Hussein Proposes New Flag for the USSA

NM Weatherman

l'enfer, c'est les autres
Apr 9, 2010
Hussein Obama is proposing a new flag for the USSA (United Socialist States of America):

Politics? Should this not be in the 'Flame Zone'?

*Sits back and waits for the whining from the left. Fortunately few humans can hear this high pitched whine but it will drive dogs crazy across the country.
Maybe because I'm a newb, but the fact that Hussein Obama is trying his best, with all his leftist radicals, to turn America into a Third World socialist country sounds political to me. I didn't create this flag to flame Hussein, I created it to warn the country.

I figured since all leftist Obamanuts are trying to remove God from the country, the Founding Fathers from schoolbooks, the Ten Commandments from churches and courtrooms, take respect away from our military folks, tax us to death, legalize illegal aliens, run the print media, control the Internet, nationalize private businesses and force us all into Obamacare slavery, all this while the country is already going to hell in a handbasket, well, it sounded political to me...
Aesthetically speaking, shouldn't the anvil & scythe be either blue or white?
This is your President:

This is your President's birth certificate:

This is his favorite religion:

This sums up his "healthcare":

Here's the result of his "healthcare" agenda:
Politics? Should this not be in the 'Flame Zone'?

*Sits back and waits for the whining from the left. Fortunately few humans can hear this high pitched whine but it will drive dogs crazy across the country.

It should be in the humor section.

EDIT - After reading this thread, I'm wondering if gaytrauma has a new sockpuppet.
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So the OP is another birther with no real concept of reality?

Here is reality for you.

So he has a 48% approval rating? Your point?

Mr. Obama's approval among likely voters has dropped to the low-50s in most polls, and the most recent Rasmussen Reports poll of likely voters shows him slightly below the 50% mark. This is a relatively low rating for new presidents. Mr. Obama's approval rating began to slide in a serious way in early July, triggered by a bad unemployment report.

Carry on...
So the OP is another birther with no real concept of reality?

Half of Republicans believe Obama wasn't born in the US, which means half of Republicans are dumber than a sack of hammers. A quarter of Republicans think he's the anti-Christ. I didn't realize there were that many lobotomized people in America.

Of course, a third of Democrats think Bush had something to do with 9/11, which means there are a whole lot of dumb people voting.
Half of Republicans believe Obama wasn't born in the US, which means half of Republicans are dumber than a sack of hammers. A quarter of Republicans think he's the anti-Christ. I didn't realize there were that many lobotomized people in America.

Of course, a third of Democrats think Bush had something to do with 9/11, which means there are a whole lot of dumb people voting.

It's sad that we've come to the point where we can rattle off those statistics like it's nothing. It's even sadder that I can rattle off those statistics like it's nothing.
☭proletarian☭;2194880 said:
Toro, where did you get these numbers?


51% of Republicans believe he wants a NWO (Terral)

47% of Republicans think he hates America

42% of Republicans think he's racist

And 38% think he's Hitler.


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