Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

What do we do with 400 ventilators? Trump royally fucked this up. Cuomo to FEMA: You pick the 26k people who are going to die - CNN Video
Last time I checked these states have governors...are they responsible at all?....you are on very thin ice.....I guess blue state governors only have to give good speeches...but don't have to do squat.....
the people of NY need to keep their asses inside ! but they wont !Quomo has been complaining about people not social distancing for days !
I agree about social distancing, but New York and New Jersey? There are millions packed in there together. At some point these folks have to eat. Where do they go, and how do they get there to get food?
they cook it ! people all over the country are still going to the grocery store ! keep your asses inside ! my state has been practicing social distancing and the infection rate hasnt skyrocketed ! are you trying to say people are jammed against each other 24 7 in NY city or NJ that there is no way not to have crowds of people together ! are you saying its impossible to stay 6 feet apart !
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Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
he also said that it will depend on the progress of the virus outbreak also he said parts of the country may reopen and others may remain shut down !
What do we do with 400 ventilators? Trump royally fucked this up. Cuomo to FEMA: You pick the 26k people who are going to die - CNN Video
Shouldn't the mayor and governor suppose to have medical supplies for their people?
Not for events like this. The governors and mayors are not the US military, and they don't get involved in the profit side of private hospitals. You all seem to not be able to make the connection. Private hospitals are a business. Not a national defense operation. This is a war like event where the US military has to take charge. I don't think people have thought this through yet. This is a kin to a war like event that is being waged in every state. It's an attack on our country. People wake up.
iv'e been following the social distancing guidelines have you ??honestly have you ??
This thread is an example of how enemy democrats don't know that Trump's approval is 60% and their candidate is Joe "Who Me?" Biden.
Trump needs to shut the hell up and let the professionals do their jobs and stop the madness of his nonsense. Biden on President Trump's coronavirus response: He should stop talking and listen to experts - CNN Video
then you and your left wing pals would be accusing him of hiding from the public or not leading and informing the public in a time of crisis ! why dont you just be honest and admitt that you hate the man and there is absolutely nothing he can do to change that !

Wait --- are you saying Rump is................... impotent? :21:
shut up and finish your donuts fat boy !
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
No there is no reason to shut the economy down. 500 deaths and 100,000 recovered. The numbers don't add up.
Just so you understand, Trump has no power to open up the economy. The governors do. Trump never shut it down to begin with. It was governors who did that, and they can open it up when they see fit. So really, Trump isn't in charge. It's the presidents like Cuomo and Newsome who are in charge. And they aren't listening to Trump. They're listening to medical experts.
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Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
We must...the cure can not be allowed to do more harm than the flu....let that sink in awhile and take a posting break...
Trump got that bs from Fox news yesterday, from another one of their clowns. Do you have any idea how stupid that is? The cure is social distancing at the moment. At the moment, that is the only cure we have.
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Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
No there is no reason to shut the economy down. 500 deaths and 100,000 recovered. The numbers don't add up.
Just so you understand, Trump has no power to open up the economy. The governors do. Trump never shut it down to begin with. It was governors who did that, and they can open it up when they see fit. So really, Trump isn't in charge. It's the presidents like Cuomo and Newsome who are in charge. And they aren't listening to Trump. They're listening to medical experts.
they arec following his directive ! Cuomo cant controll NY city ! the people have ignored social distancing AND NOW THE PRICE IS BEING PAID ! CUOMO HAS FAILED AS A LEADER OF THE STATE !
I already did. He called it the new democrat hoax. And his followers told us it didn't exist. That was a tragic mistake on his part. Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax
He said the democrats reaction to it was political and it was and is....
He was the one who said it was a hoax, not the democrats. Trump supporters say it doesn't exist, not the democrats. He said Russia and the impeachment was a hoax, not the democrats. And guess what, Trump was wrong. None that I mentioned proved to be a hoax. If something is not a hoax, it isn't political. It's real.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
No there is no reason to shut the economy down. 500 deaths and 100,000 recovered. The numbers don't add up.
Just so you understand, Trump has no power to open up the economy. The governors do. Trump never shut it down to begin with. It was governors who did that, and they can open it up when they see fit. So really, Trump isn't in charge. It's the presidents like Cuomo and Newsome who are in charge. And they aren't listening to Trump. They're listening to medical experts.
they arec following his directive ! Cuomo cant controll NY city ! the people have ignored social distancing AND NOW THE PRICE IS BEING PAID ! CUOMO HAS FAILED AS A LEADER OF THE STATE !
Trump has no directive. He just wants to see people open up the economy. He doesn't care if they live or die. It's the economy. Fuck the people. I saw the streets. He's doing a pretty good job. People aren't ignoring the social distancing. The problem is, lot's of these people were already infected before hand, and or got infected recently by those who had it,who didn't know they had it. Cuomo called on the military to make other field hospitals, and is calling on manufactures to start making masks. If Trump hadn't made light of this with his fifteen cases going to zero, or calling it a hoax, we wouldn't be in near as much mess.
Trump has handled this crises perfectly.....he passed the test....but if you are having trouble making ends meet this month call Pelosi the home wrecker....
Trump said it was a hoax, his followers say it doesn't exist, he said he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared one, Trump said out of the fifteen cases it would go to zero, how is that "handling the crisis perfectly?"
Around 500 deaths and almost a 100,000 already recovered from it. Pretty good job if you ask me.
And no masks, no gloves, no medicine, not enough tests, told us it was a hoax, told us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared, told us the fifteen cases would go down to zero, got in front of Fauci on the malaria drug and tried to use it as his fantasy treatment, wants to open the economy back up at Easter, the man has done a disastrous job. He has failed at every turn.
show us the video of Trump calling thew virus a hoax ! the only people calling it a hoax are college age spring breakers and we know how they lean politicaly !
I already did. He called it the new democrat hoax. And his followers told us it didn't exist. That was a tragic mistake on his part. Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax' Russia was a hoax. It wasn't. Impeachment was a hoax. It wasn't.

