Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

"Close the Liberal shitholes and this wouldn't be anything." Lol! What in the world does that mean?
It means he is a fucking moron. A fucking moron that would be the first to cry his little eyes out, if you dared treat him the way he treats everyone not in his cult.
Everytime I see these cultists scrambling to apologize for Trump, I always think about this video;
MSNBC this morning were saying Trump killed a man because he died after taking the Malaria drug...he was dying before they gave him the drug but they didn't tell their blind followers that bit of news...licences for news agencies really need to be reviewed after this....


Fake News Hacks Claim Man Died After Ingesting Chloroquine ‘Because of Trump’ – Leaves Out the Fact He Actually Drank Koi Pond Cleaner
And that was chloroquine. It was just not the type trump was talking about. Maybe if trump knew there was more than one kind he could have explained that and a death might have been avoided. Which is why trump should keep his mouth shut and let the experts talk.
The man was dying from Covid-19...if he took something without a doctors order he is at fault not Trump...would you like it better if no one told you about this treatment?....

Wrong. No one said he is dying of covid 19 except you. If he is suffering why is he not in hospital?
He was ill enough to try something stupid...don't know why he didn't go to the hospital except for the fact that he is obviously the type that does things his way....you know the type...the guys that think they know more than doctors....
Stop twisting. Wife already said they heard it from Trump as a cure both scared of CV so they took it. He is a Trump followers like you that believe everything what Trump said.

Then you cherry pick
That was stupid....what do you want anyone to say?...they must have been two of Trump's thousands of democrat supporters....it will take some time for them to come up to speed....they were dems for cryin out loud....
LOL. The evidence is clear Dude. 99% I’m pretty sure they are die hard Trump followers. You are denying that they are not Trump followers like you that believe everything what a lying jerk is telling you. Either lies or fake you don’t care.
Why should a Democrat believe a pathological hypocrite liar?
What do I want anyone to say? Admit Trump killed this guy. Stop giving advice to Americans that he is not qualified. Lastly Trump should just STFU and let Pence run the show.
Cuomo would be much better. He isn't lying to everyone.
but but what about Biden ??? he did such a great job with h1n1 ??? so now the left wants to switch candidates again ! and what i find hard to understand is the left losing their fucking minds over a drug that shows promise ! its like the scumbags are scared to death it might work ! you never get this much heated reaction from the left over opioid drug overdoses !thousands every year ! suddenly a couple of people self medicated and the left lose their minds ! why ! because Trump said the drug is showing promise and could be a game changer !but the real reason is this folks ..... it just may be a game changer and the left does not want a game changer ! the left is saying because Trump is POTUS there is no hope ! the only hope is voting him out in 2020 ! can you imagine the egg the left is going to have on their faces when we come out of this and the economy rebounds ! if we get this under control in the next few weeks without destroying our economy ...[dems with holding aid to hurt the economy and the American people ] .....Trump will be unbeatable ! the drug works folks i saw several people infected covid 19 that were hospitalized on Dr OZ and were given the drugs and they said the drug worked ! its going to change the dynamic !
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So a hospital gives the people an overdose of the drug and it's Trump's fault.

Fucking Hillaryous.
No hospital gave anyone anything. This couple got the chloroquine at the pet store themselves because they use it to clean their aquarium. The wife saw the words chloroquine phosphate and thought it was the same hydrocychloroquine used for coronavirus treatment. He also took the entire box.

Trump has nothing to do with this. But...
You know how democrats lie
Unfortunately, at this point, anyone still believing Trump, is a great candidate for natural selection.
i've noticed most of your posts are childish retorts akin to nanananana ! grow up boy.
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So a hospital gives the people an overdose of the drug and it's Trump's fault.

Fucking Hillaryous.
No hospital gave anyone anything. This couple got the chloroquine at the pet store themselves because they use it to clean their aquarium. The wife saw the words chloroquine phosphate and thought it was the same hydrocychloroquine used for coronavirus treatment. He also took the entire box.

