Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

Yeah right… and in 2016 Crooked Hillary and the Clinton crime family were the worst thing America has ever seen. Don’t be such a sucker. Trumps game is to demonize his opponents. He take advance of gullible suckers to push his conspiracies. Be better than that.

Now try to answer… if the GoP has a strong case and compelling evidence then why not do a public hearing for us all to see?
They've already said that they will do a public hearing. It will take place right after Hunter is deposed...just like what happened with the Trump kids and the whistleblowers! You really don't grasp that this is just smoke and mirrors from Hunter's lawyer. He doesn't want any part of Hunter being deposed under oath.
After who's trial?
I don't even know what you're talking about from Georgetown Law Center on...
Hunter will go on an actual trial of his own on 9 felony counts, before you will ever see him in front of the committee, he basically told to kiss off. Yes, Hunter got his Bachelors at Georgetown, did a year at Georgetown Law, then transferred to Yale Law to get his doctor of Jurisprudence. Don't expect the committee to get much. Remember how Trump's lawyers did, after the election, and for that matter since. Remember how effective the Republican Congressional lawyers were with getting anything out of Hillary, back then or since then? The DOJ may do fine in court, but don't expect much out of the House Congressional Committee, even if there is something to get, their ilk does not have much of a history of getting it.
What the Biden's have done has NOTHING to do with Donald Trump, Slade! Sorry but it doesn't. They were influence peddling before Trump ever came down the escalator and declared he was running for President!
Oh BS. Trump went after Joe and Hunter to try and set up an October surprise last election and it blew up in his face. All this is is persisting on those accusations. And what do ya know. It just so happens to be coming to a head next election cycle. Don’t be a sucker
They've already said that they will do a public hearing. It will take place right after Hunter is deposed...just like what happened with the Trump kids and the whistleblowers! You really don't grasp that this is just smoke and mirrors from Hunter's lawyer. He doesn't want any part of Hunter being deposed under oath.
Yeah, right… after they are done phishing. Right? All of a sudden are yall fans of promoting witch hunts? How did that happen??
Hunter will go on an actual trial of his own on 9 felony counts, before you will ever see him in front of the committee, he basically told to kiss off. Yes, Hunter got his Bachelors at Georgetown, did a year at Georgetown Law, then transferred to Yale Law to get his doctor of Jurisprudence. Don't expect the committee to get much. Remember how Trump's lawyers did, after the election, and for that matter since. Remember how effective the Republican Congressional lawyers were with getting anything out of Hillary, back then or since then? The DOJ may do fine in court, but don't expect much out of the House Congressional Committee, even if there is something to get, their ilk does not have much of a history of getting it.
They're going to have Hunter on tax charges, White. He didn't pay taxes on the millions he was taking in. He's just lucky the Garland DOJ bailed him out on two years of tax charges by letting the statute of limitations run out.
Does it bother you that Joe Biden was lecturing the rest of us Americans about how the rich weren't paying their fair share while HIS family was raking in millions and not paying taxes?
Yeah, right… after they are done phishing. Right? All of a sudden are yall fans of promoting witch hunts? How did that happen??
How is making Hunter do the same thing that everyone else has done a "witch hunt"?

That POS took in millions in bribes...didn't pay taxes...didn't pay child support...but you think he's a victim! He's got to be laughing his ass off at how naive people like you are, Slade!
Oh BS. Trump went after Joe and Hunter to try and set up an October surprise last election and it blew up in his face. All this is is persisting on those accusations. And what do ya know. It just so happens to be coming to a head next election cycle. Don’t be a sucker
If the truth about the Bidens had been known before that last election there isn't a chance in hell that Joe Biden would have ever been elected President, Slade! He got in because those 51 former intelligence officials lied for him and the Main Stream Media went along for the ride. The "sucker" was you and anyone else who voted for Biden!
They did not have criminal charges filed on them, at the time.
Yes, that's EXACTLY correct!!!!
They only had FAKE ACCUSATIONS provided and PAYED FOR by Crooked HILLARY CLINTON!!!!!
Fucking FAKE Russia Russia Russia BULLSHIT!!!!
What a SHAME that the demented LEFT put this country through!!!!!
If they lie about his closed door deposition then they'll get their asses handed to them when Hunter testifies in front of the cameras. Sorry, Clipper but that excuse doesn't pass the smell test. Hunter doesn't want to get grilled by people who aren't limited to five minutes. He knows how that's going to turn out. He also doesn't want to get caught lying under oath. Being deposed and then testifying in public makes it harder to keep your story straight when you're lying.

Republicans understand the short term memory of a news story.
Initial reports are what tend to stick.
So Republicans hold closed door meetings and then spin and cherry pick the news release.

They don't care if the truth eventually gets out
Hunter has a ton of evidence to hide.
And his Daddy's the president.....and nobody can make him do nuttin.
He does? This ton of evidence, you're saying he hid it from David Weiss for 6 years?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The prosecutor overseeing the Hunter Biden investigation testified Tuesday that he had the ultimate authority in the yearslong case as he made an unprecedented appearance before Congress to rebut Republicans’ explosive claims that the probe has been plagued with interference.
Why not do it in public?
What Hunter wants is to show up for a couple hours of questions, half of which will be democrats trying to deflect and confuse the public, and the other half would be Hunter avoiding questions from the GOP. Then after a couple hours of that useless exercise, he would leave and never return, using the excuse "see, i showed up. Now they cant ever ask me to come back again."

Not good enough. We will instead have actual lawyers grill him for 10 hours behind closed doors where he wont have dipshits like Raskin and Goldman providing cover for his corruption. If Hunter gives them a false answer, they will find out, then when they bring him in for the public hearing, they will throw all of his lies in his face for the world to see.
The Trump children sat through closed depositions
Eric and Donnie J were named in the NY fraud case.

Former President Trump’s adult sons are expected to take to the stand this week to testify about their roles in the Trump Organization as part of the sweeping New York fraud case putting the family’s business empire at risk.

Donald Trump Jr., Trump’s oldest child, and Eric Trump, the ex-president’s second son, are parties in the New York attorney general’s lawsuit, which claims the family’s business for decades falsely inflated and deflated the value of its assets to receive lower taxes and better insurance coverage.

He does? This ton of evidence, you're saying he hid it from David Weiss for 6 years?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The prosecutor overseeing the Hunter Biden investigation testified Tuesday that he had the ultimate authority in the yearslong case as he made an unprecedented appearance before Congress to rebut Republicans’ explosive claims that the probe has been plagued with interference.
As with the big steal, you folks seem to think you can get away with repeating the same BS lie that there's no evidence.

The evidence is all over the place. That's why the FBI is raiding the homes of anyone who knows what the evidence is and is in a position to prove it in a court of law.

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