WATCH: Trump Supporter Says Coronavirus Doesn't Exist, Is Fabricated By Dems To Hurt The President This is the result of Trump talking shit.
Russia was a hoax and his impeachment was bullshit.
Prove it.
he used fish tank cleaner, and he also took a dose of his own design.
it might have a different outcome if a doctor prescribes a patient the recomended dosage of the actual drug.
thread fail

I agree ^^^

Wasn't prescribed by a doctor and I also read it was used to clean a fish tank, which means you could pick it up off the shelf at Walmart.

My God people, wake up!
I'm sure he was a liberal, wonder how many cases of toilet paper he had. The media needs to be held accountable.


Pray, where the FUCK did "THE MEDIA" tell these unfortunates to do this?
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.

What’s the guarantee of a Russian troll worth these days?
What's the guarantee that Pelosi flies in on her American funded jet, and takes away help from the American people? Because she wants to fund her agenda? I'll tell you, 100%. So screw you, you people are the problem.

No the problem is with the federal government and it’s abject failure to effectively deal with this pandemic.

Dumb Donald has fucked up badly and just like W and his wrong headed response to 9/11, thousands of Americans will die as a result.

Pelosi has nothing to do with these negotiations but she should have been involved because the House will also have to pass this bill and Moscow Mitch is trying to slide one past the American people with this bill.

The President is far to corrupt and dishonest to be given control of a multi billion dollar slush fund. Period.
Fuck you, she came in and killed the bill. Obama didn't replace the mask. Obama care is a failure, and the media is over hyping this. Because you didn't win the last election, and you won't this one either.
he used fish tank cleaner, and he also took a dose of his own design.
it might have a different outcome if a doctor prescribes a patient the recomended dosage of the actual drug.
thread fail

I agree ^^^

Wasn't prescribed by a doctor and I also read it was used to clean a fish tank, which means you could pick it up off the shelf at Walmart.

My God people, wake up!
I'm sure he was a liberal, wonder how many cases of toilet paper he had. The media needs to be held accountable.


Pray, where the FUCK did "THE MEDIA" tell these unfortunates to do this?
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.