Trump has nothing to do with this. But...
You know how democrats lie
Unfortunately, at this point, anyone still believing Trump, is a great candidate for natural selection.
i've noticed most of your posts are childish retorts akin to nanananana ! grow boy.
There must be a ball of duct tape where your exclamation point key once was.
MSNBC this morning were saying Trump killed a man because he died after taking the Malaria drug...he was dying before they gave him the drug but they didn't tell their blind followers that bit of news...licences for news agencies really need to be reviewed after this....


Fake News Hacks Claim Man Died After Ingesting Chloroquine ‘Because of Trump’ – Leaves Out the Fact He Actually Drank Koi Pond Cleaner
And that was chloroquine. It was just not the type trump was talking about. Maybe if trump knew there was more than one kind he could have explained that and a death might have been avoided. Which is why trump should keep his mouth shut and let the experts talk.
The man was dying from Covid-19...if he took something without a doctors order he is at fault not Trump...would you like it better if no one told you about this treatment?....

Wrong. No one said he is dying of covid 19 except you. If he is suffering why is he not in hospital?
He was ill enough to try something stupid...don't know why he didn't go to the hospital except for the fact that he is obviously the type that does things his way....you know the type...the guys that think they know more than doctors....
Stop twisting. Wife already said they heard it from Trump as a cure both scared of CV so they took it. He is a Trump followers like you that believe everything what Trump said.

Then you cherry pick
That was stupid....what do you want anyone to say?...they must have been two of Trump's thousands of democrat supporters....it will take some time for them to come up to speed....they were dems for cryin out loud....
LOL. The evidence is clear Dude. 99% I’m pretty sure they are die hard Trump followers. You are denying that they are not Trump followers like you that believe everything what a lying jerk is telling you. Either lies or fake you don’t care.
Why should a Democrat believe a pathological hypocrite liar?
What do I want anyone to say? Admit Trump killed this guy. Stop giving advice to Americans that he is not qualified. Lastly Trump should just STFU and let Pence run the show.
Cuomo would be much better. He isn't lying to everyone.
but but what about Biden ??? he did such a great job with h1n1 ??? so now the left wants to switch candidates again ! and what i find hard to understand is the left losing their fucking minds over a drug that shows promise ! its like the scumbags are scared to death it might work ! you never get this much heated reaction from the left over opioid drug overdoses !thousands every year ! suddenly a couple of people self medicated and the left lose their minds ! why ! because Trump said the drug is showing promise and could be a game changer !but the real reason is this folks ..... it just may be a game changer and the left does not want a game changer ! the left is saying because Trump is POTUS there is no hope ! the only hope is voting him out in 2020 ! can you imagine the egg the left is going to have on their faces when we come out of this and the economy rebounds ! if we get this under control in the next few weeks without destroying our economy ...[dems with holding aid to hurt the economy and the American people ] .....Trump will be unbeatable ! the drug works folks i saw several people infected covid 19 that were hospitalized and were given the drugs and they said the drug worked ! its going to change the dynamic !
Biden doesn't hold a government office. But he will.
Trump needs to shut the hell up and let the professionals do their jobs and stop the madness of his nonsense. Biden on President Trump's coronavirus response: He should stop talking and listen to experts - CNN Video
then you and your left wing pals would be accusing him of hiding from the public or not leading and informing the public in a time of crisis ! why dont you just be honest and admitt that you hate the man and there is absolutely nothing he can do to change that !
Thousands maybe millions are gonna die, the media reports.
Which is a fact, so in no way supports your claim. Next....

Also to kill the economy for all Americans is way over doing it.
The media didn't do that. You already lost focus, before even coming close to supporting your claim.

"Most" people don't get seriously ill, eh? Where did you learn that? Maybe...

....the media?

