Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

Any far right Christian believes Jews are going to hell.

Any far right non-Christian hates Jews as an affront to his ability to get ahead.
Who will be checking for concealed dicks? And how does that work? Will you dick check everyone? Or just the people who look like they COULD have a penis?

Will you hire more people to check for a penis during WNBA games?
The same way it has always been done. Real women to the right, those with a penis to the left.
What's the problem?
Up until now, if you are found in a women's bathroom and you are a male you would be arrested. Now you want to make a law that lets them roam free? Is our main objective to defend and promote all perversions and punish those who want to protect family values?
Pay Pal is a whore for money. They have no moral compass.

PayPal, like every other corporation, is incapable of a moral compass. Their only concern is profit. They realize that our country has changed, and if they don't also change to match the majority of their customers, their profit will suffer. If the country didn't want LGBT to have the rights granted by the constitution, PayPal would be on that side of the argument.
The far right hates the Jews, hates the Muslims, hates almost anyone who are not like them.

Simply read Weatherman's comments.

He defends the Quaker persecutions, he defends the Jewish persecutions. :lol:
Yeah, you leftists want those Jews building homes next door to those peace loving Muslims.

Great post on a thread about leftist hypocrisy.
The Jews and Muslims have been living next door to each other for 2000 years.
So the facts are leftist?
You don't know much about anything.
Amazing how ignorant the left are.
Of course if they were not ignorant they wouldn't be leftists.
You keep flogging that imaginary horse.
I'm still trying to figure out why leftists are so desperate to get into women's bathrooms.

Maybe it's because so many Leftist men are now sans testicles, you know the Metrosexual nonsense, that it might just be a natural progression therefore for them to want to get into women's bathrooms.
How can you live in a nation and deny people their rights to exist in the spirit of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

Men don't have the right to walk into female bathrooms. Who knows if a man walks into a female bathroom that he's not a sex offender, this is just one reason why this isn't a good idea.

That Leftists can't seem to understand this is bizarre.

Who knows if anyone of any sex is a sex offender? Many sex offenders are more danger to their same sex than they are to the other.
The far right list of hates is -
Asians (non muslim)
Anybody a bit different to me.

Have I missed anyone off this ?

Its an awesome list when you consider that there are only 24 hours in a a day.
Tommy Says these are the far right’s list of hates –

Commies --- Oh a thousand pardons. Some of us on the right do believe strongly in God and are here to serve. We have seen what atheistic communism has done by murdering millions of its own people and spreading its evil to many other nations. And you are here to chastise us for not going along. Wow.

Jews -- You are full of baloney. Anti-Semitism crosses all political borders. The Jews have been persecuted by just about everyone over history, don’t try to be smug and exclude your leftist types. It is the Christian right who is their most loyal friends, including me a Catholic.

Blacks -- Oh, really. How does the far right hate blacks? You and your word “hate.” Is that so you can fool yourself and make excuses for your own prejudices? Christians on the right do not hate blacks at all. We very much want to help them no different than any other minority or group in need. But just because we do not want to hand out money, money we do not have and go further into debt, is not tantamount to hate. Ok? You and your liberal media are a bunch of liars and will do whatever you can to paint a false picture. You have no honor. The right is more generous with its charity, but we are not about to let black activists take over the politics of this nation or define right and wrong. Because they and you are wrong. Black Lives Matters is very bad for this nation and for blacks.

Muslims -- Oh, do tell. When has the “right” been demonizing muslims? Oh, could it be that since the Arab nations went on a frenzy to destroy Israel in five consecutive wars for no good cause or moral reason? Or maybe since 9/11 when it became far more apparent that millions in Islam hated the West and wanted to murder and destroy? Oh, so sorry that we took them seriously. So sorry that you are so dishonest to say the right hates muslims because we are merely far more interested in our national security.

Asians (non muslim) -- The right hates Asians? That is news to me. Question: Does it bother your conscience to make such statements?

Latinos --- Again, we had 50 million Latinos in this nation and no one was persecuting them or hating on them! It is a border issue, Tommy. It is called national security. It is a very serious matter where you on the left do not care because it is no threat to your neighborhood. You make no sense.

Gays -- We do not hate gays. You want us to hate gays. We do not want “homosexuality is grand” preached and promoted in public schools because that is forcing a moral position on children. Got it???!!! I do not want some leftist teacher or program telling confused 11 year old Johnny he is gay, go for it. I do not want gay marriage legalized because it is an affront to God and it promotes homosexuality as normal as pie. It is not! 30 states voted against gay marriage and one perverted court overruled all that. Good you win. We will continue through legal channels to fight this scourge.

Poor -- you are being stupid on purpose. I cannot believe you are that stupid.
The far right hates the Jews, hates the Muslims, hates almost anyone who are not like them.

Simply read Weatherman's comments.

He defends the Quaker persecutions, he defends the Jewish persecutions. :lol:
The far right list of hates is -
Asians (non muslim)
Anybody a bit different to me.

Have I missed anyone off this ?

Its an awesome list when you consider that there are only 24 hours in a a day.
Anyone with an education.
Pssst....PayPal is doing business in NC...they're just not building a new office there. How many offices have they built in those places overseas that Bi-Catfish is complaining about?

Hands the dyke a truckload of razors for "her" hairy back. There is an old saying...don't start none won't be none. Learn it, live it...your ankle biting has grown tiresome
PayPal is doing business in NC...they're just not building a new office there....no new office jobs for NC. How many offices have they build in those countries overseas that Bi-Catfish is complaining about? How many?
The far right list of hates is -
Asians (non muslim)
Anybody a bit different to me.