What’s the guarantee of a Russian troll worth these days?
What's the guarantee that Pelosi flies in on her American funded jet, and takes away help from the American people? Because she wants to fund her agenda? I'll tell you, 100%. So screw you, you people are the problem.

No the problem is with the federal government and it’s abject failure to effectively deal with this pandemic.

Dumb Donald has fucked up badly and just like W and his wrong headed response to 9/11, thousands of Americans will die as a result.

he used fish tank cleaner, and he also took a dose of his own design.
it might have a different outcome if a doctor prescribes a patient the recomended dosage of the actual drug.
thread fail

I agree ^^^

Wasn't prescribed by a doctor and I also read it was used to clean a fish tank, which means you could pick it up off the shelf at Walmart.

My God people, wake up!
I'm sure he was a liberal, wonder how many cases of toilet paper he had. The media needs to be held accountable.


Pray, where the FUCK did "THE MEDIA" tell these unfortunates to do this?
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.

Actually it's over 550 dead, over ten thousand new cases just today and a penetration rate that;s expanded by a factor of 22 times in ten days, but essplain to the class how "THE MEDIA" calls any shots to "shut an economy down". Is the DJIA part of "THE MEDIA"? Do you in fact have any clue how all this works?

Get a grip man.. The expansion is largely due to testing. Before all that testing started, you had "suspected cases" that would "roll off" as mild or mis-diagnosed within 2 or 3 days..

NOBODY -- not even the CDC KNOWS what the "transmission is"... Because NO ONE KNOWS how many TOTAL infections there are... Total infections include those that are NEVER symptomatic or have very mild symptoms.. So NOBODY knows what the actual death rate is yet..

They are working on all that.. Using "best guesses".. But probably 20,000 this flu season have died without the help of the Corona outbreak..

Only way to know contagion/transmission/death rates is to RANDOM test a large swath of the population. And we'll never have the test kits for that anytime soon..

What we DO KNOW -- and Fauci and Berkit said it recently -- is that ALL THESE RATES have been revised downwards in the past 15 days or so....

That is SO FASCINATING, but it has nothing to do with my correction of the quoted poster's lowballng of the conditions OR his fake premise holding"THE MEDIA" responsible for people killing themselves with touted quack formulas, neither of which have a legitimate basis to exist.

And you want to go after ME for calling that bullshit out??

Tell ya what, I'll continue to stand for accuracy, Reality and the Truth, and you continue to do whatever it is you do.

What I do lately is talk hysterical people off the ledge... You're welcome.. :auiqs.jpg: The EXPERTS don't know the numbers accurately -- why argue or fear monger about them????

Why are YOU downplaying the dangers And pretending this is a media driven hoax?
Let me know when it exceeds 18,000.

Have no idea why this showed up in my notifications but what is it you're looking to exceed 18,000?

By the way, learn how to post. You've got multiple posts tossed into some kind of goulash here, as for the previous one about "you lost the election", you do know the poster you're addressing is Canadian, right? And nice touch, going "fuck you" to a lady. Stay classy, asswipe.
Obama let over 18,000 die with the swine flu. I didn't really blame it on him then. But you loons blaming Trump for this virus. Well I call it fair play.
Obama did not let anybody die. And when you look at the responses, Obama acted quicker. Furthermore he created a pandemic response team in order so we would be prepared for things like this and trump disbanded it. It is these things we are holding trump accountable for, not the virus. And really, you guys have excused trump for thing you would have demanded Obamas head for.
Obama waited till a thousand people died. The death toll right now is around 500, and almost a 100,000 has recovered from it.
As always, you are a liar; Fact checking Trump's claim on swine flu tests Why do you come here to lie?
Obama's failed and thousands died and he had a vaccine.
You were found to be a liar and cannot debate my link. What Obama did, was done in a much shorter span of time. The amount of people who died has nothing to do with readiness. Trump waited two months to admit it the virus even existed.
Trump stopped travel from China in January. While your guys were to busy trying to impeach him. oh they did take a break to call him a racist though.
Trump stopped travel from China because he cared about the numbers. During that time frame, based on his own words, he made his followers believe it didn't exist.
Is that before you called him a racist for it. Experts say that saved lives and Pelosi was trying to strip the power from Trump. Before they found out it worked.
The post I made has nothing to do with racism. And you are a coward by using that as a distraction. The other part of your post I have no idea what you are talking about? I'm sure you don't either.
Stopping travel from China saved lives, and you saying Trump only did that to help his numbers. Proves no matter what Trump does, you still gonna bitch about it. Yes the democrats have been trying to deflect anything Trump is trying to do. Please wake up and think for yourself.

