Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. " -- Hunter
The Trump children sat through closed depositions and then answered questions from members of Congress. Hunter Biden refuses to be deposed under oath. Gee, what are you hiding, Hunter?
He wants to testify publicly because Cummer & Gymmy along with the rest of Trump's ratpack can't be trusted not to lie about closed door testimony.

If they want to do Trump's dirty work they can go back to washing his ass.
in closed-door testimony, the information from those interviews can be selectively leaked and manipulated.

If its public, then the reporting on it can only be factual.
You mean like Adam Schiff did all the time?
Because the Trumpettes were involved in real crimes against the nation.

This thing is NOT the way it "normally works"
For example, when you open an investigation you have some actual crime to investigate.
The Leader has admitted they have no crimes, ergo, a REAL WITCH-HUNT.

Biden offered to testify in public under oath.
MAGATS are afraid of that.

If that's not good enough then may I suggest the Congressional MAGATS go focque themselves.
What "crimes" are the Trump children being charged with, Dado? I know you on the left would LOVE to try and charge them but unlike Hunter...the Trump kids are straight arrows.

The entire Biden family is guilty of influence peddling. Why you think there isn't an "actual crime" to investigate amuses me. It's literally the biggest influence peddling scheme in the country's history!
What "crimes" are the Trump children being charged with, Dado? I know you on the left would LOVE to try and charge them but unlike Hunter...the Trump kids are straight arrows.

The entire Biden family is guilty of influence peddling. Why you think there isn't an "actual crime" to investigate amuses me. It's literally the biggest influence peddling scheme in the country's history!
The last time I checked taking bribes is a crime.
I actually think the odds are better than 50/50. To not indict him will expose the Biden DOJ's corruption to extent that cannot be easily explained away. Not sure Garland is willing to stick his neck out that far for the President.
I think what Garland will do is what they've done all through this, Rawley...he'll slow walk this entire thing down to a crawl. Declare that it's a matter that's under investigation and he's not allowed to speak about ongoing investigations. It basically puts the whole thing in limbo for as long as they want it to be.
We all know he's never going to testify.
Seriously, I expect he will, but only after his own trial, though too late to help their "inquiry" if you can call it that.
I think what Garland will do is what they've done all through this, Rawley...he'll slow walk this entire thing down to a crawl. Declare that it's a matter that's under investigation and he's not allowed to speak about ongoing investigations. It basically puts the whole thing in limbo for as long as they want it to be.
He set the bar with Bannon. Congressional vote for criminal contempt in October, indict in November, trial in July
What "crimes" are the Trump children being charged with, Dado? I know you on the left would LOVE to try and charge them but unlike Hunter...the Trump kids are straight arrows.
Real estate fraud
The entire Biden family is guilty of influence peddling. Why you think there isn't an "actual crime" to investigate amuses me. It's literally the biggest influence peddling scheme in the country's history!
No “influence” has been found

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