Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

You are the one pushing a lie. Not me. You have no legitimate evidence back up what you have written.

The burden of truth is NOT on me, it on YOU. YOU claim, and all it is a CLAIM that H.B. received a check but offer no proof of that check. It on those making this claim to show their proof and to date have not done so.
Haha yes I provided the link for you already!!
CNN Fact Check - Did former Vice President Joe Biden Receive $1.5B From China.

"Conculsion" - There is no evidence Joe Biden has received large sums of money from China or has otherwise gained wealth as a result of his son's business dealings abroad.

On the other hand, we know with certainty that Jared Kusher received $2B from the Saudi's.

Kushner, unlike H.B. worked in the White House. H.B. never served in the White House nor did he work for his father when Joe Biden was Vice President.

This whole fucked in the shit story is meant to smear President Biden. Comer says he received a payments, but offers no proof of those payments.

Comer also said he had a "Whistle Blower" who blow the lid of the H.B/Joe Biden conspiracy. Comer also said his "Whistle Blower" was afraid to testify in of his out fear for his lfe. What Comer DID NOT SAY is that his "Whistle Blower" was in a weapons dealer and an agent for Communist Chinese Ministry for State Security. This communist chinese agent was NOT in running in fear for his life, he running from Federal Enforcement who had a warrent for his arrest.

To date, all Comer has to show for his committee is empty air, a wanted federal felon and H.B.'s business partner who said he saw no real attempt peddle infulence, just a father who loves his son who in recovery and giving his son the emotional and moral support that is needed for person in recovery.
1) that’s a dated fact checker
2) Kusher never got money from Saudi haha a massive lie
3) link to the whistler blower being an arms dealer for China…now I wouldn’t be surprised considering we are taking about xiden here…obviously he has strong connections to China
As I am NOT the person making accusation, I have no burdon of proof.

It is up you bunch RedHat Asshole to prove it happened and you have not.
1) that’s a dated fact checker
2) Kusher never got money from Saudi haha a massive lie
3) link to the whistler blower being an arms dealer for China…now I wouldn’t be surprised considering we are taking about xiden here…obviously he has strong connections to China


Jared Kushner's private equity firm concealed the origins of Saudi-backed funds and used the SEC's own rules to help them do it, report says​


Report: Jared Kushner's $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought.

Jared Kushner's private equity firm concealed the origins of Saudi-backed funds and used the SEC's own rules to help them do it, report says.​

Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal​

My fact checking is valid.

You're another lying ass MAGA MAGGOT!!

Jared Kushner's private equity firm concealed the origins of Saudi-backed funds and used the SEC's own rules to help them do it, report says​


Report: Jared Kushner's $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought.

Jared Kushner's private equity firm concealed the origins of Saudi-backed funds and used the SEC's own rules to help them do it, report says.​

Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal​

My fact checking is valid.

You're another lying ass MAGA MAGGOT!!
You said he got it, then provided a link saying a equity firm he works for got it

Those are two different things

Moreover we know what the equity firm does, additionally the money is still Saudis it’s not Kushners

So why did you lie?

And since we know the service this firm provides its investors…what service were there xiden’s providing to these foreigners that theh got paid millions?
Really. The one that was forensically analyzed? That “missing” laptop?

You are beyond retarded.
They are shilling so bad that it's pathetic watch, and to actually read their bull shite. It doesn't get anymore transparent through their reactions as to what they've been up too, and how bad their TDS truly is. It's all coming to a head, and it's about damned time
It’s rather crazy there are still dembots out there that believe they laptop isn’t even real
Found it yet, cult boi?

No luck yet?

Well, keep looking. The Russians ... I mean, the Republicans, say it's real, so it has to be real. And Santa is real too.
You said he got it, then provided a link saying a equity firm he works for got it

Those are two different things

Moreover we know what the equity firm does, additionally the money is still Saudis it’s not Kushners

So why did you lie?

And since we know the service this firm provides its investors…what service were there xiden’s providing to these foreigners that theh got paid millions?

And YOU Joe Biden was bribed and he was not. You also said Kush never received the $2Billion.....why did you lie

My post stands.

You have no proof any bribe received by Mr. Biden, you keep saying it happened, but you cannot prove it.