You're incoherent.
All I can say to you, this isn't Trump's Katrina, even though you want it to be. Sorry dude or dudettt.
So a hospital gives the people an overdose of the drug and it's Trump's fault.

Fucking Hillaryous.
No hospital gave anyone anything. This couple got the chloroquine at the pet store themselves because they use it to clean their aquarium. The wife saw the words chloroquine phosphate and thought it was the same hydrocychloroquine used for coronavirus treatment. He also took the entire box.

Trump has nothing to do with this. But...
You know how democrats lie
Unfortunately, at this point, anyone still believing Trump, is a great candidate for natural selection.
i've noticed most of your posts are childish retorts akin to nanananana ! grow boy.
There must be a ball of duct tape where your exclamation point key once was.
nah ....i've got my laptop resting on the back of your girlfriends head .
So a hospital gives the people an overdose of the drug and it's Trump's fault.

Fucking Hillaryous.
No hospital gave anyone anything. This couple got the chloroquine at the pet store themselves because they use it to clean their aquarium. The wife saw the words chloroquine phosphate and thought it was the same hydrocychloroquine used for coronavirus treatment. He also took the entire box.

Trump has nothing to do with this. But...
You know how democrats lie
Unfortunately, at this point, anyone still believing Trump, is a great candidate for natural selection.
i've noticed most of your posts are childish retorts akin to nanananana ! grow up boy.
So a hospital gives the people an overdose of the drug and it's Trump's fault.

Fucking Hillaryous.
No hospital gave anyone anything. This couple got the chloroquine at the pet store themselves because they use it to clean their aquarium. The wife saw the words chloroquine phosphate and thought it was the same hydrocychloroquine used for coronavirus treatment. He also took the entire box.

Trump has nothing to do with this. But...
You know how democrats lie
Unfortunately, at this point, anyone still believing Trump, is a great candidate for natural selection.
i've noticed most of your posts are childish retorts akin to nanananana ! grow boy.
There must be a ball of duct tape where your exclamation point key once was.
nah ....i've got my laptop resting on top of your girlfriends head .
Lol! And you are telling others to grow up? Show us where you are in this video?
Trump stopped travel from China late January was way too late. If the Pandemic Team was in placed they could have stopped it early December or November 2019.
With Trump creating enemies all over I don’t think that is even possible to get cooperation from China
China was slow at giving accurate information...but you know that...you are just ignoring that little fact....aren't you?...
the coward will never criticize his communist allies .
Trump needs to shut the hell up and let the professionals do their jobs and stop the madness of his nonsense. Biden on President Trump's coronavirus response: He should stop talking and listen to experts - CNN Video
then you and your left wing pals would be accusing him of hiding from the public or not leading and informing the public in a time of crisis ! why dont you just be honest and admitt that you hate the man and there is absolutely nothing he can do to change that !
I watched him today. What closet have you been hiding in?
Thousands maybe millions are gonna die, the media reports.
Which is a fact, so in no way supports your claim. Next....

Also to kill the economy for all Americans is way over doing it.
The media didn't do that. You already lost focus, before even coming close to supporting your claim.

"Most" people don't get seriously ill, eh? Where did you learn that? Maybe...

....the media?

You're incoherent.
All I can say to you, this isn't Trump's Katrina, even though you want it to be. Sorry dude or dudettt.
I wouldn't worry about it being his Katrina, but I would worry about it being his apocalypse if he doesn't watch it.
Elon bought them from China
Because that is where they are made...thanks to Obama/Biden.....
and Clinton ! mostly bill Clinton ! he implemented nafta ! and the gave China favored nation status after welcoming the into the WTO.
MSNBC this morning were saying Trump killed a man because he died after taking the Malaria drug...he was dying before they gave him the drug but they didn't tell their blind followers that bit of news...licences for news agencies really need to be reviewed after this....


