Hunter’s Laptop: Drugs, emails, and...”underage obsessions”. FBI Child Pr0nz Agent on the case..

Probably learned everything they know about data security from Hillary.

I still wanna know why she wants to know where that Nephilim is buried.

Maybe she wanted to use it for worldwide domination, like the other Nazis did in "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

From the Hillary Clinton email... Location of buried Giant Nephilim? - Very Top Secret Information

Probably a good thing she didn't find it though. Her face probably would have melted too...

Just out of curiosity what exactly is crack? lol. Is it cocain? I'm not looking that stuff up. It is, right?
its a highly processed and concentrated cocain,,,

because its cut with just about anything its really cheap,,,

Tastes like burned dog crap. But try it once and you'll spend everything you own to replicate that first hit.

13 years clean and drug free here.
its a highly processed and concentrated cocain,,,

because its cut with just about anything its really cheap,,,

Oh, I see. Dang. I mean, I did a few lines back in the 80s, I'm not gonna lie, but that crack stuff was after my time. Sounds like real scary stuff.
we had a friend that liked it and talked us into getting some and after the first batch ($50.00) he said give me some more money so he can get more,,
we looked at each other and went and got a dime bag and enjoyed the rest of the evening,,,
Just out of curiosity what exactly is crack? lol. Is it cocain? I'm not looking that stuff up. It is, right?
its a highly processed and concentrated cocain,,,

because its cut with just about anything its really cheap,,,

Tastes like burned dog crap. But try it once and you'll spend everything you own to replicate that first hit.

13 years clean and drug free here.
I didnt,, after the first time I never went back,,,
Just out of curiosity what exactly is crack? lol. Is it cocain? I'm not looking that stuff up. It is, right?
its a highly processed and concentrated cocain,,,

because its cut with just about anything its really cheap,,,

Tastes like burned dog crap. But try it once and you'll spend everything you own to replicate that first hit.

13 years clean and drug free here.
I didnt,, after the first time I never went back,,,

You're lucky. I had crack bitches showing up at my door at 3AM with just enough rock to make me spend everything I had. Lost everything I owned, left it all behind just to get away from there. The hardest part was wanting to quit. Moved away, started over and did pretty good: Good wife, three bedroom two bath house with two car garage on 100 acres.

Life is pretty good when you don't screw it up with drugs.
The FBI Agent has the same name as known FBI Agent who specializes in Child Pornography cases.
FBI Agents have code names and special protection as federal employees. Witnesses have further protection under WitSec, and the secrecy entailed by federal Witness Protection programs is questionable both as to efficacy and as to motivation and honor.

A witness comes forward and speaks out, under subpoena for a particular court case, then goes into hiding, under a rule of silence and Omertà — essentially a gag order under Mafia enforcement, part of "the usual" DA's "deal" with the defendant.

But it's not realistic to expect a human witness to sacrifice the remainder of his or her natural or family life to such extreme secrecy.

Past and present POTUS get Secret Service protection for life, but they don't stay in hiding, and they continue to be outspoken on political issues of interest to them.

What are people hiding from, or what do they have to hide as witnesses in court? There's a severe moral hazard to the masked testimony of an anonymous witness.

A witness is essentially a "whistleblower" who can be expected to continue being outspoken on issues similar to the court case that led to the subpoena. It is sometimes possible for a witness to "shut up" and "move on" but a certain amount of honor is lost by a strategy of diving back into a hole like a rat.
Would somebody remind me what office Hunter Biden is running for?
That's more or less equivalent to Trump's daughter Ivanka. What's she doing at the White House?
The pipe pictured has a small bowl on the end, which is more concurrent with a meth pipe. Crack pipes are 4" long tubular glass and a small piece of copper Chore Boy is usually stuck into the end.
Several in the dumpster at any given apartment building. Possession? Possession with intent to deliver?

There's no mens rea or actus reus to the mere possession of something. Possession is not in and of itself an "act" that may be prosecuted in court. If there was an intent to possess something then there would possibly have been some "act" whereby the defendant acquired or came into possession of the controlled substance or item. Purchase? Receive as a gift?

