Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

Except you have yet to prove that those business interests got anything for the supposed money they were paying. (Other than the consulting services they paid for.)
I don't need to prove that Shokin got fired, moron.

Do you mean after he was directed to do so by Obama at the insistence of the EU, IMF, and World Bank? Damn, man, those Bursima guys had to be pretty dumb to pay Hunter for something Joe was going to do anyway.
That's all been proven to be total bullshit. Biden did it without any direction from Obama.
And he hasn't been denied that right, but he refuses to go along with protocol, and that is a problem for him and his dear OLD dad

Not at all. Please tell me where someone is required to testify in a SECRET hearing. If Congress wants to ask him questions, do it publicly.

The problem is you guys don't want a repeat of the Bill Clinton testimony, where people felt bad when they saw what Starr was up to.

We know why Shokin was fired, so do yourself a favor and go find something "ANYTHING" that you might think that you could be better at, because you suck at this.
Well, informed people know he was fired for corruption.

Conspiracy nuts think that he was fired for an investigation he wasn't conducting.
He was fired by the Rada, not Biden.

YOu failed civics, didn't you? We don't have secret trials in this country.
it's no secret, moron. It's just not televised.

Adam Schiff for brains conducted a secret trial every day, jackass. The Congressmen who attended them weren't even allowed to talk about them.
In the subpoena, dumbass.

Which is unconstitutional, as Congress is not a court.

it's no secret, moron. It's just not televised.
Um, that by definintion makes them secret.

The real question is why the Republicans don't want an open forum.

Adam Schiff for brains conducted a secret trial every day, jackass. The Congressmen who attended them weren't even allowed to talk about them.
Those actually involved intelligence reports...
Not at all. Please tell me where someone is required to testify in a SECRET hearing. If Congress wants to ask him questions, do it publicly.

The problem is you guys don't want a repeat of the Bill Clinton testimony, where people felt bad when they saw what Starr was up to.

Well, informed people know he was fired for corruption.

Conspiracy nuts think that he was fired for an investigation he wasn't conducting.
Yeah, well where does Biden come into all of this then ? Right smack dab in the middle of it is where, and it's when he ran his arrogant mouth in a way that showed the world his good ole boy roots, and how he figured he could leverage money for results against a foreign official in which he had absolutely no legal right to say what he did in regards too or he had no legal right to involve himself in foreign affair's by way of a quid pro quo.
His constitutional rights are a "Special treatment"? He has every right to confront his accusers in an open forum.
Nobody is taking away his right to confront his accusers in an open forum, Joey! He'll testify in public right after he's deposed. Just like the Trump kids were deposed! Just like the whistle blowers were deposed. Just like every other witness has been deposed. So why does Hunter not have to do what Don Jr did twice and Ivanka did once?
One of the prime reasons for conducting depositions is to get testimony under oath that has been changing over time. Take for example the Biden families ever changing wording of how involved Joe was with the deal making Hunter was doing. The wording has gone from my son didn't make ANY money from China two years ago to Joe Biden wasn't involved financially in any of the deals. The more evidence that comes out...the more the story changes. That's being dishonest but if you're not under oath...that's not illegal. When you sit down for a deposition under oath and make're going to be charged with lying to Federal officers if you later change your story. That's why they want to depose, have him on the record...under oath! It's why Hunter is avoiding being deposed.
Which is unconstitutional, as Congress is not a court.
He wasn't on trial, moron. The Constitution gave Congress the authority to issue subpeonas.

Um, that by definintion makes them secret.
No it doesn't, jackass. Any Congressmember who attended is free to discuss what was said. Schiff's inquisitions, on the other hand, couldn't be discussed.

The real question is why the Republicans don't want an open forum.
That's been explained numerous times.

Those actually involved intelligence reports...
How does that make them not a trial if this hearing is a trial?
Not at all. Please tell me where someone is required to testify in a SECRET hearing. If Congress wants to ask him questions, do it publicly.

The problem is you guys don't want a repeat of the Bill Clinton testimony, where people felt bad when they saw what Starr was up to.

Well, informed people know he was fired for corruption.

Conspiracy nuts think that he was fired for an investigation he wasn't conducting.
Why are you so afraid of Hunter Biden first testifying in depth in secret and then having a produced-made TV show?

Everyone is happy!
Not at all. Please tell me where someone is required to testify in a SECRET hearing. If Congress wants to ask him questions, do it publicly.
Congress has the authority to issue subpoenas, for whatever purpose it likes, and the recipients are required to comply with them.
Nobody is taking away his right to confront his accusers in an open forum, Joey! He'll testify in public right after he's deposed. Just like the Trump kids were deposed! Just like the whistle blowers were deposed. Just like every other witness has been deposed. So why does Hunter not have to do what Don Jr did twice and Ivanka did once?

Or he can just testify in public without a deposition, which he isn't required to give.

A deposition is not a secret trial, Joey! God, you're an idiot!

Sure it is. Seems to me that if the Republicans know they've got the goods on Hunter, they'd be happy for a public forum.

They don't.

They want a secret deposition so they can make claims about what was said that wasn't.

One of the prime reasons for conducting depositions is to get testimony under oath that has been changing over time. Take for example the Biden families ever changing wording of how involved Joe was with the deal making Hunter was doing. The wording has gone from my son didn't make ANY money from China two years ago to Joe Biden wasn't involved financially in any of the deals. The more evidence that comes out...the more the story changes. That's being dishonest but if you're not under oath...that's not illegal. When you sit down for a deposition under oath and make're going to be charged with lying to Federal officers if you later change your story. That's why they want to depose, have him on the record...under oath! It's why Hunter is avoiding being deposed.
Yeah, you must have missed that part about the Fifth and Sixth Amendments in Civics class.

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