Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

Seriously, I expect he will, but only after his own trial, though too late to help their "inquiry" if you can call it that.
Hunter is going to take the 5th or simply not remember anything, White! It'll all be one long drug induced black out. "I'm an addict...I can't remember..." (Cue crocodile tears!)
He set the bar with Bannon. Congressional vote for criminal contempt in October, indict in November, trial in July
If there was equal justice under the Biden DOJ then you'd be right, Rawley but it's obvious that there isn't! They don't even care how bad it looks at this point. They think their friends in the Main Stream Media will cover their asses for them!

The only way that changes is if Joe's poll numbers are SO bad they want to get rid of him! If that happens they'll turn on all of the Bidens so fast it will make Joe's head spin!
Hunter is going to take the 5th or simply not remember anything, White! It'll all be one long drug induced black out. "I'm an addict...I can't remember..." (Cue crocodile tears!)
Well, then, no loss, eh? Just egg on the face of the committee.
The Trump children sat through closed depositions and then answered questions from members of Congress. Hunter Biden refuses to be deposed under oath. Gee, what are you hiding, Hunter?
He offered to do it publicly. Didn’t want the GOP spinning stuff that happened behind closed doors .wouldnt you agree that public is better
He wants to testify publicly because Cummer & Gymmy along with the rest of Trump's ratpack can't be trusted not to lie about closed door testimony.

If they want to do Trump's dirty work they can go back to washing his ass.
If they lie about his closed door deposition then they'll get their asses handed to them when Hunter testifies in front of the cameras. Sorry, Clipper but that excuse doesn't pass the smell test. Hunter doesn't want to get grilled by people who aren't limited to five minutes. He knows how that's going to turn out. He also doesn't want to get caught lying under oath. Being deposed and then testifying in public makes it harder to keep your story straight when you're lying.
If there was equal justice under the Biden DOJ then you'd be right, Rawley but it's obvious that there isn't! They don't even care how bad it looks at this point. They think their friends in the Main Stream Media will cover their asses for them!

The only way that changes is if Joe's poll numbers are SO bad they want to get rid of him! If that happens they'll turn on all of the Bidens so fast it will make Joe's head spin!
The Repubs have them on the ropes now. THe question is if they have they have the balls to keep punching and punching and punching until they tap out.
Well, then, no loss, eh? Just egg on the face of the committee.
With all due respect, White? If Hunter goes in front of the country under oath and starts taking the 5th or saying he doesn't remember's going to be egg on the face of the Biden family. Especially if they all suddenly develop terrible memories after being subpoenaed. That's gonna be an UGLY visual going into the election next Fall!
He offered to do it publicly. Didn’t want the GOP spinning stuff that happened behind closed doors .wouldnt you agree that public is better
It's not an either or thing, Slade. You get deposed. Then you testify. That's how it went with the Trump kids. That's how it went with the whistleblowers. They aren't asking Hunter to do anything that's out of the norm.
Who cares what he wants? His testimony isn't voluntary.
Apparently it is since Trump made congressional subpoenas a joke.

But back to the question. If you had valid evidence and a strong case then why not hold a public hearing? The GOPs refusal to do that shows their cards. Bluff. Biden takes the pot
What "crimes" are the Trump children being charged with, Dado? I know you on the left would LOVE to try and charge them but unlike Hunter...the Trump kids are straight arrows.

The entire Biden family is guilty of influence peddling. Why you think there isn't an "actual crime" to investigate amuses me. It's literally the biggest influence peddling scheme in the country's history!
The Trumpettes will be charged in Smith's own good time. Then watch the little piggies squeal. n daddy, on each other. It'll be like a Partridge Family remake.

I can't speak to what amuses you. I'm sure that's private information you'd rather not disclose. But the Comer investigation has been better than the Keystone Kops meets Car 54 led by Deputy Dawg.
Apparently it is since Trump made congressional subpoenas a joke.

But back to the question. If you had valid evidence and a strong case then why not hold a public hearing? The GOPs refusal to do that shows their cards. Bluff. Biden takes the pot
Why should Hunter resist being deposed? The Trump kids didn't. Don Jr. was deposed two times. You're deposed and then you testify in front of the committee. That's the way it's worked with everyone else. So why is Hunter special?
The Trumpettes will be charged in Smith's own good time. Then watch the little piggies squeal. n daddy, on each other. It'll be like a Partridge Family remake.

