Hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19 shows no benefit and more deaths in VA study

YOU MORON! This study was done on older men with pre-existing conditions, that already had tubes down there throats! Lol STOP YOUR FAKE NEWS YOU MORON!

Many people who test positive have pre-existing conditions already. Many also older men. If they're hospitalized, then that means things aren't going so well. How does that negate this study?
If you’re talking about this study in particular we are talking about the majority of them having pre-existing conditions all of them were older men and some of them already had tubes down there throat that is not a good indication of this drug. Lol
Now give me a study of both men and women preconditions and not preconditions all ages that is a legitimate study not this one..

Why? That would have more variables in it.

Show me the "experts" who are telling you this information.
Ohh this study was just for men that were dying anyway lol ok hahaha

Is that what the "experts" are saying or are you just intentionally avoiding my question?
Yes the study was reviewed by doc Oz. It was debunked

Link please.
I watched live

I'm guessing on Fox, right? You just waited for someone on Fox news to tell you what you already think.
No a qualified doctor reviewed the study and said this was 19 old man with pre-existing conditions some of them had tubes down their throat already.. I like the facts and nothing but the facts

I just watched it. On Fox News. I knew it.

He didn't say there was an issue with testing on old men with pre-existing conditions. You just made that part up.
YOU MORON! This study was done on older men with pre-existing conditions, that already had tubes down there throats! Lol STOP YOUR FAKE NEWS YOU MORON!

Many people who test positive have pre-existing conditions already. Many also older men. If they're hospitalized, then that means things aren't going so well. How does that negate this study?
If you’re talking about this study in particular we are talking about the majority of them having pre-existing conditions all of them were older men and some of them already had tubes down there throat that is not a good indication of this drug. Lol
Now give me a study of both men and women preconditions and not preconditions all ages that is a legitimate study not this one..

Why? That would have more variables in it.

Show me the "experts" who are telling you this information.
Ohh this study was just for men that were dying anyway lol ok hahaha

Is that what the "experts" are saying or are you just intentionally avoiding my question?
Yes the study was reviewed by doc Oz. It was debunked

Link please.
I watched live

I'm guessing on Fox, right? You just waited for someone on Fox news to tell you what you already think.
No a qualified doctor reviewed the study and said this was 19 old man with pre-existing conditions some of them had tubes down their throat already.. I like the facts and nothing but the facts

I just watched it. On Fox News. I knew it.

He didn't say there was an issue with testing on old men with pre-existing conditions. You just made that part up.
Of course he did . 4:56 mark
YOU MORON! This study was done on older men with pre-existing conditions, that already had tubes down there throats! Lol STOP YOUR FAKE NEWS YOU MORON!

Many people who test positive have pre-existing conditions already. Many also older men. If they're hospitalized, then that means things aren't going so well. How does that negate this study?
If you’re talking about this study in particular we are talking about the majority of them having pre-existing conditions all of them were older men and some of them already had tubes down there throat that is not a good indication of this drug. Lol
Now give me a study of both men and women preconditions and not preconditions all ages that is a legitimate study not this one..

Why? That would have more variables in it.

Show me the "experts" who are telling you this information.
Ohh this study was just for men that were dying anyway lol ok hahaha

Is that what the "experts" are saying or are you just intentionally avoiding my question?
Yes the study was reviewed by doc Oz. It was debunked

Link please.
I watched live

I'm guessing on Fox, right? You just waited for someone on Fox news to tell you what you already think.
No a qualified doctor reviewed the study and said this was 19 old man with pre-existing conditions some of them had tubes down their throat already.. I like the facts and nothing but the facts

I just watched it. On Fox News. I knew it.

He didn't say there was an issue with testing on old men with pre-existing conditions. You just made that part up.
Of course he did . 4:56 mark

Link please.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

Silver lining is that the Snake Oil Salesman in Chief and his primary science and medical advisors Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and Lady Laura will shut the hell up about their beloved Miracle Trump Cure.

YOU MORON! This study was done on older men with pre-existing conditions, that already had tubes down there throats! Lol STOP YOUR FAKE NEWS YOU MORON!

Many people who test positive have pre-existing conditions already. Many also older men. If they're hospitalized, then that means things aren't going so well. How does that negate this study?
If you’re talking about this study in particular we are talking about the majority of them having pre-existing conditions all of them were older men and some of them already had tubes down there throat that is not a good indication of this drug. Lol
Now give me a study of both men and women preconditions and not preconditions all ages that is a legitimate study not this one..

Why? That would have more variables in it.

Show me the "experts" who are telling you this information.
Ohh this study was just for men that were dying anyway lol ok hahaha

Is that what the "experts" are saying or are you just intentionally avoiding my question?
Yes the study was reviewed by doc Oz. It was debunked

Link please.
I watched live

I'm guessing on Fox, right? You just waited for someone on Fox news to tell you what you already think.
No a qualified doctor reviewed the study and said this was 19 old man with pre-existing conditions some of them had tubes down their throat already.. I like the facts and nothing but the facts

I just watched it. On Fox News. I knew it.

He didn't say there was an issue with testing on old men with pre-existing conditions. You just made that part up.
Of course he did . 4:56 mark

Link please.
lol you said you just watched it haha
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

You found article on marketwatch and you think you're smartest person alive. Before you start screaming "REEEEE, so stoopid, malaria is bacteria, COVID-19 is virus, anti-bacteria drug no work on virus!" somebody need to tell you that drug doesn't need to directly act on the pathogen to be effective.