Fake News Hacks Claim Man Died After Ingesting Chloroquine ‘Because of Trump’ – Leaves Out the Fact He Actually Drank Koi Pond Cleaner
And that was chloroquine. It was just not the type trump was talking about. Maybe if trump knew there was more than one kind he could have explained that and a death might have been avoided. Which is why trump should keep his mouth shut and let the experts talk.
The man was dying from Covid-19...if he took something without a doctors order he is at fault not Trump...would you like it better if no one told you about this treatment?....

Wrong. No one said he is dying of covid 19 except you. If he is suffering why is he not in hospital?
He was ill enough to try something stupid...don't know why he didn't go to the hospital except for the fact that he is obviously the type that does things his way....you know the type...the guys that think they know more than doctors....
Stop twisting. Wife already said they heard it from Trump as a cure both scared of CV so they took it. He is a Trump followers like you that believe everything what Trump said.

Then you cherry pick
That was stupid....what do you want anyone to say?...they must have been two of Trump's thousands of democrat supporters....it will take some time for them to come up to speed....they were dems for cryin out loud....
LOL. The evidence is clear Dude. 99% I’m pretty sure they are die hard Trump followers. You are denying that they are not Trump followers like you that believe everything what a lying jerk is telling you. Either lies or fake you don’t care.
Why should a Democrat believe a pathological hypocrite liar?
What do I want anyone to say? Admit Trump killed this guy. Stop giving advice to Americans that he is not qualified. Lastly Trump should just STFU and let Pence run the show.
Cuomo would be much better. He isn't lying to everyone.
but but what about Biden ??? he did such a great job with h1n1 ??? so now the left wants to switch candidates again ! and what i find hard to understand is the left losing their fucking minds over a drug that shows promise ! its like the scumbags are scared to death it might work ! you never get this much heated reaction from the left over opioid drug overdoses !thousands every year ! suddenly a couple of people self medicated and the left lose their minds ! why ! because Trump said the drug is showing promise and could be a game changer !but the real reason is this folks ..... it just may be a game changer and the left does not want a game changer ! the left is saying because Trump is POTUS there is no hope ! the only hope is voting him out in 2020 ! can you imagine the egg the left is going to have on their faces when we come out of this and the economy rebounds ! if we get this under control in the next few weeks without destroying our economy ...[dems with holding aid to hurt the economy and the American people ] .....Trump will be unbeatable ! the drug works folks i saw several people infected covid 19 that were hospitalized and were given the drugs and they said the drug worked ! its going to change the dynamic !
Biden doesn't hold a government office. But he will.
no he wont ...the man has serious issues .
Trump needs to shut the hell up and let the professionals do their jobs and stop the madness of his nonsense. Biden on President Trump's coronavirus response: He should stop talking and listen to experts - CNN Video
then you and your left wing pals would be accusing him of hiding from the public or not leading and informing the public in a time of crisis ! why dont you just be honest and admitt that you hate the man and there is absolutely nothing he can do to change that !

Wait --- are you saying Rump is................... impotent? :21:
Ah the left leaning peons!
Bitterly clinging to Gropey Joey when they know deep down in their withered black little hearts that Hillary will be theirs on the ballot.
So cute in a child.
So silly in a chronological adult.
By our response the media is way over hyping this.
How so? Be specific. Lots of links would also be required, but we will see first what you can produce in your own words.
His post is beyond the point of stupid. "Close the Liberal shitholes and this wouldn't be anything." Lol! What in the world does that mean?
Well without the electoral college, two of those shitholes would've gave us a Hillary president. Understand now? She couldn't keep 4 Americans on her watch alive. When they knew it was coming. We would be sc
All I can say to you, this isn't Trump's Katrina, even though you want it to be.
No I don't. I am not a trumpist like you, I don't wish ill on everyone who doesn't regurgitate my own spoonfed talking points back to me.
Okay, you forgot. It's CNN spoon feeding you, talking points. Then you regurgitate the exact same talking points. Then you regurgitate your own spoonfed talking points back to yourself. Got it!

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