My post stands and your is full of the usual MAGA MAGGOT Bull Shit.

What did Kush do for that $2illion.

Jared Kushner's private equity firm concealed the origins of Saudi-backed funds and used the SEC's own rules to help them do it, report says​


Report: Jared Kushner's $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought.

Jared Kushner's private equity firm concealed the origins of Saudi-backed funds and used the SEC's own rules to help them do it, report says.​

Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal​

My fact checking is valid.

You're another lying ass MAGA MAGGOT!!
Listen demo, if Jared committed any crimes, then hopefully he gets drug through the process of being investigated also, but it doesn't get your guy's off the hook. It's time that everyone is called out on the carpet if they've been playing lose and fast when representing the nation. People in Europe are dying because of issues that couldn't be resolved, so be glad that we aren't over there in that mess
Really. The one that was forensically analyzed? That “missing” laptop?
And when did that happen?

What exactly did the cult tell you to repeat?

You're kind of dim. You're literally incapable of telilng the difference between "this happened" and "my masters told me this happened". Or the difference between "A physical laptop" and "an altered disk image that Rudy/TheRussians passed along".

No, I'm not sorry to be the one to tell you that Santa doesn't exist. You had to grow up eventually.
Found it yet, cult boi?

No luck yet?

Well, keep looking. The Russians ... I mean, the Republicans, say it's real, so it has to be real. And Santa is real too.
Yes it’s been found for some time haha

Wow you still believe the debunked russian hoax haha
And YOU Joe Biden was bribed and he was not. You also said Kush never received the $2Billion.....why did you lie

My post stands.

You have no proof any bribe received by Mr. Biden, you keep saying it happened, but you cannot prove it.

My post stands and your is full of the usual MAGA MAGGOT Bull Shit.

What did Kush do for that $2illion.
I don’t know if xiden was or not…not yet anyway

Yes kushner never did, your own link shows he didn’t

So why do you lie?
It’s rather crazy there are still dembots out there that believe they laptop isn’t even real

Can you prove the laptop in question belonged to H.B., so far you have not.

You an unsubstantiated claim of who it belonged, but you offer no proof to that claim.

What is the chain of custody on the laptop.

How did Ghouli get his hands on and when did he receive it?

How had the laptop before Ghouli received it and where and how was it stored?

How much did cost Ghouli to get the laptop and when was that payment and how was it made?

Who had access to the laptop AFTER Ghouli received it, how and where was it stored?

None of these questions have been answered.

Pony up your fucking proof.
And YOU Joe Biden was bribed and he was not. You also said Kush never received the $2Billion.....why did you lie

My post stands.

You have no proof any bribe received by Mr. Biden, you keep saying it happened, but you cannot prove it.

My post stands and your is full of the usual MAGA MAGGOT Bull Shit.

What did Kush do for that $2illion.
Listen, Biden should have been investigated for his actions in Ukraine concerning the prosecutor he allegedly got fired immediately afterwards, but undoubtedly he was operating at will while under Obama, and he should definitely be investigated for it in this inquiry. He is his own worst enemy, because he couldn't keep that damned arrogant braggart mouth of his shut.

Obama needs to be subpoenaed definitely, otherwise in order to give testimony about the way he allowed his VP to conduct himself under his watch.
Saudi's sent to $2Billion dollars to Kushner's private investment firm, which mean it was sent to him. He owns the company. Is really that hard to figure out?

How come Ivanka continued to make money off her Chinese patents even after P01135809 leveled tariffs on China? She worked in the WH at the time.

HB never worked for his father either President or Vice Presidnet.

Even fucking Comer says Kush crossed the ethical line by accepting the Saudi money.
Listen, Biden should have been investigated for his actions in Ukraine concerning the prosecutor he allegedly got fired immediately afterwards, but undoubtedly he was operating at will while under Obama, and he should definitely be investigated for it in this inquiry. He is his own worst enemy, because he couldn't keep that damned arrogant braggart mouth of his shut.

Obama needs to be subpoenaed definitely, otherwise in order to give testimony about the way he allowed his VP to conduct himself under his watch.

its clearly documented that Biden helped get Shokin fired at the behest of the USA rather than his own personal interests.

Shokin was a corrupt prosecutor, he was doing very little to root out corruption, so europe wanted him out.

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