Hypocrisy of the Democrats.....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The Democrat (Marxist/Socialist/Communist) Party is riding the wave of induced national hysteria with the continuous promotion of the Russia/Trump collusion fairy tale. With nothing but innuendo and circumstantial "evidence", the loony left has drafted articles of impeachment against President Trump in hopes of denying him the office he deserves by way of legitimate election by the citizens of the United States.

The inherently dishonest Democrats have selective memory in regard to their own history regarding treason and collusion with Russia. They do not want you to remember their own history.

When Ted Kennedy Asked the USSR to Help Fix the '84 Election Nobody Called It Treason - www.independentsentinel.com

The Left-Democrat Axis has immersed America anew in fretful worry about Russia, with the non-story that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have incriminating info on Hillary Clinton. Who knows—it might have been info on Uranium One. Turned out she only wanted to talk about adoption of Russian children. But people like Tim Kaine, Hillary’s running mate, call it treason. He’s just a bit confused. The definition of treason is:

18 US Code § 2381: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.
Oddly enough, Mr. Kaine appears to have given aid and comfort to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has stated in writing it intends to destroy America from within:

Hillary’s running mate enjoyed the support of the Muslim American Society in his 2005 race for Governor of Virginia, according to DiscoverTheNetworks.org. The MAS describes itself as “a dynamic charitable, religious, social, cultural, and educational, organization.” But DTN also says the MAS is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

In 2007, Kaine appointed MAS president, Esam Omeish to the state’s Immigration Commission. He had been president of the National Muslim Students Association, which DTN identifies as the “first Muslim Brotherhood affiliate to gain a foothold in America.” It appears on the Brotherhood’s list of its 29 “organizations of our friends,” contained in its Explanatory Memorandum, which also states its purpose ofdestroying the Western civilization from within.

In September 2011, Kaine spoke at an affair honoring Muslim Brotherhood leader Jamal Barzinji, with a Lifetime Achievement Award. DiscoverTheNetworks described him as “closely associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT).” IIIT is known for inventing the term “Islamophobia,” that has been used so successfully since 9/11 to silence those who raise the alarm against the spread of Islam and Shariah Law into the West.

DTN reports that Kaine was the beneficiary of largesse from Islamic groups several times:

“The Barzinji-tied New Dominion PAC donated $43,050 to Kaine’s gubernatorial campaign between 2003 and 2005.” Kaine’s Senate campaign in 2011-2012 also received $4,300 from officials of ISNA and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and another $3,500 from IIIT’s president-of-finance, Hisham Al-Talib.”

Even if meeting some Russian nobody to get info on Hillary Clinton was illegal, it wouldn’t be the first time. Keep in mind that Russia is not an enemy of the United States; it’s more of a competitor. But certainly, during the Cold War Russia was an enemy.

Ted Kennedy was considering a run against Reagan in the 1984 election and reached out to the USSR for help. “In a letter addressed to then-Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov, dated May 14, 1983, KGB head Viktor Chebrikov explained that Kennedy was eager to ‘counter the militaristic policies’ of Reagan.” Here’s an English translation of Chebrikov’s description of Teddy’s overture:

Kennedy believes that in order to influence Americans it would be important to organize in August-September of this year, televised interviews with Y.V. Andropov in the USA. A direct appeal by the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the American people will, without a doubt, attract a great deal of attention and interest in the country. The senator is convinced this would receive the maximum resonance in so far as television is the most effective method of mass media and information.
Read the full letter here.
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Speaking of hypocrisy of the Dems, two of the top legal experts in the the democratic party, one being Alan Dershowitz, both just stated on TV that they see absolutely no legal or political issues whatsoever with what Donald Jr. did. He was referred to this lady through an old Australian talent guide who used to sponsor John Denver--- is this the guy that DT Jr. is collaborating with?

BUT THE KICKER IS that now some democrat has compared DT Jr. to the couple that stole the plans to the atomic bomb and has called for Jr. to get the ELECTRIC CHAIR!

Meantime, another democrat in Maine has threatened the POTUS and said that if he gets within ten feet of Trump, HE WILL KILL HIM.

THIS IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, and folks are SO SO sick of their bull. They are the party of the Sick. Anyone else would lose their career over these statements. Democrats are a huge liability that merely weaken our nation. They are the enemy of the people in this country. They are the party of the violent. Now liberals on campus are blocking anyone who does not agree with them from even speaking there. These are very very disturbed people. This story with Junior was created now solely to replace the Collusion story as that one was fading. THEY GOT NOTHING, so they are going to try to keep Trump in the news in false scandal after scandal hoping that people will buy it and think Trump is a failed president and vote for them as a vote against Trump. This is all going to so blow up in their face AGAIN next year! Libs just never ever learn.

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