Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
No there is no reason to shut the economy down. 500 deaths and 100,000 recovered. The numbers don't add up.
Just so you understand, Trump has no power to open up the economy. The governors do. Trump never shut it down to begin with. It was governors who did that, and they can open it up when they see fit. So really, Trump isn't in charge. It's the presidents like Cuomo and Newsome who are in charge. And they aren't listening to Trump. They're listening to medical experts.
they arec following his directive ! Cuomo cant controll NY city ! the people have ignored social distancing AND NOW THE PRICE IS BEING PAID ! CUOMO HAS FAILED AS A LEADER OF THE STATE !
Trump has no directive. He just wants to see people open up the economy. He doesn't care if they live or die. It's the economy. Fuck the people. I saw the streets. He's doing a pretty good job. People aren't ignoring the social distancing. The problem is, lot's of these people were already infected before hand, and or got infected recently by those who had it,who didn't know they had it. Cuomo called on the military to make other field hospitals, and is calling on manufactures to start making masks. If Trump hadn't made light of this with his fifteen cases going to zero, or calling it a hoax, we wouldn't be in near as much mess.
So now the governor's have power over the military?
Do they? Did I say that, or did you make that up out of thin air?
I asked about the governor or the mayor should make sure they have enough mask for a crisis. You mentioned that in an emergency like that. The military gets involved and the governor has no say so with the military.
A North Dakota news station "Valley News Live" reported "Old drug, new tricks? Fish tank additive may treat coronavirus". A version of the report is still available from the Wayback Machine. I posted it a few minutes ago but someone deleted it which was smart. {edit - not deleted.. posted it on the other thread}
From the article:
Chloroquine is also used in aquariums to kill some organisms like algae that may harm fish and other aquatic animals.

Prices for chloroquine phosphate have gone through the roof online.

The price that was once $9.99 is now up to $500 dollars on eBay.
It's no wonder some would try it. Especially those who think Trump knows things.
the couple ingested a fish-tank solvent with chloroquine phosphate, the same active ingredient found in anti-malarial drugs that President Donald Trump has hailed as a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus.
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Trump has handled this crises perfectly.....he passed the test....but if you are having trouble making ends meet this month call Pelosi the home wrecker....
Trump said it was a hoax, his followers say it doesn't exist, he said he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared one, Trump said out of the fifteen cases it would go to zero, how is that "handling the crisis perfectly?"
Around 500 deaths and almost a 100,000 already recovered from it. Pretty good job if you ask me.
And no masks, no gloves, no medicine, not enough tests, told us it was a hoax, told us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared, told us the fifteen cases would go down to zero, got in front of Fauci on the malaria drug and tried to use it as his fantasy treatment, wants to open the economy back up at Easter, the man has done a disastrous job. He has failed at every turn.
show us the video of Trump calling thew virus a hoax ! the only people calling it a hoax are college age spring breakers and we know how they lean politicaly !
I already did. He called it the new democrat hoax. And his followers told us it didn't exist. That was a tragic mistake on his part. Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax' Russia was a hoax. It wasn't. Impeachment was a hoax. It wasn't.

WATCH: Trump Supporter Says Coronavirus Doesn't Exist, Is Fabricated By Dems To Hurt The President This is the result of Trump talking shit.
Russia was a hoax and his impeachment was bullshit.
Prove it.
Trump is still your president, silly.
He plays no role because he doesn't know what it is, and you are a liar. Russia was proven to have helped Trump cheat, and the impeachment case was proven based on the evidence that the Right never contested.
Trump got acquitted.
Wrong! There was no trial to acquit him about.
He was acquitted, Congress didn't make a case. Like they were suppose to.
The woman, who had chloroquine phosphate in the house because she kept koi fish, added: 'I was in the pantry and i saw it sitting on the back shelf and I said "hey isn't that stuff they were talking about on tv".
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A North Dakota news station "Valley News Live" reported "Old drug, new tricks? Fish tank additive may treat coronavirus". A version of the report is still available from the Wayback Machine. I posted it a few minutes ago but someone deleted it which was smart. {edit - not deleted.. posted it on the other thread}
From the article:
Chloroquine is also used in aquariums to kill some organisms like algae that may harm fish and other aquatic animals.

Prices for chloroquine phosphate have gone through the roof online.

