Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

Was it a weapon or tough love.

One more time, it wasn't Biden insisting on firing Shokin because he didn't like him. It was the US, IMF, and EU all insisting that Shokin had to go because his office was rife with corruption. Biden was delivering a message everyone- including GOP Senators - wanted delivered. You want money, you need to clean up your act.

The funniest part is you believe all of that.

Tell us again why Hunter just happened to be hired(and paid millions) by this Ukrainian company that was at the center of this controversy, while is dad was VP and the special envoy in charge of negotiating this deal?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck.
Was it a weapon or tough love.

One more time, it wasn't Biden insisting on firing Shokin because he didn't like him. It was the US, IMF, and EU all insisting that Shokin had to go because his office was rife with corruption. Biden was delivering a message everyone- including GOP Senators - wanted delivered. You want money, you need to clean up your act.
Stop with the bull shite already.
I sold a piece of property a few years ago for 3.5 times the amount it appraised for 6 months before. It sold for 6 times the appraisal value. It was not in the historic register and could not be deemed irreplaceable. Trump's personal assessment of Mar-a-Largo was his own opinion of the value of the property. It was no more off base than the tax appraisal that the judge cited in his ruling. Regardless, the bank did their own due diligence and knew that Trump's assets exceeded his loan value.

I wasn't talking about Mar-a-Lago. I was talking about the Penthouse in the Trump Tower that Trump described as being 30,000 square feet when it was in fact only 10,000 square feet. That's not a "matter of opinion", that's outright fraud.

Why? They aren't able to get IDs? This is a lame excuse.

It took us two months to get my wife's name and address changed on her ID, and I had to travel to another town to do it. Fortunately, we had the time, resources and patience to do it.

When people start voting themselves a paycheck, regardless of the consequences for the country, we are lost. You and many Democrats are too stupid to understand that concept, but hey, it is what it is.

Are we lost? Besides the fact we already spend far more on Middle Class entitlements than we do on poverty relief, this is a bit of a whine. We've been "voting ourselves" paychecks for 70 years, and frankly, we've been fine.

The real problem is wealth inequality. If the wealth were evenly distributed, we would solve most of our problems. Instead, we are going in the wrong direction.


But you'll scratch your big monkey cranium wondering why all these young kids are voting for Bernie.


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I wasn't talking about Mar-a-Lago. I was talking about the Penthouse in the Trump Tower that Trump described as being 30,000 square feet when it was in fact only 10,000 square feet. That's not a "matter of opinion", that's outright fraud.

It took us two months to get my wife's name and address changed on her ID, and I had to travel to another town to do it. Fortunately, we had the time, resources and patience to do it.

Are we lost? Besides the fact we already spend far more on Middle Class entitlements than we do on poverty relief, this is a bit of a whine. We've been "voting ourselves" paychecks for 70 years, and frankly, we've been fine.

The real problem is wealth inequality. If the wealth were evenly distributed, we would solve most of our problems. Instead, we are going in the wrong direction.

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But you'll scratch your big monkey cranium wondering why all these young kids are voting for Bernie.
Your political operatives have you ready on the button in order to post in case of emergency eh ???? 😂
The funniest part is you believe all of that.

Tell us again why Hunter just happened to be hired(and paid millions) by this Ukrainian company that was at the center of this controversy, while is dad was VP and the special envoy in charge of negotiating this deal?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck.

Same reason George W. Bush put him on the Amtrak Board. He was actually a pretty capable guy with a good reputation.

Since the chair of Bursima still got investigated by the guy who succeeded Shokin, it doesn't sound like they got that much for their troubles.
It took us two months to get my wife's name and address changed on her ID, and I had to travel to another town to do it. Fortunately, we had the time, resources and patience to do it.

That is the price you pay for living in a blue area with lots of government overhead. Where I live, she would have gotten an ID in 45 min., including the drive time.

The real problem is wealth inequality. If the wealth were evenly distributed, we would solve most of our problems. Instead, we are going in the wrong direction.

You can't simply give people money to make them equal. Some people are irresponsible, lazy and inept. How long will it last giving them the same amount of money as the responsible, hard working and competent person? What incentive does that person have to work?

In your wee little mind, we should pay doctors 75k/yr and pay garbage collectors 50k/yr. We should all have the same opportunities, but that doesn't mean we will all be equal in the end. Life doesn't work that way.

Since the chair of Bursima still got investigated by the guy who succeeded Shokin, it doesn't sound like they got that much for their troubles.

