Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

If the truth about the Bidens had been known before that last election there isn't a chance in hell that Joe Biden would have ever been elected President, Slade! He got in because those 51 former intelligence officials lied for him and the Main Stream Media went along for the ride. The "sucker" was you and anyone else who voted for Biden!
The only relevant truth is there is no evidence of wrongdoing on Joe's part.

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.
Hunter was ready and willing to testify.
He had seen how Republicans spin what happened in closed door meetings and wasn’t playing their game.

Hunter: I’m here and ready to face extreme MAGA republicans!

Hunter drives away without facing anything.

Leftards: Hunter was willing to face extreme MAGA republicans but the will twist his testimony so it’s all good.
Hunter: I’m here and ready to face extreme MAGA republicans!

Hunter drives away without facing anything.

Leftards: Hunter was willing to face extreme MAGA republicans but the will twist his testimony so it’s all good.
Why won’t Republicans allow him to testify in an arena they can’t spin?
As with the big steal, you folks seem to think you can get away with repeating the same BS lie that there's no evidence.

The evidence is all over the place. That's why the FBI is raiding the homes of anyone who knows what the evidence is and is in a position to prove it in a court of law.
This is the part when, if you are aware of actual evidence after the 6 year long investigation by the SC, and congressional Repubs investigating for almost a year, you present it. Not continue with innuendo, suppositions, and anecdotes that are woven together to give the appearance of impropriety.
I hate to break this to you, Dado but the Comer investigation has been slow and thorough. They're taking the time to unravel the money trail that the Biden's deliberately tried to hide what was going on. Follow the money! It's a saying that get's used a lot but that's because it applies. You've got 25,000,000 plus dollars coming from sketchy individuals and laundered through some 20 shell companies set up for no other reason BUT money laundering! It's all going to come out. And they've got almost a year to make it happen.

They've had almost a year and the only thing they've come up with is that they haven't a single crime or even bad political act upon which to base this stupidity.

Maybe, just maybe, if the GOP spent some time governing rather than revenging they might be able to hold the house...


They've had almost a year and the only thing they've come up with is that they haven't a single crime or even bad political act upon which to base this stupidity.

Maybe, just maybe, if the GOP spent some time governing rather than revenging they might be able to hold the house...

They don't really have an agenda the majority of Americans is willing to support. Which is why they spend their time on witch hunts.
This is the part when, if you are aware of actual evidence after the 6 year long investigation by the SC, and congressional Repubs investigating for almost a year, you present it. Not continue with innuendo, suppositions, and anecdotes that are woven together to give the appearance of impropriety.
Sorry....but stealing people's personal bank records and posting them online is against the law, you stupid twat.
They don't really have an agenda the majority of Americans is willing to support. Which is why they spend their time on witch hunts.
All they have is anger and hate.
Which is great for rousing the base but horrible for governing.
Which is why in January 2025 the Dems will retake the house, expand the Senate majority and inaugurate Joe Biden for his 2nd term.
Anger, hate and FEAR
If only they'd listened before...

Apparently it is since Trump made congressional subpoenas a joke.
How did Trump do that?

But back to the question. If you had valid evidence and a strong case then why not hold a public hearing? The GOPs refusal to do that shows their cards. Bluff. Biden takes the pot
Simple: the format of public testimony does not allow interviewers to ask in depth questions. It's designed to allow witnesses to put on a show. It's a farce.
The only relevant truth is there is no evidence of wrongdoing on Joe's part.

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.
The Trump children sat through closed depositions and then answered questions from members of Congress. Hunter Biden refuses to be deposed under oath. Gee, what are you hiding, Hunter?
Were they under indictment at the time?

Oh, that's right, they weren't.

Hunter is perfectly willing to testify, IN AN OPEN FORUM.

If you guys really think you have the goods on him, why not do it publicly?

Or are you afraid that you will just look like you are picking on the president's kid?

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