The price that was once $9.99 is now up to $500 dollars on eBay.
It's no wonder some would try it. Especially those who think Trump knows things.
the couple ingested a fish-tank solvent with chloroquine phosphate, the same active ingredient found in anti-malarial drugs that President Donald Trump has hailed as a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus.

This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....

To those out there reading Grumblenuts post here thinking all they need do is go to their pet store and but some fish tank cleaner, and ingest it, all I can say is how stupid that is on its face. Nothing concerning this virus should be taken unless a doctor approves, and proscribes it....

Grumblenuts: You need to STOP posting this misinformation, it is dangerous. A man in AZ has already died because of reckless crap like this. STOP IT! I will report any and all postings of you advocating this insane misinformation.
View attachment 315088
The woman, who had chloroquine phosphate in the house because she kept koi fish, added: 'I was in the pantry and i saw it sitting on the back shelf and I said "hey isn't that stuff they were talking about on tv".
That's summa that thar grate merrykin ejikashin.
I need to start a business. Klorkween health drops...Active ingredient, Choroquine iodide and organic arnica .
Warning ! Only for foot fungus
This thread is an example of how enemy democrats don't know that Trump's approval is 60% and their candidate is Joe "Who Me?" Biden.

Trumps approval is not 60 percent and Biden is about to take trump apart.
Go Joe Go! Joe is such an effective candidate that the dimwits have to be stopped from drafting Cuomo.

Psst. Trump's approval is in the 20s. Pass it on.
A North Dakota news station "Valley News Live" reported "Old drug, new tricks? Fish tank additive may treat coronavirus". A version of the report is still available from the Wayback Machine. I posted it a few minutes ago but someone deleted it which was smart. {edit - not deleted.. posted it on the other thread}
From the article:
Chloroquine is also used in aquariums to kill some organisms like algae that may harm fish and other aquatic animals.

Prices for chloroquine phosphate have gone through the roof online.

The price that was once $9.99 is now up to $500 dollars on eBay.
It's no wonder some would try it. Especially those who think Trump knows things.
the couple ingested a fish-tank solvent with chloroquine phosphate, the same active ingredient found in anti-malarial drugs that President Donald Trump has hailed as a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus.

This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....

To those out there reading Grumblenuts post here thinking all they need do is go to their pet store and but some fish tank cleaner, and ingest it, all I can say is how stupid that is on its face. Nothing concerning this virus should be taken unless a doctor approves, and proscribes it....

Grumblenuts: You need to STOP posting this misinformation, it is dangerous. A man in AZ has already died because of reckless crap like this. STOP IT! I will report any and all postings of you advocating this insane misinformation.
So you think it's a sulphate vs. phosphate thing. Bully for you. Take that up with Politifact. I'm making clear how Trump even had "News" outlets believing and spreading this crap. No shit a man died. JFC on a cracker!
Trump has handled this crises perfectly.....he passed the test....but if you are having trouble making ends meet this month call Pelosi the home wrecker....
Trump said it was a hoax, his followers say it doesn't exist, he said he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared one, Trump said out of the fifteen cases it would go to zero, how is that "handling the crisis perfectly?"
Around 500 deaths and almost a 100,000 already recovered from it. Pretty good job if you ask me.
And no masks, no gloves, no medicine, not enough tests, told us it was a hoax, told us he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared, told us the fifteen cases would go down to zero, got in front of Fauci on the malaria drug and tried to use it as his fantasy treatment, wants to open the economy back up at Easter, the man has done a disastrous job. He has failed at every turn.
show us the video of Trump calling thew virus a hoax ! the only people calling it a hoax are college age spring breakers and we know how they lean politicaly !
I already did. He called it the new democrat hoax. And his followers told us it didn't exist. That was a tragic mistake on his part. Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax' Russia was a hoax. It wasn't. Impeachment was a hoax. It wasn't.

