Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Good thing the uneducated hillbillies are here to educate us with their vast understanding of clinical trials.

Thank you for enlightening us as to why this research isn't valid.
theyve got more brains than some fatherless inner city ghetto punk .

Oh. So I shouldn't ask ghetto punks for medical advice? Good to know.
ask your doctor .... the same one that treats you for anal herpes ..
Good thing the uneducated hillbillies are here to educate us with their vast understanding of clinical trials.

Thank you for enlightening us as to why this research isn't valid.
theyve got more brains than some fatherless inner city ghetto punk .

Oh. So I shouldn't ask ghetto punks for medical advice? Good to know.
ask your doctor .... the same one that treats you for anal herpes ..

You seem to have me confused with someone else you talk to around here.
thats not the largest study.....the fda has approved the drug use...... and the fact that the left says it doesnt work is the strongest evidence that it does ...... after all the left has been wrong about nearly everything for the past 30 yrs.
It is the largest study RELEASED so far!
And the FDA did NOT approve the drug use for Trump-45 virus, that is just another Tramp LIE mindlessly parroted by COVIDIOTS!

The Food and Drug Administration has not approved hydroxychloroquine, or any other drug, as a coronavirus treatment. The FDA has, however, issued an emergency use authorization for the drug.
In press releases, the FDA has stressed that “there are no currently approved treatments for COVID-19.”
Why hydroxychloroquine in some cases works, and in some cases doesn't?

There is pretty good explanation for it, I'll try to sort it out and post it here.

In the morning, probably.
Why hydroxychloroquine in some cases works, and in some cases doesn't?
Or maybe it works in no cases.

That would be correct, since hydroxychloroquine doesn't work on virus. But it works on something else.

By studying patients from NYC, Italy, Spain, there is a consensus piling up about COVID-19 that points how majority of doctors have been wrong whole time. It's been noticed that COVID-19 causes hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in red blood cells, but not due to pneumonia, or ARDS. Some doctors in Italy noticed that hooking patients to ventilators is not only wrong solution, but hooking people in high pressure tubes end up causing more damage. They're not rejecting ventilators completely, since they may still have a use in the immediate future for patients too far to bring back with new treatment protocol needs to be established so we stop treating patients for the wrong disease.

What actually is killing people is not pneumonia or ARDS, but above mentioned hypoxia thats caused by losing O2 (oxygen) in their blood, eventually leads to organ failures that kill them. The damage to the lungs seen in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, which overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that glass build up in the lungs. That explains why patients returning to hospital some time after recovery suffering from delayed post-hypoxic lung problems despite no signs of respiratory ‘tire out’ or fatigue.

Watch this video, we'll discuss it later.

I saw last night CNN brought out one of their so called medical experts to bash hydroxychloroquine. They don't want Trump to get credit for anything.

Well, I don't think anyone was giving credit to him until media started bitching about it. Let's say media brought attention to hydroxychloroquine, they would be praising it, and have ready experts to confirm it. Once they're realized Trump beat them to the punch, they started working to take away from him something that they actually give him.
Let's say media brought attention to hydroxychloroquine, they would be praising it, and have ready experts to confirm it. O
Cultist fantasy. Whenever reality doesn't align with your cultish fetishes, you goobers always go straight to the cultish fantasies. All the experts are lying, etc...please...you're embarrassing yourself.......
Let's say media brought attention to hydroxychloroquine, they would be praising it, and have ready experts to confirm it. O
Cultist fantasy. Whenever reality doesn't align with your cultish fetishes, you goobers always go straight to the cultish fantasies. All the experts are lying, etc...please...you're embarrassing yourself.......

OK, tell us... in general, is hydroxychloroquine helping or not?
Let's say media brought attention to hydroxychloroquine, they would be praising it, and have ready experts to confirm it. O
Cultist fantasy. Whenever reality doesn't align with your cultish fetishes, you goobers always go straight to the cultish fantasies. All the experts are lying, etc...please...you're embarrassing yourself.......

OK, tell us... in general, is hydroxychloroquine helping or not?
I don't know. But the preliminary findings coming out so far do not look good.
There are documented cases where it works
False. You are still making the same, dumb mistake. You are a very slow learner.

Poor snowflake. We will have fewer deaths if people use it. I know that makes you sad.
There are documented cases where it works
False. You are still making the same, dumb mistake. You are a very slow learner.
Facts don’t care about your feelings.

The only fact there is that someone fooled themselves into thinking correlation is causation.

Then, they fooled you, too.

Still making the same, dumb error.
We will have fewer deaths if people use it.
You have no reason to claim that as true. You are posting anecdotes. We know anecdotes are not informative. This is why we conduct clinical trials. How can you still not grasp this? This is amazing. Trump has really done a number on you.
There are documented cases where it works
False. You are still making the same, dumb mistake. You are a very slow learner.
Facts don’t care about your feelings.

The only fact there is that someone fooled themselves into thinking correlation is causation.

Then, they fooled you, too.

Still making the same, dumb error.
Yeah. Real proof vs your hatred. LOL.
We will have fewer deaths if people use it.
You have no reason to claim that as true. You are posting anecdotes. We know anecdotes are not informative. This is why we conduct clinical trials. How can you still not grasp this? This is amazing. Trump has really done a number on you.
I would use it if I were in dire straits. You would not. I would Live and you...not so much.

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