Have I missed anyone off this ?

Its an awesome list when you consider that there are only 24 hours in a a day.
Tommy Says these are the far right’s list of hates –

Commies --- Oh a thousand pardons. Some of us on the right do believe strongly in God and are here to serve. We have seen what atheistic communism has done by murdering millions of its own people and spreading its evil to many other nations. And you are here to chastise us for not going along. Wow.

Jews -- You are full of baloney. Anti-Semitism crosses all political borders. The Jews have been persecuted by just about everyone over history, don’t try to be smug and exclude your leftist types. It is the Christian right who is their most loyal friends, including me a Catholic.

Blacks -- Oh, really. How does the far right hate blacks? You and your word “hate.” Is that so you can fool yourself and make excuses for your own prejudices? Christians on the right do not hate blacks at all. We very much want to help them no different than any other minority or group in need. But just because we do not want to hand out money, money we do not have and go further into debt, is not tantamount to hate. Ok? You and your liberal media are a bunch of liars and will do whatever you can to paint a false picture. You have no honor. The right is more generous with its charity, but we are not about to let black activists take over the politics of this nation or define right and wrong. Because they and you are wrong. Black Lives Matters is very bad for this nation and for blacks.

Muslims -- Oh, do tell. When has the “right” been demonizing muslims? Oh, could it be that since the Arab nations went on a frenzy to destroy Israel in five consecutive wars for no good cause or moral reason? Or maybe since 9/11 when it became far more apparent that millions in Islam hated the West and wanted to murder and destroy? Oh, so sorry that we took them seriously. So sorry that you are so dishonest to say the right hates muslims because we are merely far more interested in our national security.

Asians (non muslim) -- The right hates Asians? That is news to me. Question: Does it bother your conscience to make such statements?

Latinos --- Again, we had 50 million Latinos in this nation and no one was persecuting them or hating on them! It is a border issue, Tommy. It is called national security. It is a very serious matter where you on the left do not care because it is no threat to your neighborhood. You make no sense.

Gays -- We do not hate gays. You want us to hate gays. We do not want “homosexuality is grand” preached and promoted in public schools because that is forcing a moral position on children. Got it???!!! I do not want some leftist teacher or program telling confused 11 year old Johnny he is gay, go for it. I do not want gay marriage legalized because it is an affront to God and it promotes homosexuality as normal as pie. It is not! 30 states voted against gay marriage and one perverted court overruled all that. Good you win. We will continue through legal channels to fight this scourge.

Poor -- you are being stupid on purpose. I cannot believe you are that stupid.
The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit!
I'm still trying to figure out why leftists are so desperate to get into women's bathrooms.
Probably because they have never seen pussy.

Where in a woman's bathroom can someone see pussy? Not that I would want to but just sitting here at the puter I'm trying to visualize a situation where "pussy" would be on display and frankly I can't. Would one of you fine ladies of the USMB help me out here?
The far right hates the Jews, hates the Muslims, hates almost anyone who are not like them.

Simply read Weatherman's comments.

He defends the Quaker persecutions, he defends the Jewish persecutions. :lol:
Yeah, you leftists want those Jews building homes next door to those peace loving Muslims.

Great post on a thread about leftist hypocrisy.
The Jews and Muslims have been living next door to each other for 2000 years.
So the facts are leftist?
You don't know much about anything.
Amazing how ignorant the left are.
Of course if they were not ignorant they wouldn't be leftists.
You keep flogging that imaginary horse.
Hilarious coming from someone who denies Starbucks has stores in Saudi Arabia.
Pssst....PayPal is doing business in NC...they're just not building a new office there. How many offices have they built in those places overseas that Bi-Catfish is complaining about?

Hands the dyke a truckload of razors for "her" hairy back. There is an old saying...don't start none won't be none. Learn it, live it...your ankle biting has grown tiresome
PayPal is doing business in NC...they're just not building a new office there....no new office jobs for NC. How many offices have they build in those countries overseas that Bi-Catfish is complaining about? How many?

You already posted that you redundant dyke
The far right hates the Jews, hates the Muslims, hates almost anyone who are not like them.

Simply read Weatherman's comments.

He defends the Quaker persecutions, he defends the Jewish persecutions. :lol:
Yeah, you leftists want those Jews building homes next door to those peace loving Muslims.

Great post on a thread about leftist hypocrisy.
The Jews and Muslims have been living next door to each other for 2000 years.
So the facts are leftist?
You don't know much about anything.
Amazing how ignorant the left are.
Of course if they were not ignorant they wouldn't be leftists.
You keep flogging that imaginary horse.
Hilarious coming from someone who denies Starbucks has stores in Saudi Arabia.
Never said or implied that .
Flog away!
Pssst....PayPal is doing business in NC...they're just not building a new office there. How many offices have they built in those places overseas that Bi-Catfish is complaining about?

Hands the dyke a truckload of razors for "her" hairy back. There is an old saying...don't start none won't be none. Learn it, live it...your ankle biting has grown tiresome
PayPal is doing business in NC...they're just not building a new office there....no new office jobs for NC. How many offices have they build in those countries overseas that Bi-Catfish is complaining about? How many?

You already posted that you redundant dyke

That means the answer is none and OP hopes by name calling she can deflect. Its called Trumping

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