Exactly! ^^^

No matter what the President does, these socialists demons will have a problem with!

And now, all they want is that the anti-malaria drug Chloroquine - which by the way is used frequently in countries that suffer from malaria, like Nigeria, Mali, etc... - fails too.

The malaria drug works and Trump is a hero, the malaria drug works and the Left will look like ass***s
Trump already lost that war. He will forever be the loser in this for his major screw ups in the beginning, and he continues screwing up today by calling to open up the economy. He can't do that, and he never closed it down to begin with. He's an idiot who doesn't have a clue. He called it a hoax. That's a screw up. He told us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared. He told us that the fifteen cases would go to zero. Another screw up. He approved the malaria drug? Now he's a doctor? :auiqs.jpg:He's screwing up every day.
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This thread is an example of how enemy democrats don't know that Trump's approval is 60% and their candidate is Joe "Who Me?" Biden.

Trumps approval is not 60 percent and Biden is about to take trump apart.
Trumps approval is not 60 percent and Biden is about to take trump apart.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
We must...the cure can not be allowed to do more harm than the flu....let that sink in awhile and take a posting break...
Trump got that bs from Fox news yesterday, from another one of their clowns. Do you have any idea how stupid that is? The cure is social distancing at the moment. At the moment, that is the only cure we have.
So you were born after Clinton was President. :muahaha:
Do not let the naysayers keep you sick. If you are a Trump supporter who has coronavirus or who has a trump supporting friend who has coronavirus, please give him some Chloroquine.
Like now.

Are you sure?
So Trump supporters if you are sick of CV just take Chloroquine. I can’t believe I’m reading this.

Brand name Plaquenil need doctor’s prescriptions. You do know that what you are spreading is dangerous. Just because inept amateur Trump told you with NO medical background doesn’t mean you can just willy willy take chloroquine. This need further study.
Some CV patients took it and get better but it wasn’t clinically watch. Just like the HIV meds used in Singapore. President Cuomo said study will start Tuesday but was very careful how he broadcast it.

Trump as usual ...... It works.
Just like when he said ...... If you are sick you can still go to work. STUPID.

Is English your second language?
he used fish tank cleaner, and he also took a dose of his own design.
it might have a different outcome if a doctor prescribes a patient the recomended dosage of the actual drug.
thread fail

I agree ^^^

Wasn't prescribed by a doctor and I also read it was used to clean a fish tank, which means you could pick it up off the shelf at Walmart.

My God people, wake up!
I'm sure he was a liberal, wonder how many cases of toilet paper he had. The media needs to be held accountable.


Pray, where the FUCK did "THE MEDIA" tell these unfortunates to do this?
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.

What’s the guarantee of a Russian troll worth these days?
What's the guarantee that Pelosi flies in on her American funded jet, and takes away help from the American people? Because she wants to fund her agenda? I'll tell you, 100%. So screw you, you people are the problem.

No the problem is with the federal government and it’s abject failure to effectively deal with this pandemic.

Dumb Donald has fucked up badly and just like W and his wrong headed response to 9/11, thousands of Americans will die as a result.

Pelosi has nothing to do with these negotiations but she should have been involved because the House will also have to pass this bill and Moscow Mitch is trying to slide one past the American people with this bill.

The President is far to corrupt and dishonest to be given control of a multi billion dollar slush fund. Period.
Fuck you, she came in and killed the bill. Obama didn't replace the mask. Obama care is a failure, and the media is over hyping this. Because you didn't win the last election, and you won't this one either.
he used fish tank cleaner, and he also took a dose of his own design.
it might have a different outcome if a doctor prescribes a patient the recomended dosage of the actual drug.
thread fail

I agree ^^^

Wasn't prescribed by a doctor and I also read it was used to clean a fish tank, which means you could pick it up off the shelf at Walmart.

