Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Twice as many died taking the Tramp death pill as those who took no pill. Tramp pushed his death pill because he owns stock in the company.
and many report that the drug is effective and even a dem state rep said it saved her life !
Many people say....
The largest study so far shows it not only is ineffective, but also more died taking the Tramp death pill than those who took no pill.
Twice as many died taking the Tramp death pill as those who took no pill. Tramp pushed his death pill because he owns stock in the company.
and many report that the drug is effective and even a dem state rep said it saved her life !
But the latest STUDY shows 22% die taking the Tramp death pill and 11% die taking no pill.
Which study..............Another CNN study...........LOL

This stuff is being used all over the world......BACK UP YOUR BS.
No, a VA study.
Researchers analyzed medical records of 368 male veterans hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus infection at Veterans Health Administration medical centers who died or were discharged by April 11.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too

Trump lied Americans died!
That is BS...........I went to the other thread that was posting that garbage..............it's GILEAD trying to sell everyone their drug over this...........................

NO STUDIES have RELEASED THE RESULTS OF THE STUDIES YET.........not officially.......

I've now posted the clinical trial sites on 3 different threads running with these BS ARTICLES.

The VA study is the largest study RELEASED so far!

A malaria drug widely touted by President Donald Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis of its use in U.S. veterans hospitals. There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.

The nationwide study was not a rigorous experiment. But with 368 patients, it’s the largest look so far of hydroxychloroquine with or without the antibiotic azithromycin for COVID-19
This stuff is being used all over the world......BACK UP YOUR BS.
And people are dying all over the world!

Small Chloroquine Study Halted Over Risk of Fatal Heart Complications
A research trial of coronavirus patients in Brazil ended after patients taking a higher dose of chloroquine, one of the drugs President Trump has promoted, developed irregular heart rates.
NO link..........more Gilead nonsense.
Twice as many died taking the Tramp death pill as those who took no pill. Tramp pushed his death pill because he owns stock in the company.
and many report that the drug is effective and even a dem state rep said it saved her life !
But the latest STUDY shows 22% die taking the Tramp death pill and 11% die taking no pill.
Which study..............Another CNN study...........LOL

This stuff is being used all over the world......BACK UP YOUR BS.
No, a VA study.
Researchers analyzed medical records of 368 male veterans hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus infection at Veterans Health Administration medical centers who died or were discharged by April 11.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too

Trump lied Americans died!
That is BS...........I went to the other thread that was posting that garbage..............it's GILEAD trying to sell everyone their drug over this...........................

NO STUDIES have RELEASED THE RESULTS OF THE STUDIES YET.........not officially.......

I've now posted the clinical trial sites on 3 different threads running with these BS ARTICLES.

The VA study is the largest study RELEASED so far!

A malaria drug widely touted by President Donald Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis of its use in U.S. veterans hospitals. There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.

The nationwide study was not a rigorous experiment. But with 368 patients, it’s the largest look so far of hydroxychloroquine with or without the antibiotic azithromycin for COVID-19

This stuff is being used all over the world......BACK UP YOUR BS.
And people are dying all over the world!

Small Chloroquine Study Halted Over Risk of Fatal Heart Complications
A research trial of coronavirus patients in Brazil ended after patients taking a higher dose of chloroquine, one of the drugs President Trump has promoted, developed irregular heart rates.
NO link..........more Gilead nonsense.
You posted no link to your lies!

Nice tweeter conversation here............talking about studies........these guys are doing studies on SARS.........showing how the stuff coming out is BS and not really based in science......

Then they go LOOKY HERE GILEAD...........LOL
This stuff is being used all over the world......BACK UP YOUR BS.
And people are dying all over the world!

Small Chloroquine Study Halted Over Risk of Fatal Heart Complications
A research trial of coronavirus patients in Brazil ended after patients taking a higher dose of chloroquine, one of the drugs President Trump has promoted, developed irregular heart rates.
NO link..........more Gilead nonsense.
You posted no link to your lies!
I posted the official clinical trials site..........SHOW ME THIS TRIAL FROM THEIR.......If it isn't there...then it's BS.
if it is proven that the use of Hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating covid 19 the governors and legislators who have banned it's use in early outpatient treatments [for some strange reason most are leftist] may be blamed for the deaths of many that may have been saved !
It has not been proven effective against COVID 19! Stop spreading lies!

Speaking at the end of March, Adrian Hill, director of Oxford University’s Jenner Institute, said: “The Oxford team had exceptional experience of a rapid vaccine response, such as to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. This is an even greater challenge.

“Vaccines are being designed from scratch and progressed at an unprecedented rate. The upcoming trial will be critical for assessing the feasibility of vaccination against COVID-19 and could lead to early deployment.”

Read on:Hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19 shows no benefit and more deaths in VA study




745 trials.......show me the VA trial here....and show me POSTED RESULTS.........GOOD LUCK......NONE OF THEM ARE COMPLETE.
This is a drug that has been in continuous use since 1955. If it was killing people we would have known that long before this.
False. The source of the info is the conducted study. And if CNN offends your delicate sensibilities, you can read about it elsewhere. But you won't. So spare us the fake excuses.
Why do you always resort to some kind of childish behaviour when your delicate sensibilities are offended(?), and as much as they are on this forum, you are the poster child for delicate sensibilities here.
Why do you always resort to some kind of childish behaviou
Your lame, fake little excuse not to read the article was very childish. So spare me your hissy fit.

Oooh look, another whiny post to avoid reading the article for yourself. Next up: begging others to spoonfeed you the information in the article.
This stuff is being used all over the world......BACK UP YOUR BS.
And people are dying all over the world!

Small Chloroquine Study Halted Over Risk of Fatal Heart Complications
A research trial of coronavirus patients in Brazil ended after patients taking a higher dose of chloroquine, one of the drugs President Trump has promoted, developed irregular heart rates.
NO link..........more Gilead nonsense.
You posted no link to your lies!
I posted the official clinical trials site..........SHOW ME THIS TRIAL FROM THEIR.......If it isn't there...then it's BS.
From your link:
No Studies found for: covic-19 | United States
Show me the study from the VA site..........

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