Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

he, (Hunter) told his daughter when she asked to borrow money from Hunter, that he would not be like Pop, his dad, (Joe) and MAKE HER PAY HIM BACK....

So, Joe has loaned Hunter money when Hunter needed it, and Joe is making/forcing Hunter to pay him back....which Hunter is bitter over.
Hunter said I won't make you give me half your money like pops makes me.
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Why would I think Joe would know what Hunter got in a wire transfer of money or what that money was for.... regarding Hunter's businesses? Whether he was living at mom and pops or not? Or anything at all about it because he's living in a wing of the mansion? Is Hunter a child under 18??? Did he need permission from his daddy to run his businesses?? Do you really think Joe knew the knitty gritty details of Hunters different businesses? Do you think Hunter confessed to Joe every night before bed, all of his ventures or sins, including sex and prostitute addiction?

You are really having to stretch your imagination for that one....imo.

And was there something illegal about this money that involved Joe Biden?
Well, Joe said no one in his family got money from China so, it seems he knew about Hunter's 'business.'
You mean with permission or without?

If Pappy sees a business envelope addressed to his shithead son, but mailed to Pappy’s address, pappy might call shithead son.

P: “hey shithead son. You got a letter today. Looks promising. I assume it’s a paycheck. ((Chuckles weirdly.))”

H: “uhm. Yeah. Hey dad, can I keep some of it this time?”

P: “sure, shithead son. Let me open it and see how much.”

H: “uhm. Yeah. Ok. I guess …”

P: ((interrupting shithead son)). “Tell ya what. I’ll deposit it and keep 50%. Sound good? Great. Well bye now, shithead.” ((Hangs up phone))

Maybe that is how things work in your house
I respect the privacy of my adult children
Ron Johnson is the political clown who entertains the right and their fantasies of getting the Biden family as guilty as the Trump family in crimes of corruption.
Yeah, it's just a fantasy that a majority of democrats want a different democrat to run for President, huh.
Nobody suggested invading privacy. The hypothetical was predicated on asking his shithead son for permission.

Not everything is about you, Leftwhiner.
If that is the way you treat your children, it is your business
I would indeed ask my son before opening his mail.

I never suggested anything to the contrary you sanctimonious lying twat.

You make no damn sense at all.
Remember, these creatures are losing badly every day. All they can do is lash out like a wounded cornered animal.
No they're not, you fucking moron.

That's the point. They are NOT backed by bank documents. Just the opposite.

But keep clinging you precious snowflake ignorant moron cultist loser!
You can always tell when a Leftist Democrat is cornered with the Truth! Out comes the string of epithets and insults. LOL
Apologies for the error. We thought it read Ap 2007. Instead it read Ap 2017 for James Biden writing the Horace Mann college rec for the Chinese communist. So thusfar, the 2009-2017 chron holds for Joe Biden.

During that month, James and Hunter were busy in Africa.
'....In Ap 2017, BHR (Bohai Harvest RST) paid $1.2 billion for a stake in a DRC-based mining company....James and Hunter were involved in negotiations about a joint venture with CEFC Chinese Energy.'

The CEFC deal fell through. Did Zang Jianjun's (CEFC) offspring get to Horace Mann School, or not?
Do YOU open your adult children's mail?

No kids (that I know of...) but my parents used to open mail addressed to me that was sent to their house all the time. 99% of it was usually junk mail, but every once in a while I'd get something that was time sensitive and they would relay that information to me. It didn't happen often, but it absolutely did happen.

It keeps coming more and more together.

It may not always be true that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But if a place starts to stink like rotten fish, sooner or later it makes good sense to see if something fell out of the garbage can.

And this whole Biden Family Corruption thing is starting to stink to high Heaven.
so what
Of course not.

BUT, if I had a large sum of money, coming from Communist China to be deposited in one of his accounts, I'd sure ask my Dad about it first.

Hunter did business with Chinese Corporations not the Communist Chinese Government

So do tens of thousands of other businesses

Do you think they notify their fathers when the checks come in?
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It keeps coming more and more together.

It may not always be true that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But if a place starts to stink like rotten fish, sooner or later it makes good sense to see if something fell out of the garbage can.

And this whole Biden Family Corruption thing is starting to stink to high Heaven.
And the House Repubtards keep dining on nothing burgers.
I realize you have no valid contributions to make.

You are wrong about the laptop and can’t address it meaningfully.

When I accuse you of babbling, you become highly creative and claim that I am the one babbling. 🙄

The fact is, although you libturds always and forever claim that Trump supporters are a “cult,” we aren’t and never have been. Unlike you idiots, we recognize the serious malfunctioning of our government and seek to address it before it completely breaks.

All you shitheads give a crap about is power. And it doesn’t phase you in the slightest when mental cases like Potato are the ones wielding such power.
Think about this one also - Let's pay attention to how these characters like wicked Jamie Raskins or any of his equal minion's upon how they operate in the ways in which they are trying to downplay the impeachment inquiry or confuse it, and how they are trying to rally everyone that they have relied upon in the past (deep state and the leftist leaned media), in order to hopefully destroy the inquiry.

Ok now back up to the 2020 election, and you'll see the same players and deep state using everything they have to stop Trump from winning that election.

It's the same motis-operande, and the same tactics. They are revealing themselves as to how evil and nefarious they truly are.
Hunter did business with Chinese Corporations not the Communist Chinese Government

So do tens of thousands of other businesses

Do you think they notify their fathers when the checks come in?
You're a hoot!

Even you know that any major business in Communist China is overseen and controlled by their military.

As you know, Communist China is bringing their form of management to your friends in Michigan.

Chinese owners of planned Michigan EV plant make staff in the Communist state pledge allegiance to the Party and wear Red Army uniforms on bizarre field trips in China

  • Gotion Inc is developing a taxpayer-subsidized $2.4 billion electric vehicle battery facility in Michigan
  • Its Chinese parent company Gotian High-Tech took staff on several corporate retreats to CCP revolutionary memorials in 2021
  • During the trips workers wore Red Army outfits and pledged to 'fight for communism to the end of my life'

PUBLISHED: 17:19 EDT, 1 September 2023 | UPDATED: 18:23 EDT, 1 September 2023

So a quarter million was sent from China to Joey “the big guy” xiden’s home, the same home he had boat loads of classified documents he been hiding dating as far back as his senate days…

The evidence is not looking good for the xidens

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