My God people, wake up!
I'm sure he was a liberal, wonder how many cases of toilet paper he had. The media needs to be held accountable.


Pray, where the FUCK did "THE MEDIA" tell these unfortunates to do this?
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.

What’s the guarantee of a Russian troll worth these days?
What's the guarantee that Pelosi flies in on her American funded jet, and takes away help from the American people? Because she wants to fund her agenda? I'll tell you, 100%. So screw you, you people are the problem.

No the problem is with the federal government and it’s abject failure to effectively deal with this pandemic.

Dumb Donald has fucked up badly and just like W and his wrong headed response to 9/11, thousands of Americans will die as a result.

he used fish tank cleaner, and he also took a dose of his own design.
it might have a different outcome if a doctor prescribes a patient the recomended dosage of the actual drug.
thread fail

I agree ^^^

Wasn't prescribed by a doctor and I also read it was used to clean a fish tank, which means you could pick it up off the shelf at Walmart.

My God people, wake up!
I'm sure he was a liberal, wonder how many cases of toilet paper he had. The media needs to be held accountable.


Pray, where the FUCK did "THE MEDIA" tell these unfortunates to do this?
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.

Actually it's over 550 dead, over ten thousand new cases just today and a penetration rate that;s expanded by a factor of 22 times in ten days, but essplain to the class how "THE MEDIA" calls any shots to "shut an economy down". Is the DJIA part of "THE MEDIA"? Do you in fact have any clue how all this works?

Get a grip man.. The expansion is largely due to testing. Before all that testing started, you had "suspected cases" that would "roll off" as mild or mis-diagnosed within 2 or 3 days..

NOBODY -- not even the CDC KNOWS what the "transmission is"... Because NO ONE KNOWS how many TOTAL infections there are... Total infections include those that are NEVER symptomatic or have very mild symptoms.. So NOBODY knows what the actual death rate is yet..

They are working on all that.. Using "best guesses".. But probably 20,000 this flu season have died without the help of the Corona outbreak..

Only way to know contagion/transmission/death rates is to RANDOM test a large swath of the population. And we'll never have the test kits for that anytime soon..

What we DO KNOW -- and Fauci and Berkit said it recently -- is that ALL THESE RATES have been revised downwards in the past 15 days or so....

That is SO FASCINATING, but it has nothing to do with my correction of the quoted poster's lowballng of the conditions OR his fake premise holding"THE MEDIA" responsible for people killing themselves with touted quack formulas, neither of which have a legitimate basis to exist.

And you want to go after ME for calling that bullshit out??

Tell ya what, I'll continue to stand for accuracy, Reality and the Truth, and you continue to do whatever it is you do.

What I do lately is talk hysterical people off the ledge... You're welcome.. :auiqs.jpg: The EXPERTS don't know the numbers accurately -- why argue or fear monger about them????

Why are YOU downplaying the dangers And pretending this is a media driven hoax?
Let me know when it exceeds 18,000.

Have no idea why this showed up in my notifications but what is it you're looking to exceed 18,000?

