Hurricane Otis' Wind Speed Increased by 115 mph in 24 Hours. That's Normal... Right?

"Most hurricanes follow a similar cycle of development, called a hurricane life cycle. These life cycles may run their course in as little as a day or last as long as a month
-- Hurricane Life Cycle

According to the provided link, quite normal.
The hurricane’s intensification was among the fastest forecasters have ever seen: its top-end windspeed increased by 115 mph in 24 hours. Only one other storm, Hurricane Patricia in 2015, exceeded Otis’ rapid intensification in East Pacific records, with a 120-mph increase in 24 hours.
What does this mean?
It means your weather service says a tropical storm will hit your area in 24 hours and you will have some wind and rain But no big deal. 24 hours later you find yourself in a force 5 hurricane.

Makes planning difficult.
Welcome to the new normal.
Are you commenting on what you believe to be changes resulting from this thing called Climate Change , OR , are you hinting at Weather Manipulation ?

If the latter , say so and have some back bone .
Such a Topic can be readily supported and howls of ridicule from the Normies easily handled .
All weather is normal you nitwit.

It is called Nature. For all we know this has happen 100,000 times before but this is only the first time we recorded it.
Then how do you know it has EVER happened before?
Are you commenting on what you believe to be changes resulting from this thing called Climate Change , OR , are you hinting at Weather Manipulation ?

If the latter , say so and have some back bone .
Such a Topic can be readily supported and howls of ridicule from the Normies easily handled .
I am saying, sarcastically, that global warming leads to rapid storm intensification. We're seeing more and more global warming, so we will see more and more rapid storm intensificiation. Was I just too subtle for you?
I am saying, sarcastically, that global warming leads to rapid storm intensification. We're seeing more and more global warming, so we will see more and more rapid storm intensificiation. Was I just too subtle for you?
You made it too plain. Crushes any denier's unprotected, tender ears.
There is a very good reason AGW deniers are called deniers. Their claims and positions have no basis in the science, the facts, reason or logic. They deny it because they have chosen to do so regardless of the facts. No matter what happens with regard to the warming climate, they will continue to deny that it is abnormal, that it is threatening or that it is the result of human GHG emissions. This behavior is almost EXACTLY analogous to that of Trump fans who continue to ignore the man's actual characteristics: his amorality, his lies, his ignorance and his extraordinary self-centeredness and conclude that America would be better casting aside the Constitution and the rule of law in order to be led by that fat orange clown for the few remaining years of his miserable life.

The selection of Mike Johnson to lead the House tells me that at the end of the 2024 election, Joe Biden will be reelected president and the House and Senate will have strong Democratic majorities. The RNC is collapsing in the suicide that became unavoidable when they saw the demographic change the nation was experiencing but chose to ignore it and stick with a vanishing set of old white men.
Then how do you know it has EVER happened before?
Because the history of climate on earth is a long time and humans have only been tracking things like this for a very short time.

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