They got plenty. The investigation ended in less than a year after the new guy took over and the CEO of Burisma is now living in Monaco.
That is the price you pay for living in a blue area with lots of government overhead. Where I live, she would have gotten an ID in 45 min., including the drive time.

You can't simply give people money to make them equal. Some people are irresponsible, lazy and inept. How long will it last giving them the same amount of money as the responsible, hard working and competent person? What incentive does that person have to work?

In your wee little mind, we should pay doctors 75k/yr and pay garbage collectors 50k/yr. We should all have the same opportunities, but that doesn't mean we will all be equal in the end. Life doesn't work that way.

They got plenty. The investigation ended in less than a year after the new guy took over and the CEO of Burisma is now living in Monaco.
Joe is a waste of space on these boards, but Joe gonna Joe no matter how wrong his crazy ace is. 😂
That is the price you pay for living in a blue area with lots of government overhead. Where I live, she would have gotten an ID in 45 min., including the drive time.

Oh, please, whenever you wingnuts argue against universal health care, you scream about the awfulness of the DMV. DMVs are awful no matter what state you live in, but you want them to be the arbiter of who gets to vote and where, as long as you can make it more difficult for poor people.

You can't simply give people money to make them equal. Some people are irresponsible, lazy and inept. How long will it last giving them the same amount of money as the responsible, hard working and competent person? What incentive does that person have to work?

What incentive do they have to work minimum-wage crap jobs now? The reality is, most people on assistance ARE working those jobs. Companies like WalMart and McDonalds instruct their employees how to apply for SNAP and Section 8.

In your wee little mind, we should pay doctors 75k/yr and pay garbage collectors 50k/yr. We should all have the same opportunities, but that doesn't mean we will all be equal in the end. Life doesn't work that way.

Garbage Collectors in Chicago belong to a union and make $75,000. One of the kids I grew up with collected his Union paycheck, listened to hate radio all day, and repeated whatever Rush used to say like he had an original thought.

Anyone who puts in a hard day work should get the rewards of doing so, period, full fucking stop. No one should make excessive money. Should a burger flipper make the same as a doctor? Nope. Should the burger flipper be able to put a roof over his head and food on the table without government help? Yes.

Ironically, in your quest to screw working folks, you've actually made the nanny-state more attractive, not less.

They got plenty. The investigation ended in less than a year after the new guy took over and the CEO of Burisma is now living in Monaco.

He's living in Monoco because he's under indictment in Ukraine. Doesn't sound like he got all that much for these supposed bribes.
  • Funny
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Imagine the shit storm by the media if Trumps kids were even half as shitty as Hunter!!! The media tries to cover for Hunter. The fact that they have never had a single story on Trumps kids proves they are clean as a whistle, because you can bet your ass the media has searched long and hard to try and dig up dirt on them!!!! The Bidens are the biggest pieces of shit in American political history, and thats saying something considering weve had Hillary, Bill, Michael and his husband in office!!!!
You think way to highly of yourself, but Joe gonna Joe huh ??

You have a point. Debating with you is like taking candy from a retard.

Imagine the shit storm by the media if Trumps kids were even half as shitty as Hunter!!! The media tries to cover for Hunter. The fact that they have never had a single story on Trumps kids proves they are clean as a whistle, because you can bet your ass the media has searched long and hard to try and dig up dirt on them!!!! The Bidens are the biggest pieces of shit in American political history, and thats saying something considering weve had Hillary, Bill, Michael and his husband in office!!!!

Trump's kids are FAR shittier than Hunter. Never saw Hunter (despite his name) being proud of murdering animals.



The Trump brothers are knee deep in that Fraud Trial in New York.

Jared did a 2 Billion dollar deal with the Saudis - you know, the folks who brought us 9/11.
You have a point. Debating with you is like taking candy from a retard.

Trump's kids are FAR shittier than Hunter. Never saw Hunter (despite his name) being proud of murdering animals.

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View attachment 878039

The Trump brothers are knee deep in that Fraud Trial in New York.

Jared did a 2 Billion dollar deal with the Saudis - you know, the folks who brought us 9/11.
If they did wrong, then it should even strengthen the cases against these types of things going on, and the investigator's should leave no stone unturned including with Hunter's stash of stones.

Everyone in government needs to fear engaging in such things in the future, otherwise if the world even has a future much longer.
If they did wrong, then it should even strengthen the cases against these types of things going on, and the investigator's should leave no stone unturned including with Hunter's stash of stones.

Everyone in government needs to fear engaging in such things in the future, otherwise if the world even has a future much longer.

Or we can just get real that if his name wasn't Hunter Biden, no one would care what he was doing.

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