not a distribution or pay-out) that was wired from a private individual to his new bank account which listed the address on his driver’s license, his parents’ address, because it was his only permanent address at the time,” Lowell said in a statement provided to CNN. “We expect more occasions where the Republican chairs twist the truth to mislead people to promote their fantasy political agenda.”".."

Comer: "trying to put together a timeline."
Precious. So HB owed Wang Xin from a previous capital loan. When did the loan happen? Inquiring Chrons want to know.
“This was a documented loan…”

I would expect the hacks at CNN to add their own spin. And, I would expect Grifty and “The Big Guy” to take minimal CYA steps.

Seeing as how we’re documenting things, where is the documented loan repayment?

As Grifty and The Big Guy are eventually going to face a subpoena to testify, we can look forward to facts; bank records, receipts, etc., to understand the full extent of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
We want to know about the penultimate Grifty loan. CIA treacheries traditionally include manipulation of the concept "penultimate," as we've already discovered for the JFK assassination.
'....He later said those payments would be "far exceeding $150,000 which Hunter Biden owed to Wang Xin from an earlier capital loan." '
This totally and beyond a shadow of doubt non-existent check would have to made out to the person to whom it was paid. No name, it was not his. His name would have to on this totally and beyond a shadow of non-existent in order to cash it.

All this crap over something is a total fucking lie. But then again MAGA MAGGOTS existent on total fucking lies.
Well provide us a link debunking the story…
Not how it works. You're claiming it exists, so you need to show it exists.

And you can't. None of you have been able to, not ever. You just all parrot big lies like "BUT THE FBI SAID IT EXISTS!", even though no such thing every happened.

Oh, wait, did I just do the equivalent of telling you that Santa doesn't exist? My bad. Well, you had to grow up and learn the painful truth eventually.
I didn’t claim it exist…the fbi did. I provide you the link already the other day
This totally and beyond a shadow of doubt non-existent check would have to made out to the person to whom it was paid. No name, it was not his. His name would have to on this totally and beyond a shadow of non-existent in order to cash it.

All this crap over something is a total fucking lie. But then again MAGA MAGGOTS existent on total fucking lies.
I think the 12 year old name-callers need to scoot and get their homework done.
See? No such thing happened, but this one still thinks it did.

And as proof, he'll show ... the FBI saying no such thing. He'll show some IRS guy claiming the FBI kind of said it to him.
I have no idea what you are talking about i provided a link outlining the testimony of the FBI Foreign Influence task force chief thst confirmed it

I am sure other govt officials, such at the irs, confirmed it as well
I have no idea what you are talking about i provided a link outlining the testimony of the FBI Foreign Influence task force chief thst confirmed it

I am sure other govt officials, such at the irs, confirmed it as well
They just denie denie denie... it's their motis operandi...
Well provide us a link debunking the story…

You are the one pushing a lie. Not me. You have no legitimate evidence back up what you have written.

The burden of truth is NOT on me, it on YOU. YOU claim, and all it is a CLAIM that H.B. received a check but offer no proof of that check. It on those making this claim to show their proof and to date have not done so.
CNN Fact Check - Did former Vice President Joe Biden Receive $1.5B From China.

"Conculsion" - There is no evidence Joe Biden has received large sums of money from China or has otherwise gained wealth as a result of his son's business dealings abroad.

On the other hand, we know with certainty that Jared Kusher received $2B from the Saudi's.

Kushner, unlike H.B. worked in the White House. H.B. never served in the White House nor did he work for his father when Joe Biden was Vice President.

This whole fucked in the shit story is meant to smear President Biden. Comer says he received a payments, but offers no proof of those payments.

Comer also said he had a "Whistle Blower" who blow the lid of the H.B/Joe Biden conspiracy. Comer also said his "Whistle Blower" was afraid to testify in of his out fear for his lfe. What Comer DID NOT SAY is that his "Whistle Blower" was in a weapons dealer and an agent for Communist Chinese Ministry for State Security. This communist chinese agent was NOT in running in fear for his life, he running from Federal Enforcement who had a warrent for his arrest.

To date, all Comer has to show for his committee is empty air, a wanted federal felon and H.B.'s business partner who said he saw no real attempt peddle infulence, just a father who loves his son who in recovery and giving his son the emotional and moral support that is needed for person in recovery.
CNN Fact Check - Did former Vice President Joe Biden Receive $1.5B From China.

"Conculsion" - There is no evidence Joe Biden has received large sums of money from China or has otherwise gained wealth as a result of his son's business dealings abroad.

On the other hand, we know with certainty that Jared Kusher received $2B from the Saudi's.

Kushner, unlike H.B. worked in the White House. H.B. never served in the White House nor did he work for his father when Joe Biden was Vice President.

This whole fucked in the shit story is meant to smear President Biden. Comer says he received a payments, but offers no proof of those payments.

Comer also said he had a "Whistle Blower" who blow the lid of the H.B/Joe Biden conspiracy. Comer also said his "Whistle Blower" was afraid to testify in of his out fear for his lfe. What Comer DID NOT SAY is that his "Whistle Blower" was in a weapons dealer and an agent for Communist Chinese Ministry for State Security. This communist chinese agent was NOT in running in fear for his life, he running from Federal Enforcement who had a warrent for his arrest.

To date, all Comer has to show for his committee is empty air, a wanted federal felon and H.B.'s business partner who said he saw no real attempt peddle infulence, just a father who loves his son who in recovery and giving his son the emotional and moral support that is needed for person in recovery.
There’s obvious desperation in the Dem / Marxist psyche

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