Hunter will be indicted by the end of the month according to the DOJ

Exactly. Prosecute Trump illegally over nothing, don't prosecute the Bidens over several felonies. Even the Dimmest of voters can see the truth.

First problem. Trump appears to have broken the law.

Second. You can’t prosecute Joe while he is in office.
Hunter is a 'famous' artist?

WASHINGTON (TND) — The identity of a substantial supporter of Hunter Biden’s art career has been revealed as a top Democratic donor, Business Insider reported Monday.
The individual, who Insider identifies as Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, now sits on the Biden-appointed Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Members of the commission are unpaid volunteers but can typically end up being appointed to higher positions such as U.S. ambassadors, Insider wrote. They are charged with tasks such as locating historical sites across the world that are tied to U.S. heritage and encourage their preservation.
Naftali, who works as a Los Angeles real estate investor, previously donated $13,414 to the Biden campaign and $29,700 to the Democratic National Campaign Committee. She also bought art created by Hunter Biden for an unspecified amount, Insider says.
WASHINGTON (TND) — The identity of a substantial supporter of Hunter Biden’s art career has been revealed as a top Democratic donor, Business Insider reported Monday.
The individual, who Insider identifies as Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, now sits on the Biden-appointed Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Members of the commission are unpaid volunteers but can typically end up being appointed to higher positions such as U.S. ambassadors, Insider wrote. They are charged with tasks such as locating historical sites across the world that are tied to U.S. heritage and encourage their preservation.
Naftali, who works as a Los Angeles real estate investor, previously donated $13,414 to the Biden campaign and $29,700 to the Democratic National Campaign Committee. She also bought art created by Hunter Biden for an unspecified amount, Insider says.
Wow? A donor!

Call Clarence Thomas, quick!
Joe Biden did not steal any documents. No one with any credibility has ever suggest that.

Go crawl back under your rock.
He possessed classified documents he had no business having outside of several locations, including his homes.
I guess they just followed him there on their own.
Wow? A donor!
The individual, who Insider identifies as Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, now sits on the Biden-appointed Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Members of the commission are unpaid volunteers but can typically end up being appointed to higher positions such as U.S. ambassadors, Insider wrote.
Joe Biden did not steal any documents. No one with any credibility has ever suggest that.

Go crawl back under your rock.

Then how did the treasure trove of classified documents find it's way behind the Corvette in his garage? Grew feet and walked?

A HELL OF A LOT OF PEOPLE say he stole classified documents. We just wonder why Biden can do it and Trump can't when Trump had the power the declassify and Biden didn't. Meaning, let me dumb this down for liberals, that Trump COULD legally have them and Biden never legally could.
He possessed classified documents he had no business having outside of several locations, including his homes.
I guess they just followed him there on their own.
Hunter, Hunter, Hunter...

This is what you people as surrogates for Trump are running on?
how pathetic

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