WATCH: Trump Supporter Says Coronavirus Doesn't Exist, Is Fabricated By Dems To Hurt The President This is the result of Trump talking shit.
Russia was a hoax and his impeachment was bullshit.
Prove it.
Trump is still your president, silly.
He plays no role because he doesn't know what it is, and you are a liar. Russia was proven to have helped Trump cheat, and the impeachment case was proven based on the evidence that the Right never contested.
Trump got acquitted.
Wrong! There was no trial to acquit him about.
He was acquitted, Congress didn't make a case. Like they were suppose to.
Acquitted? There was no trial. You can't acquit without a trial. McConnell dismissed Trump on a bogus decision of their own making, that doesn't exist in real trials. They were never going to have a real trial. Everyone knew that, because they said that is what they would do.
This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....
It's really you who is highly irresponsible. We don't know that any of it is smart to use against this virus yet.
CHLOROQUINE sulfate or phosphate oral
– Treatment of malaria due to P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae
Malpractice settlements are large for undetected hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine toxicity which, if untreated, can lead to permanent loss of central vision. Knowledge of the ocular toxicity of these drugs has increased during the past fifty years as their use has expanded.
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This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....
It's really you who is highly irresponsible. We don't know that any of it is smart to use against this virus yet.
CHLOROQUINE sulfate or phosphate oral
– Treatment of malaria due to P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae
Malpractice settlements are large for undetected hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine toxicity which, if untreated, can lead to permanent loss of central vision. Knowledge of the ocular toxicity of these drugs has increased during the past fifty years as their use has expanded.
And folks like this don't care. They want to do the same thing Trump wants to do. Throw spaghetti up against the wall, or fix everything with magic wands.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
Just watched the news. New Jersey is being over run at the hospitals and supplies are in short supply. You are a bs artist who gets people killed by floating around lies.
the people are ignoring the directives of social distancing in those areas ! thats a fact ....unless Quomo is a liar ! and i have'nt seen any reports of NJ being overun ! more leftist lies and propaganda !to demoralize and frighten the public ! Tokyo Rose would be proud of you traitor !
846 new cases in New Jersey overnight; LIVE UPDATES: Tracking the coronavirus in New Jersey | NJTV News Wake the hell up people.
The people on the east and west coast are not taking it serious enough...hopefully that changes now.....
In the mean time, Trump wants to open the economy back up at easter. So, who also needs to be serious here? 846 new cases overnight in New jersey, and he wants to open the economy back up in easter? Maybe I'm wrong, but I see a potential apocalyptic event a mile away, if that were to happen? Anyone here think that thought is too crazy?
No there is no reason to shut the economy down. 500 deaths and 100,000 recovered. The numbers don't add up.
Just so you understand, Trump has no power to open up the economy. The governors do. Trump never shut it down to begin with. It was governors who did that, and they can open it up when they see fit. So really, Trump isn't in charge. It's the presidents like Cuomo and Newsome who are in charge. And they aren't listening to Trump. They're listening to medical experts.
they arec following his directive ! Cuomo cant controll NY city ! the people have ignored social distancing AND NOW THE PRICE IS BEING PAID ! CUOMO HAS FAILED AS A LEADER OF THE STATE !
Trump has no directive. He just wants to see people open up the economy. He doesn't care if they live or die. It's the economy. Fuck the people. I saw the streets. He's doing a pretty good job. People aren't ignoring the social distancing. The problem is, lot's of these people were already infected before hand, and or got infected recently by those who had it,who didn't know they had it. Cuomo called on the military to make other field hospitals, and is calling on manufactures to start making masks. If Trump hadn't made light of this with his fifteen cases going to zero, or calling it a hoax, we wouldn't be in near as much mess.
So now the governor's have power over the military?
Do they? Did I say that, or did you make that up out of thin air?
I asked about the governor or the mayor should make sure they have enough mask for a crisis. You mentioned that in an emergency like that. The military gets involved and the governor has no say so with the military.
Your responses are not intelligent enough for anyone to know what you are talking about, because you don't know how to arrange your sentences in an educationally, understandable, manner. And on top of that, you invent scenarios that don't exist. Go back to school and try and learn to structure your sentences in a coherent manner, conducive to the english language, and the proper use of english grammar.
A North Dakota news station "Valley News Live" reported "Old drug, new tricks? Fish tank additive may treat coronavirus". A version of the report is still available from the Wayback Machine. I posted it a few minutes ago but someone deleted it which was smart. {edit - not deleted.. posted it on the other thread}
From the article:
Chloroquine is also used in aquariums to kill some organisms like algae that may harm fish and other aquatic animals.

Prices for chloroquine phosphate have gone through the roof online.

