Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Malaria drugs fail to help coronavirus patients in controlled studies

Malaria DRUG(S) as in plural eh ??? Clever, because that could mean any drug deemed a possible Malaria treatment, and yet they won't do well on Covid eh ?? Which one's ??
Why we shouldn’t listen to Trump on how to cure the Coronavirus


Regardless, you are willing to drag your heels because you have a gut feeling it won't work while people are dying ??
A silly argument. I could say the same to you about any medicine out there.

And you have confused yourself again. It has nothing to do with my gut feelings on whether it works or not. It has everything to do with the fact that there is no good evidence whatsoever that it does work. You guys keep trying this same dumb bait and switch. You are not helping your case.

There is zero good evidence that it works. That is the fact you are up against. So, deal with that and stop trying to make it about me.
Malaria DRUG(S) as in plural eh ??? Clever, because that could mean any drug deemed a possible Malaria treatment
Not to someone who wasn't too lazy to read the article, it wouldn't. Does it embarrass you at all to comment on it and say something dumb like this, without even reading the article? It should.
Why we shouldn’t listen to Trump on how to cure the Coronavirus


Haha....poor Billy hitched all his wagons to the moron president's barely-english again and got embarrassed.
It works. If you lived here instead of flag wave/Faux/CNN/ VISA/MC/Jewruthlessizm Times.inc , NLC you'd understand.
OK...OK....It may be the tortillas
Why we shouldn’t listen to Trump on how to cure the Coronavirus


The problem with Trump is he is impulsive by nature

Good thing we didn’t listen
Why we shouldn’t listen to Trump on how to cure the Coronavirus


The problem with Trump is he is impulsive by nature

Good thing we didn’t listen

Just another example of why he is unfit for office.
if it is proven that the use of Hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating covid 19 the governors and legislators who have banned it's use in early outpatient treatments [for some strange reason most are leftist] may be blamed for the deaths of many that may have been saved !

Anything; any word, item, product, idea or thing praised or suggested or backed by our magnificent President will be dismissed, damned and/or otherwise crapped on by the radical American left and all those millions who suck the MSM teat like herds of brainless zombies. If our awesome POTUS condemned or dismissed this drug out of hand, every last CNN talking head would be snorting it like coke on Christmas Eve 1984.
Not a good sign with the test results coming out.

I was thinking about the statistics to this. We're pretty sure that the death rate for covid-19 is pretty low (much higher than the flu, but still low). If you test just a small sample of people and it's completely ineffective, you would still see the same relatively high survival rate. People were optimistic about the 99% and 100% survival rates from using this medication on small samples, but covid-19 already has a relatively high survival rate, making it moot without further comparative statistical analysis.

Interestingly, it is shown with a p-value of 0.03 that there is a negative effect when using just hydroxychloroquine. That p-value is significant, and it's in the wrong direction. That's not good. All other p-values are insignificant.

This appears to result in a dead end. This didn't work. Hopefully I'm wrong. Maybe some other studies will show that this is effective. Maybe a variable that wasn't accounted for? Maybe the sample had issues? I doubt it, but hopefully someone finds some significant results.
Not a good sign with the test results coming out.
Which isn't surprising to any rational, informed person. There was never any good reason to think these drugs were effective. This shows how impactful the words of a head of state are, even when that head of state is known to be abjectly ignorant, unethical, amoral, and mentally ill.
Not a good sign with the test results coming out.
Which isn't surprising to any rational, informed person. There was never any good reason to think these drugs were effective. This shows how impactful the words of a head of state are, even when that head of state is known to be abjectly ignorant, unethical, amoral, and mentally ill.

Not only were they ineffective, but they had a statistically significant negative impact. So terrible.

"Compared to the no HC group, the risk of death from any cause was higher in the HC group (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.61; 95% CI, 1.10 to 6.17; P=0.03"
This appears to result in a dead end. This didn't work. Hopefully I'm wrong.
You likely are not wrong. With medicines that are actually effective, the positive signal for their efficacy gets stronger with each study. What we are seeing is what you would expect from a drug that does not work. There are quite a few unethical and dishonest so-called scientists and doctors that should have a lot to answer for, when the smoke clears.

If i were that fraud Didier Raoult, i would be worried right about now. He has embarrassed Macron, and Macron will be looking to hold him accountable.

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