I can't speak to what amuses you. I'm sure that's private information you'd rather not disclose. But the Comer investigation has been better than the Keystone Kops meets Car 54 led by Deputy Dawg.
I hate to break this to you, Dado but the Comer investigation has been slow and thorough. They're taking the time to unravel the money trail that the Biden's deliberately tried to hide what was going on. Follow the money! It's a saying that get's used a lot but that's because it applies. You've got 25,000,000 plus dollars coming from sketchy individuals and laundered through some 20 shell companies set up for no other reason BUT money laundering! It's all going to come out. And they've got almost a year to make it happen.
With all due respect, White? If Hunter goes in front of the country under oath and starts taking the 5th or saying he doesn't remember's going to be egg on the face of the Biden family. Especially if they all suddenly develop terrible memories after being subpoenaed. That's gonna be an UGLY visual going into the election next Fall!
Whatever. It will be after his own trial. That is the earliest, they will have anything over him, to get him to testify, at all, and they might not be able to get anything good out of him, even if he doesn 't take the 5th, as you say he will. Remember, Georgetown Law Center and JD from Yale Law. The committee is partisan republican lawyers. They are like other partisan Republican Lawyers, same caliber as Trump had. You really don't expect much, do you? Why do you think they refused to do open committee with C-Span? They didn't want to be embarrassed.
Whatever. It will be after his own trial. That is the earliest, they will have anything over him, to get him to testify, at all, and they might not be able to get anything good out of him, even if he doesn 't take the 5th, as you say he will. Remember, Georgetown Law Center and JD from Yale Law. The committee is partisan republican lawyers. They are like other partisan Republican Lawyers, same caliber as Trump had. You really don't expect much, do you? Why do you think they refused to do open committee with C-Span? They didn't want to be embarrassed.
After who's trial?
I don't even know what you're talking about from Georgetown Law Center on...
Why should Hunter resist being deposed? The Trump kids didn't. Don Jr. was deposed two times. You're deposed and then you testify in front of the committee. That's the way it's worked with everyone else. So why is Hunter special?
He is resisting a closed door depo because he believes the GOP is politicizing this to go after his father and they will spin up anything they get behind closed doors to push their narrative. He would rather air it in a public hearing so the people can see and decide for themselves. Why do you take issue with that?
He is resisting a closed door depo because he believes the GOP is politicizing this to go after his father and they will spin up anything they get behind closed doors to push their narrative. He would rather air it in a public hearing so the people can see and decide for themselves. Why do you take issue with that?
Well of course they're after his father! Duh! Joe's the guy who the whole influence peddling scheme revolves around, Slade! The fact that this is "political" in no way changes the fact that the Biden family is neck deep in the worst influence peddling scheme this country has ever seen!
He is resisting a closed door depo because he believes the GOP is politicizing this to go after his father and they will spin up anything they get behind closed doors to push their narrative. He would rather air it in a public hearing so the people can see and decide for themselves. Why do you take issue with that?
And if he's worried about "spin" from his closed door deposition? Then he should be chomping at the bit to testify in public...right? Want to bet how THAT'S going to play out, Slade? My prediction is that he'll also refuse to testify in front of Congress. He'll use the charges brought against him by Weiss as his excuse not to testify.
Well of course they're after his father! Duh! Joe's the guy who the whole influence peddling scheme revolves around, Slade! The fact that this is "political" in no way changes the fact that the Biden family is neck deep in the worst influence peddling scheme this country has ever seen!
Yeah right… and in 2016 Crooked Hillary and the Clinton crime family were the worst thing America has ever seen. Don’t be such a sucker. Trumps game is to demonize his opponents. He take advance of gullible suckers to push his conspiracies. Be better than that.

Now try to answer… if the GoP has a strong case and compelling evidence then why not do a public hearing for us all to see?
Yeah right… and in 2016 Crooked Hillary and the Clinton crime family were the worst thing America has ever seen. Don’t be such a sucker. Trumps game is to demonize his opponents. He take advance of gullible suckers to push his conspiracies. Be better than that.

Now try to answer… if the GoP has a strong case and compelling evidence then why not do a public hearing for us all to see?
What the Biden's have done has NOTHING to do with Donald Trump, Slade! Sorry but it doesn't. They were influence peddling before Trump ever came down the escalator and declared he was running for President!

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