Hypocrisy within the modern Christian Community

Yes you did you blind fuck

Feel free to point out where I did. Until then, remember not to force yourself to lose it.

Post 179 you said he's smart enough to know I can prove him wrong. Why are you lying?

Lying again.

Here is post 179.

He's gonna call you a liar watch out for it its coming :)

Guess what, he already knows that everyone, including him, lies. The difference is he is smart enough not to lie about things I can prove him wrong about. He has a definition of Christian that excludes people who worship Mary. I let God figure it out, and don't feel a need to quibble about the details.

What I clearly said is he is smart enough not to lie about things I can prove him wrong about. That makes him infinitely smarter than you.
Feel free to point out where I did. Until then, remember not to force yourself to lose it.

Post 179 you said he's smart enough to know I can prove him wrong. Why are you lying?

Lying again.

Here is post 179.

He's gonna call you a liar watch out for it its coming :)

Guess what, he already knows that everyone, including him, lies. The difference is he is smart enough not to lie about things I can prove him wrong about. He has a definition of Christian that excludes people who worship Mary. I let God figure it out, and don't feel a need to quibble about the details.

What I clearly said is he is smart enough not to lie about things I can prove him wrong about. That makes him infinitely smarter than you.

So he was right about "none do"? So you lied when you said some do and some don't?
Post 179 you said he's smart enough to know I can prove him wrong. Why are you lying?

Lying again.

Here is post 179.

Guess what, he already knows that everyone, including him, lies. The difference is he is smart enough not to lie about things I can prove him wrong about. He has a definition of Christian that excludes people who worship Mary. I let God figure it out, and don't feel a need to quibble about the details.

What I clearly said is he is smart enough not to lie about things I can prove him wrong about. That makes him infinitely smarter than you.

So he was right about "none do"? So you lied when you said some do and some don't?

Conclusive proof you are stupid.

Aren't you the same idiot that once argued that you would use people's post against them if they contradicted themselves?
I notice that there are many Christians who profess their love for Christ but they have a tendency to not extend their compassion towards others, most specifically, their Abrahamic neighbors, Muslims. But more importantly, I see a lot of Christians both online and offline that have a tendency to criticize others but they themselves are not doing what they're supposed to (as far as Christianity is concerned). A good example is Ted Haggard who openly opposed homosexuality but it was found out that he himself was homosexual. Or the so-called "good Christians" who professed their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior but castrated and hung blacks? In the Bible Jesus said:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Its amazing that there are Christians who will bad mouth Islam yet profess to be Christian, and upon asking why are they bad mouthing a faith, most will say "its free speech." But its not free speech that I'm concerned about its about professing a belief in a tolerant philosophy such as the one Jesus believed in yet their speech is so intolerant towards others. So my question to that is what justifies intolerant speech or intolerant belief? Is it the Constitution? Is it because your American?

How does one reconcile intolerant speech with their religious beliefs? How can you be for Christ who spoke about justice, compassion, and love, yet your speech towards others contradicts what Jesus taught?

its easy...you just ask for forgiveness afterwards

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_okSlFkkUpE]Billy Idol 2005 Plastic Jesus - YouTube[/ame]
Lying again.

Here is post 179.

What I clearly said is he is smart enough not to lie about things I can prove him wrong about. That makes him infinitely smarter than you.

So he was right about "none do"? So you lied when you said some do and some don't?

Conclusive proof you are stupid.

Aren't you the same idiot that once argued that you would use people's post against them if they contradicted themselves?

No you're stupid. You didn't back your claim it was a lie that some do according to Unkotare. So just admit you made a mistake and lied
So he was right about "none do"? So you lied when you said some do and some don't?

Conclusive proof you are stupid.

Aren't you the same idiot that once argued that you would use people's post against them if they contradicted themselves?

No you're stupid. You didn't back your claim it was a lie that some do according to Unkotare. So just admit you made a mistake and lied

People can disagree about opinions without being liars. The reason you are a liar is that you get facts wrong.
Conclusive proof you are stupid.

Aren't you the same idiot that once argued that you would use people's post against them if they contradicted themselves?

No you're stupid. You didn't back your claim it was a lie that some do according to Unkotare. So just admit you made a mistake and lied

People can disagree about opinions without being liars. The reason you are a liar is that you get facts wrong.

No you're a liar. Now it's disagreeing? Huh double standard.:cool:
Which makes the assertions that Jews see Mohammad a prophet laughable, yet you only attack Christians, not Muslims.

I would ask why, but I know the answer.

If I can challenge them they are not facts.

That was funny.

Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, and Islam is an offshoot of Catholicism, yet Jews have more in common with Muslims than Christians. Care to back that up with actual evidence, or am I just supposed to believe it because you are so much smarter than anyone else on USMB?

This one is so absurd it doesn't even count as a lie.

L.I. Church Holds Rosh Hashanah Services After Pipe Breaks At Jewish Center « CBS New York

In Hebrew Allah is אללה and God is אל.

That is not even close. Seriously, this is pathetic, go play in a place where you won't run into people that actually read.

What do you base this "fact" on? Unless you can prove you have a better grasp of Sharia Law, which is the legal basis for calling for a jihad, than the many Imams and scholars that study it and call for jihads you are full of shit.

Wow you cannot even respond without using profanity...How can I take you serious...?

Are you familiar with the etymology of ALLAH and ELOH?

Are you familiar with the term 'Avodah Zara?'

Are you familiar with 'The Epistole To Yemen?'

When you come back from timeout then we can have a discussion.

You are full of shit, how can I take you seriously?

Allah is a contraction of the word al, which is the, and ilah, which means god. In other words, it means the god. It is actually a carry over from pre Islamic Arabian languages where the god was the creator, but not the only, or even necessarily the supreme, deity.

Eloh, on cursory examination, is one of many forms of the Hebrew word that followed the same line of development. It, however, means "The One which everything strives to reach.

Like I said, not even close.

FAIL as usual

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Quantum Douchebag you have proven me right. If you are a follower of Christ why hurl insults? Its funny because when people hurl insults it shows they lost their ability to commence in rational discourse. First, you didn't dispute the fact that Jews have more in common with Muslims than Christians. Then you want to call someone an idiot then you call another member "Son of Satan."

If you are Christian, I want to personally thank you for being the guinea pig. Regardless if your just one individual you've displayed behavior that is all too common in the Christian, community.

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