Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

Not even understanding the difference between a commie and a suckup, the Biden-commie link is located in time and space at Huazhong Agricultural University. Mind Wars warned USMB prisoners in 2017 about sleeper cells in southern Illinois, the state that supported an Arab fronting as a black to get into the WH.
Whatever that was, it was totally awesome.
I didn't ask for evasions and third-hand testimony. I asked for evidence that the physical laptop existed, and you whiffed along with all the others.

You can show the FBI had files, which no one denies. After all, the Russians made up the fake disk image and passed in on to Rudy, after inserting a lot of fakes. And then the Republicans used the Russian fraud pieces, willingly, even knowing their origin. But you can't show any actual laptop ever existed.

You fell for a scam. And that scam is now part of your religion, a religion that has replaced Christianity among the Trump cultists. You can no more admit you were scammed than a muslim could say Mohommed is not the prophet.
The pathology is this: that xians will still support Trump because he is the only avataran choice. It matters little whether Trump is religious or not. Trump will again play the xian card. That is why intelligence should also boycott Trump.
The bigger issue is how it all fits together, but you knew that. It's likened to a puzzle as the pieces are slowly put together. The picture gets more clearer and clearer everyday.
One can't but support your suspicions. For instance, we would never have guessed that the Biden investigation would uncover important things about the as-yet unresolved issue of the post-9/11 anthrax attacks. Joe Biden's chron for October 2019, what he did and said, is a crucial month.
I didn't ask for evasions and third-hand testimony. I asked for evidence that the physical laptop existed, and you whiffed along with all the others.

You can show the FBI had files, which no one denies. After all, the Russians made up the fake disk image and passed in on to Rudy, after inserting a lot of fakes. And then the Republicans used the Russian fraud pieces, willingly, even knowing their origin. But you can't show any actual laptop ever existed.

You fell for a scam. And that scam is now part of your religion, a religion that has replaced Christianity among the Trump cultists. You can no more admit you were scammed than a muslim could say Mohommed is not the prophet.
I provided it. You just don’t want to accept reality
Why would I think Joe would know what Hunter got in a wire transfer of money or what that money was for.... regarding Hunter's businesses? Whether he was living at mom and pops or not? Or anything at all about it because he's living in a wing of the mansion? Is Hunter a child under 18??? Did he need permission from his daddy to run his businesses?? Do you really think Joe knew the knitty gritty details of Hunters different businesses? Do you think Hunter confessed to Joe every night before bed, all of his ventures or sins, including sex and prostitute addiction?

You are really having to stretch your imagination for that one....imo.

And was there something illegal about this money that involved Joe Biden?
Other than access to the Senator, Vice-President, or President, what was Hunter and his uncle, selling?

All his credit cards and bills were still listing his father's address through the end of 2019 is what was reported.

Most wire transfers are done via online.

They are not checks delivered to a person at their house, unless smaller amounts with a western union delivery usually etc?

The address Comer is tickling your fantasies with on the money wire transfer where Hunter listed his home address as his father's address, was all done via the internet and bank accounts or corporate accounts etc.... But not via someone delivering a money wire check to Hunter at his father's house.

WHY DOES IT MATTER whether the wired money to Hunter, from a business partner or friend or foe, had Hunter's address as his dad's house....? IF it was a delivered wire transfer, then Hunter was at his dad's house when it was delivered..... Wire transfers are made out to a person, not an address...?

if the wire transfer was done online to one of Hunter's personal or Hunter's business's accounts, he was still using the Delaware address as his home address for his billing address and not Malibu.

So again, what does this have to do with Joe Biden? And what has your undies in a wad?
I didn't ask for evasions and third-hand testimony. I asked for evidence that the physical laptop existed, and you whiffed along with all the others.

You can show the FBI had files, which no one denies. After all, the Russians made up the fake disk image and passed in on to Rudy, after inserting a lot of fakes. And then the Republicans used the Russian fraud pieces, willingly, even knowing their origin. But you can't show any actual laptop ever existed.

You fell for a scam. And that scam is now part of your religion, a religion that has replaced Christianity among the Trump cultists. You can no more admit you were scammed than a muslim could say Mohommed is not the prophet.
Trump cult sore-losers, your BigLie camapign here is flopping as hard as all of your BigLie campaigns do.

You know what to do -- the same thing you always do.

Run back to your commie masters, drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, thank them for lying to you, and BEG for new and better lies.

Sure, the new lies won't work any better, but what else do you have?

And Markle, I'm sure that "laptop" will show up any day. After all, the party says it will.

Trump cult sore-losers, your BigLie camapign here is flopping as hard as all of your BigLie campaigns do.

You know what to do -- the same thing you always do.

Run back to your commie masters, drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, thank them for lying to you, and BEG for new and better lies.

Sure, the new lies won't work any better, but what else do you have?

And Markle, I'm sure that "laptop" will show up any day. After all, the party says it will.


It keeps coming more and more together.

It may not always be true that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But if a place starts to stink like rotten fish, sooner or later it makes good sense to see if something fell out of the garbage can.

And this whole Biden Family Corruption thing is starting to stink to high Heaven.
Analyzing the chron in this OP report, the first entry: the question of Joe Biden's writing of college recommendations for Li's (communist) children. Where is the House Oversight document for this? The time span is 2009-2017, and 2017 is certainly the year for noting communist sleeper cells.

It was Mind Wars who first made the Huazhong connection which eventually became the link to Hunter Biden's Metabiota PEDV coronavirus @ Nanaimo, British Columbia:

19 Ap 2018 Post #1
'....Huazhong University of Science and Technology....University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign....'

Where are the college recommendation documents that Joe Biden wrote for communist Chinese such as Jonathan Li (aka Li Xiang Sheng)?
Do you even realize you're just babbling made up stuff? Probably not, given what a cult imbecile you are.

So why are you pushing the fantasy stories about a "laptop"? Becaue the cult told you to, and you're gullible and stupid even by brainwashed cult loser standards.

I do understand your hostility. I'm laughing one of the sacred pillars of your religion. You're like a jihadist now, enraged because I mocked the prophet.
I realize you have no valid contributions to make.

You are wrong about the laptop and can’t address it meaningfully.

When I accuse you of babbling, you become highly creative and claim that I am the one babbling. 🙄

The fact is, although you libturds always and forever claim that Trump supporters are a “cult,” we aren’t and never have been. Unlike you idiots, we recognize the serious malfunctioning of our government and seek to address it before it completely breaks.

All you shitheads give a crap about is power. And it doesn’t phase you in the slightest when mental cases like Potato are the ones wielding such power.
Do YOU open your adult children's mail?
You mean with permission or without?

If Pappy sees a business envelope addressed to his shithead son, but mailed to Pappy’s address, pappy might call shithead son.

P: “hey shithead son. You got a letter today. Looks promising. I assume it’s a paycheck. ((Chuckles weirdly.))”

H: “uhm. Yeah. Hey dad, can I keep some of it this time?”

P: “sure, shithead son. Let me open it and see how much.”

H: “uhm. Yeah. Ok. I guess …”

P: ((interrupting shithead son)). “Tell ya what. I’ll deposit it and keep 50%. Sound good? Great. Well bye now, shithead.” ((Hangs up phone))

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