Intent to deliver? If the cops had knowledge of that, why didn't they wait and bust the parties in the deal, if they knew there was a deal going down? How else do they prove "intent to deliver?" The cops just "discover" some prohibited substance or banned item on a person without a proper warrant to have searched for it in the first place.
It says you will know a person by their fruits. The system has been infiltrated by low-life. They just gives these low-life a certificate or a degree and send them out in the world. The Elites has been doing this for years. Picking and choosing who will do their bidding.
One thing about our nature. We like to advertise our works. To let the world to see how intelligent we are. That is why I think the movie Trading places is base on an actual event. That they has chosen Low-lives like Biden, Clinton and the rest of these scandalous bums. And put them in high places because they will do anything for a buck.
Anyone can see that they all has came from the wrong side of the track by their lying deceitful behaviors. That they were brought up around trashy people that doesn't have any morals. That having sex and doing drugs with their children is normal to them.

Would somebody remind me what office Hunter Biden is running for?

You need to be reminded that his actions as a private citizen lead to potential abuses of the Office of The President while Vice President. The American People need to know if Joe Biden abused the Office and if he is subject to influence by China and Ukraine as he seeks office as President.
POWER LINE: About That Laptop: “You know, if the Biden Foreign Collusion scandals were in fact hoaxes, you’d think that the evidence that’s hard to fake — you know, actual bank wire transfers — wouldn’t have appeared first, and been verified by the banks. You’d think the shady emails suggesting collusion would appear first, and the hard evidence would be hard to find.”
Nervous Banana Republicans are pulling out all the stops to keep their crooked con man in office.
Deplorable Banana Republicans...Banana Republican Deplorables...It’s not working. We love our deplorability and not giving it up, so get back to us with updates. Thanks.
Would somebody remind me what office Hunter Biden is running for?
Cell block commissary secretary.

He's gonna have to work himself up the ladder, from laundry room assistant.

His daddy's influence isn't gonna help him where he's going.

Hopefully he’s got that great leg hair daddy bragged black boys loved. If so, Hunter might be quick the catch the eyes of some quite mature black bubbas shortly after arrival to the slammer.
So why did the republican led investigation not find anything like that?
Are you seriously asking this fucking question? SERIOUSLY!

After three years of BS Russian collusion and then Mueller found nothing but that didn't matter?

Fuck you.

Evidence matters.

Evidence of Russian collusion? Zero.

Evidence of Biden corruption? A shit ton...some flowing from Joe Biden's own mouth.

He said from his own lips he got that prosecutor we know why...the trail of corruption led right to his personal bank account!

Now...reap what you've sown.
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It’s a crime you haven’t heard about Hunter Biden’s latest.

Democrats were planning to wait to dismantle the First Amendment and end free speech until after they won the election next month.

But their plans have changed.

Which means that this treasure trove of Hunter Biden emails (leavened with some amateur porn and photos of Hunter passed out next to his crack pipe) must really be a “bombshell.”

How big is this scandal if Big Tech has to try to shut down all transmission of the damning stories about the favored candidate of both Silicon Valley and Communist China (but I repeat myself)?

It’s so criminal that they’re doing their damnedest to make sure that America’s low-info, COVID-panicked voters will never even hear about it, and will never realize just how corrupt Dementia Joe and his family are.
Nice try, but she is already using her trademarks, and making money from them.
That means she's creating jobs, contributing to the GDP, paying taxes...things you simpletons don't consider good for the country.

Are you people still working on the assumption that this story has been verified?

It is not an assumption. It is FACTUAL!

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Oh my, things are starting to get interesting....

The FBI Agent has the same name as known FBI Agent who specializes in Child Pornography cases.

It's unclear whether the FBI employs more than one agent named Joshua Wilson. But the available evidence seems to show the Joshua Wilson who signed the subpoena for Hunter Biden's laptop and the ...

According to Isaac’s account, the FBI first made a forensic copy of the laptop, then returned weeks later with a subpoena and confiscated it. When he stopped hearing from the FBI, Isaac said he contacted several members of Congress, who did not respond. At that point, his intermediary reached out to Rudy Giuliani’s attorney, Robert Costello.

EDIT: YOUTUBE is YANKING all vids on this subject:

It's fake, you need to stop spreading misinformation.
Do we have a thead on TODAY’S Hunter Binden’s email about China and half of Hunter’s income going to POP?

Joe Biden was on the take from China and Ukraine...he has to step down.

makes me wonder what else Joe Biden got half of. half age girls?

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