The price that was once $9.99 is now up to $500 dollars on eBay.
It's no wonder some would try it. Especially those who think Trump knows things.
the couple ingested a fish-tank solvent with chloroquine phosphate, the same active ingredient found in anti-malarial drugs that President Donald Trump has hailed as a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus.

This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....

To those out there reading Grumblenuts post here thinking all they need do is go to their pet store and but some fish tank cleaner, and ingest it, all I can say is how stupid that is on its face. Nothing concerning this virus should be taken unless a doctor approves, and proscribes it....

Grumblenuts: You need to STOP posting this misinformation, it is dangerous. A man in AZ has already died because of reckless crap like this. STOP IT! I will report any and all postings of you advocating this insane misinformation.
So you think it's a sulphate vs. phosphate thing. Bully for you. Take that up with Politifact. I'm making clear how Trump even had "News" outlets believing and spreading this crap. No shit a man died. JFC on a cracker!

Well, do us a favor then, instead of lying about what Trump did, and btw. Please give us a quote of Trump saying to take fish tank cleaner, why don't you do a couple of doses just to be safe there buddy....

STOP advocating this, it's dangerous.
This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....
It's really you who is highly irresponsible. We don't know that any of it is smart to use against this virus yet.
CHLOROQUINE sulfate or phosphate oral
– Treatment of malaria due to P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae
Malpractice settlements are large for undetected hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine toxicity which, if untreated, can lead to permanent loss of central vision. Knowledge of the ocular toxicity of these drugs has increased during the past fifty years as their use has expanded.

The drug is safe. Widely used without adverse consquence. Doctors are now using it "off label" for patients in the US...

So, when your grandmother is in the hospital, and has a dire situation because of the virus, go ahead and tell the doc NOT to use it then...
This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....
It's really you who is highly irresponsible. We don't know that any of it is smart to use against this virus yet.
CHLOROQUINE sulfate or phosphate oral
– Treatment of malaria due to P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae
Malpractice settlements are large for undetected hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine toxicity which, if untreated, can lead to permanent loss of central vision. Knowledge of the ocular toxicity of these drugs has increased during the past fifty years as their use has expanded.
And folks like this don't care. They want to do the same thing Trump wants to do. Throw spaghetti up against the wall, or fix everything with magic wands.

It's not about "throwing shit against the wall..." It's about finding something that can save lives, and if that comes from already in use safe drugs like Hydroxychloquine, and Z-pak then I say get er' done now....
This thread is an example of how enemy democrats don't know that Trump's approval is 60% and their candidate is Joe "Who Me?" Biden.

Trumps approval is not 60 percent and Biden is about to take trump apart.
Go Joe Go! Joe is such an effective candidate that the dimwits have to be stopped from drafting Cuomo.

Psst. Trump's approval is in the 20s. Pass it on.
Joe is not in government idiot.
This is highly irresponsible....Chloroquine phosphate is significantly different from Hydroxychloroquine, or Cloroquine sulfate....
It's really you who is highly irresponsible. We don't know that any of it is smart to use against this virus yet.
CHLOROQUINE sulfate or phosphate oral
– Treatment of malaria due to P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae
Malpractice settlements are large for undetected hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine toxicity which, if untreated, can lead to permanent loss of central vision. Knowledge of the ocular toxicity of these drugs has increased during the past fifty years as their use has expanded.
And folks like this don't care. They want to do the same thing Trump wants to do. Throw spaghetti up against the wall, or fix everything with magic wands.

It's not about "throwing shit against the wall..." It's about finding something that can save lives, and if that comes from already in use safe drugs like Hydroxychloquine, and Z-pak then I say get er' done now....
You don't waste a malaria medicine by using it as a chance of healing someone with another problem, when a patient who needs the malaria drug is dying of malaria. Which is why you don't use up your malaria drug in mass for something that is unknown. We don't know if it is the cure, and we don't know what our inventory of malaria medicine is. So yes, that is exactly what Trump is doing, and Fauci is doing his best at putting a leash on this idiot Trump for throwing shit up against the wall. Cuba has a medicine for Coronavirus too, but we have to do clinical trials to see how it does. And, you don't just start giving thousands of patients drugs without the precautionary measures. Trump wants to do whatever because Trump cares about Trump. This virus gets in the way of his personal interests.

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