Hush now hold yourselves steady


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I hope this can be a non partisan thread and just tell your stories on where you were. Yesterday many could barely hold their breaths to try to describe what they felt and what they meant to them.

Me too.

I am frozen in time in my memory. I'd love for you to tell your story.
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Yesterday was a day of memories. As we lead into Oswald being killed on live televison, I find it odd that no one from this board wants to talk about the assassination and the murder of Oswald on live tv.
I was home for thankggiving from my freshman year in college. I remember Chronkite crying when it was announced that JFK had died, I remember the confusion when Ruby shot Oswald, and even then the speculation about how any one person could have fired those shots from that distance.

Am I correct that part of the Warren commission report was sealed for 75 years? I remember that, but no one talks about it today.
I was 13
I was ticked I couldn't watch tv because all the networks were covering this stuff 24/7
I just didn't care that much
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I was sitting in 7th grade science class when the announcement was made. I remember it quite vividly. What I remember most is those who were actually cheering, I remember it quite well. I can remember wondering to myself why anyone would hate someone that much or even why they had an opinion. After that I don't remember a whole lot. I remember watching Ruby and the Kennedy boy saluting the coffin at the funeral percussion.

I used to read a lot and watch all the conspiracy theories until I have come to believe it was just Oswald. But the new theory about the SS agent accidentally killing Kennedy is interesting.
I was sitting in Latin Class when it came over the loudspeaker. I was stunned and the teacher began to cry. There was a basketball game that night. When it came time to do the Pledge of Allegiance, I thought I'd never look at a flag again without thinking of the assassination and it is true. To this day, when I see the flag waving, I remember the day Kennedy was assassinated and how terribly sad it was.
As an aside, does anyone remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? I was working in the school library and I remember looking out the window, wondering if we would be going to war. That's how close it appeared we were.
Way way way before my time. I was 2 when challenger exploded.

No, the Cuban Missile Crisis happened during the Kennedy administration. Cuba had missiles pointed at the US in answer to the Bay of Pigs, a failed secret assault on Cuba by Kennedy.
I was home for thankggiving from my freshman year in college. I remember Chronkite crying when it was announced that JFK had died, I remember the confusion when Ruby shot Oswald, and even then the speculation about how any one person could have fired those shots from that distance.
This single notion is by far the most misleading element of the Who Shot Kennedy controversy. And it points to the relative ignorance of so many of those who were assigned to investigate and to report on that assassination.

Another popularly held item of misinformation by the conspiracy theorists is the weapon owned by Oswald, an Italian Carcano carbine (short rifle), was an inferior "piece of junk." While it might be true that some of these captured weapons which were treated roughly on their way to the warehouses of military surplus dealers might look and perform poorly, the Carcano in good condition happens to be quite accurate for its size. In the hands of a trained and well-practiced marksman, shooting from a comfortable rest position with a well-aligned telescope sight, striking a head-size target at 200 yards with a Carcano is nothing to boast about.

And those who claim three accurate shots with a bolt action rifle within eight seconds is impossible simply don't know what they are talking about. Marina Oswald said she often found Lee (Harvey Oswald), who was trained to shoot in the Marine Corps, in the kneeling position operating the bolt and dry-firing ("snapping in") his Carcano.

So I personally have no doubt that Oswald, acting alone, shot Kennedy with that Carcano.

I should say my father, a locksmith by trade, was also a proficient amateur gunsmith who made a profitable sideline of buying military surplus rifles, '03 Springfields, German 98 Mausers, and Italian Carcanos, cleaning them up, sporterizing them, and selling them to dealers and hunters. All three are known to be extremely accurate, reliable weapons.
As an aside, does anyone remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? I was working in the school library and I remember looking out the window, wondering if we would be going to war. That's how close it appeared we were.

And you are still afraid. How sad.

No, that happened years ago and it was quite a story. If I recall correctly, it was resolved by a slight of hand and by a journalist in a coffee shop. Kruschev was involved and it amounted to pretending a letter was not received by the White House (essentially ignored). It would make for a good movie.
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