The effects of hydroxychloroquine are not on virus itself, but on blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. Without oxygen, organs are shutting down, and what hydroxychloroquine is doing is protecting hemoglobin in red blood cells, just as is doing against malaria that is bacteria whose food source is hemoglobin in the blood.

Cytokines are chemical signaling molecules that guide a healthy immune response; but in a cytokine storm, levels of certain cytokines soar far beyond what’s needed, and immune cells start to attack healthy tissues. Blood vessels leak, blood pressure drops, clots form, and catastrophic organ failure can ensue.

Some studies have shown elevated levels of these inflammation-inducing cytokines in the blood of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. “The real morbidity and mortality of this disease is probably driven by this out of proportion inflammatory response to the virus,” says Jamie Garfield, a pulmonologist who cares for COVID-19 patients at Temple University Hospital.

What you posted has nothing to do with my reply to you. You copied how corona virus kills, and my post is about how hydroxychloroquine effects red blood cells. Two completely different topics.

You're posting unrelated snippets about something you know nothing about, and that just shows your ignorance, but hey... that's what you're well know about on this board.
Only 11% of the men who were already dying, died if they weren't given Dr. Don's Death Syrup. Hell, 72% survived even if they took it!
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

Wakes up and immediately starts another day of bombing the boards with fear mongering and TDS.

Must really suck to not have a life and let one man consume your every waking thought.

Wakes up and immediately notes that Donald Trump was WRONG again. Trump spent millions of taxpayer dollars cornering the market on this drug and told everyone to try it, and God help them they did.
Why are you spreading disinformation, you stupid kunt?

Trump did not tell everyone to try it, you lying scumbag.

Do you think disseminating that kind of disinformation is funny? What is your motivation for disseminating dangerous disinformation?

Fuck you. You're despicable.
We have the tape.
You're so stupid that you probably believe that.

Fact: Trump has repeatedly advised Americans to make the decision in consultation with their doctor.

If you were intelligent, you would ask yourself why so many doctors are taking hydroxychloroquine, then research it's mechanism of action.

How many doctors are taking HCQ and supply links?
That's impossible to know. But obviously it's a hell of a lot.

US doctors are hoarding two rumored “anti-coronavirus” drugs for themselves and their families, helping to drive a nationwide shortage, a report said Tuesday.

The doctors are prescribing chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for themselves and their loved ones

The difference between us and you is that we have a deep understanding of chemistry and microbiology, whereas you probably couldn't pass a 5th grade science class.
Last edited:
YOU MORON! This study was done on older men with pre-existing conditions, that already had tubes down there throats! Lol STOP YOUR FAKE NEWS YOU MORON!

Many people who test positive have pre-existing conditions already. Many also older men. If they're hospitalized, then that means things aren't going so well. How does that negate this study?
If you’re talking about this study in particular we are talking about the majority of them having pre-existing conditions all of them were older men and some of them already had tubes down there throat that is not a good indication of this drug. Lol
Now give me a study of both men and women preconditions and not preconditions all ages that is a legitimate study not this one..

Why? That would have more variables in it.

Show me the "experts" who are telling you this information.
Ohh this study was just for men that were dying anyway lol ok hahaha

Is that what the "experts" are saying or are you just intentionally avoiding my question?
Yes the study was reviewed by doc Oz. It was debunked

Link please.
I watched live

I'm guessing on Fox, right? You just waited for someone on Fox news to tell you what you already think.
No a qualified doctor reviewed the study and said this was 19 old man with pre-existing conditions some of them had tubes down their throat already.. I like the facts and nothing but the facts

I just watched it. On Fox News. I knew it.

He didn't say there was an issue with testing on old men with pre-existing conditions. You just made that part up.
Of course he did . 4:56 mark

Link please.
lol you said you just watched it haha

Different video apparently. Mine only has 3 minutes and he didn't say that.

Why don't you just post the link? I think you're lying.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
Oh oh....

About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
Nice to see you took left wing talking points and never read what the study actually says. Hydroxycloroquine was not used in a majority of the people due to other UNDERLYING HEALTH CONCERNS... SO the actual numbers are FALSE. The poor outcomes are from NON-USE..
Silver lining is that the Snake Oil Salesman in Chief and his primary science and medical advisors Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and Lady Laura will shut the hell up about their beloved Miracle Trump Cure.
Great photoshop work. Who did that? Some bored second grader?
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

"I don’t dispute this may be the case, but the possibility of selection bias .."

Oh, boldly-argued!
Only 11% of the men who were already dying, died if they weren't given Dr. Don's Death Syrup. Hell, 72% survived even if they took it!

Nope? A little character assassination from Big League Politics doesn't really render all facts irrelevant. Neither you nor he disputed the numbers.

I trust Dr. Nicole Saphier. You do as you like. Sometimes we have to go with our gut, Manuel.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

"I don’t dispute this may be the case, but the possibility of selection bias .."

Oh, boldly-argued!

She is showing deference. She is great. Very logical. You don't want this to work? You would rather have people die, Pedro?
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
Oh oh....

The man lied in the study... I am waiting for an offical retraction. A whole lot of medical people are way pissed at this blatent attempt to discredit a drug that is working in over 80% of those it is used on... This man could be charged criminally for his deception and I hope the DOJ does it.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
Oh oh....

Might be worth looking into if a more reputable source picks it up. Until then, I'm not buying it.


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