Hypocrisy "alert"?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
So, the fratricide in Syria is now being blamed on Obama, by both the Trump Keystone Kops administration AND the republican congress........Interesting.

Trump tweeted at least a dozen times to Obama to NOT intervene in Syria ("its their problem" he tweeted.)

.....and when Obama asked the republican congress to authorize military intervention in Syria after Assad crossed that infamous "red line," these elected and "honorable" fuck heads did what?

It would take a very brave right winger to openly admit the nauseating hypocrisy.....but there are very few of those around and certainly NONE on this forum.
Shitforhair was going to stop terrorism ..

he said Obama refused to call them Radical Islamic Terrorists, so he made a point calling them Radical Islamic Terrorists then vows to "bomb the hell out of them" (ChumpDrones hump each other for days)

ok DickbreathDonnie the world waits.
I refuse to pay attention to that shit. Pretty lame response to chemical attacks, though. I wonder how the world will view it that Trump is saying "It's the other guy's fault." Doesn't solve much.
Aside from the visions, voices, and hallucinations appearing in the heads of the previous posts, we do know that O was aiding and abetting terrorist organizations all across the ME and in syria.
obozo drew a red line in the sand on chemical attacks and then did nothing. He was CIC, he could have taken action against Assad, but he didn't. We will see what Trump does. Obama's lies and failures belong to him and him alone. Nice deflection try OP, but once again your bullshit fails.
So, the fratricide in Syria is now being blamed on Obama, by both the Trump Keystone Kops administration AND the republican congress........Interesting.

Trump tweeted at least a dozen times to Obama to NOT intervene in Syria ("its their problem" he tweeted.)

.....and when Obama asked the republican congress to authorize military intervention in Syria after Assad crossed that infamous "red line," these elected and "honorable" fuck heads did what?

It would take a very brave right winger to openly admit the nauseating hypocrisy.....but there are very few of those around and certainly NONE on this forum.
So you are saying Obama wanted to start a war in Syria, and you supported it?
Thank gawd we didn't do anything. Im so tired of overthrowing ELECTED foreign leaders.
Goddamn warmongers, the lot of ya.
sure its Obamas fucking fault, dumbass RussianWingers say it is.
I refuse to pay attention to that shit. Pretty lame response to chemical attacks, though. I wonder how the world will view it that Trump is saying "It's the other guy's fault." Doesn't solve much.
That part really wasn't necessary.

It looks like we'll be able to depend on Trump & Co to take the low road.
sure its Obamas fucking fault, dumbass RussianWingers say it is.
why did obummer put a red line in the sand if he didn't have a followup play? how isn't that his fault, fact ignorer?
If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious:

Trump prior to election "Obama don't cross that red-line"
Trump after being elected "Obama you dumb fuck how come you didn't cross that red-line?"

Welcome to the Trumpian time-space distortion field.
obozo drew a red line in the sand on chemical attacks and then did nothing. He was CIC, he could have taken action against Assad, but he didn't. We will see what Trump does. Obama's lies and failures belong to him and him alone. Nice deflection try OP, but once again your bullshit fails.

Well, Mr. Tuna-moron.........Obama DID ask the republican congress to authorize military actions against Assad....So, what did your fucking party do??
Answer that little question......or go back to stinking up your bed.....

Go on, answer the question.
obozo drew a red line in the sand on chemical attacks and then did nothing. He was CIC, he could have taken action against Assad, but he didn't. We will see what Trump does. Obama's lies and failures belong to him and him alone. Nice deflection try OP, but once again your bullshit fails.

Well, Mr. Tuna-moron.........Obama DID ask the republican congress to authorize military actions against Assad....So, what did your fucking party do??
Answer that little question......or go back to stinking up your bed.....

Go on, answer the question.

I missed that. When did we declare war on syria?
The republican led congress likes to sit with their fingers up their collective asses. Afraid to take ANY action and relinquishing their authority to declare military action against a murderous Assad regime.
To be "fair", they're still doing NOTHING under the orange clown's disastrous administration.
Aside from the visions, voices, and hallucinations appearing in the heads of the previous posts, we do know that O was aiding and abetting terrorist organizations all across the ME and in syria.

LInk or you don't know shit

LawdBrownNose......will wait to post a response after the idiot checks with FOX and Friends.

Maybe he'll give alex jones a personal call. Breitbart? Oh shit he can't find it.

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