By the way, learn how to post. You've got multiple posts tossed into some kind of goulash here, as for the previous one about "you lost the election", you do know the poster you're addressing is Canadian, right? And nice touch, going "fuck you" to a lady. Stay classy, asswipe.
Obama let over 18,000 die with the swine flu. I didn't really blame it on him then. But you loons blaming Trump for this virus. Well I call it fair play.
Obama did not let anybody die. And when you look at the responses, Obama acted quicker. Furthermore he created a pandemic response team in order so we would be prepared for things like this and trump disbanded it. It is these things we are holding trump accountable for, not the virus. And really, you guys have excused trump for thing you would have demanded Obamas head for.
Obama waited till a thousand people died. The death toll right now is around 500, and almost a 100,000 has recovered from it.
As always, you are a liar; Fact checking Trump's claim on swine flu tests Why do you come here to lie?
Obama's failed and thousands died and he had a vaccine.
You were found to be a liar and cannot debate my link. What Obama did, was done in a much shorter span of time. The amount of people who died has nothing to do with readiness. Trump waited two months to admit it the virus even existed.
Trump stopped travel from China in January. While your guys were to busy trying to impeach him. oh they did take a break to call him a racist though.
Trump stopped travel from China because he cared about the numbers. During that time frame, based on his own words, he made his followers believe it didn't exist.
Is that before you called him a racist for it. Experts say that saved lives and Pelosi was trying to strip the power from Trump. Before they found out it worked.
The post I made has nothing to do with racism. And you are a coward by using that as a distraction. The other part of your post I have no idea what you are talking about? I'm sure you don't either.
Stopping travel from China saved lives, and you saying Trump only did that to help his numbers. Proves no matter what Trump does, you still gonna bitch about it. Yes the democrats have been trying to deflect anything Trump is trying to do. Please wake up and think for yourself.

Exactly! ^^^

No matter what the President does, these socialists demons will have a problem with!

And now, all they want is that the anti-malaria drug Chloroquine - which by the way is used frequently in countries that suffer from malaria, like Nigeria, Mali, etc... - fails too.

The malaria drug works and Trump is a hero, the malaria drug works and the Left will look like ass***s
Trump already lost that war. He will forever be the loser in this for his major screw ups in the beginning, and he continues screwing up today by calling to open up the economy. He can't do that, and he never closed it down to begin with. He's an idiot who doesn't have a clue. He called it a hoax. That's a screw up. He told us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared. He told us that the fifteen cases would go to zero. Another screw up. He approved the malaria drug? Now he's a doctor? :auiqs.jpg:He's screwing up every day.
You and Himis2 have been eating tooooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuch fruitcake.

President Trump is backed by his Republican Party members who understand the big picture. But keep on replaying your broken records on your cellphone screen. President Trump has made known the Great Pretenders like Clinton and Biden to be the Deep State depravities of a lifetime of hidden agendas which is now exposed as relentless propagandists for turning America into a socialist/communist state with them always clamoring to trade in the United States Constitution for everybody yielding their freedoms to the State.

Let's recap the First Amendment --
Exactly, who wants to prevent Christian scriptures, prayers, and principles from being traditionally spoken on intercoms at public schools?
And just as exactly, who wants to prevent the police force from knowing the color of a person's skin as a description of a criminal who robs, rapes, and rubs-out? (IOW, kills freedom of religion and speech that Amendment 1 protects)

And the Second --
Who is spearheading the removal of armaments for self- and society-protecting citizens? (IOW, take our guns away if we own them)

And the Sixth --
Who tried to destroy Donald Trump for 3 years of criminal hearings for impeachable crimes he did not commit, while knowing all along the President did not commit them? So much for a speedy trial-by-jealousy and not facts, and certainly not--after 3 long years--speedy.

And the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth amendments plus the Separation of Powers Clause of the US Constitution --
Who in the Legislative Branch partitioned off and executed stalking and punishing President Trump's staff by demanding their constituents become harassing harpies toward members of the Executive Branch which violated all of the above?
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Do not let the naysayers keep you sick. If you are a Trump supporter who has coronavirus or who has a trump supporting friend who has coronavirus, please give him some Chloroquine.
Like now.

Are you sure?
So Trump supporters if you are sick of CV just take Chloroquine. I can’t believe I’m reading this.

Brand name Plaquenil need doctor’s prescriptions. You do know that what you are spreading is dangerous. Just because inept amateur Trump told you with NO medical background doesn’t mean you can just willy willy take chloroquine. This need further study.
Some CV patients took it and get better but it wasn’t clinically watch. Just like the HIV meds used in Singapore. President Cuomo said study will start Tuesday but was very careful how he broadcast it.

Trump as usual ...... It works.
Just like when he said ...... If you are sick you can still go to work. STUPID.

Is English your second language?
Avoiding respiratory illnesses is as simple as taking an ordinary health supplement of the mineral zinc for humans in the morning before going to work. :rolleyes:

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