Hypocrisy within the modern Christian Community

Are you going to threaten him with a gun now, or hospitalize him so he has to eat with a straw due to your awesome toughness?
Answer the question. Will it be your gun, or will you make him eat through a straw by virtue of your super-awesome toughness?
Wow you cannot even respond without using profanity...How can I take you serious...?

Are you familiar with the etymology of ALLAH and ELOH?

Are you familiar with the term 'Avodah Zara?'

Are you familiar with 'The Epistole To Yemen?'

When you come back from timeout then we can have a discussion.

You are full of shit, how can I take you seriously?

Allah is a contraction of the word al, which is the, and ilah, which means god. In other words, it means the god. It is actually a carry over from pre Islamic Arabian languages where the god was the creator, but not the only, or even necessarily the supreme, deity.

Eloh, on cursory examination, is one of many forms of the Hebrew word that followed the same line of development. It, however, means "The One which everything strives to reach.

Like I said, not even close.

FAIL as usual


I am pretty sure the failure here is in your ability to post a link.
Quantum Douchebag you have proven me right. If you are a follower of Christ why hurl insults? Its funny because when people hurl insults it shows they lost their ability to commence in rational discourse. First, you didn't dispute the fact that Jews have more in common with Muslims than Christians. Then you want to call someone an idiot then you call another member "Son of Satan."

If you are Christian, I want to personally thank you for being the guinea pig. Regardless if your just one individual you've displayed behavior that is all too common in the Christian, community.

As I have already pointed out, Jesus threw insults around when he argued with the people who were trying to twist the Word of God to their own advantage. There is no hypocrisy in me following his example. The hypocrisy lies in your attempt to misrepresent what being a Christian is actually about.

By the way, since I already pointed out that Mohammad's teachings are remarkably similar to those of the Catholic Church at the time he made Islam up I am not sure how you can claim I didn't disprove that Muslims are more like Jews, but I am sure your delusions won't allow you to acknowledge this post either.
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I notice that there are many Christians who profess their love for Christ but they have a tendency to not extend their compassion towards others, most specifically, their Abrahamic neighbors, Muslims. But more importantly, I see a lot of Christians both online and offline that have a tendency to criticize others but they themselves are not doing what they're supposed to (as far as Christianity is concerned). A good example is Ted Haggard who openly opposed homosexuality but it was found out that he himself was homosexual. Or the so-called "good Christians" who professed their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior but castrated and hung blacks? In the Bible Jesus said:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Its amazing that there are Christians who will bad mouth Islam yet profess to be Christian, and upon asking why are they bad mouthing a faith, most will say "its free speech." But its not free speech that I'm concerned about its about professing a belief in a tolerant philosophy such as the one Jesus believed in yet their speech is so intolerant towards others. So my question to that is what justifies intolerant speech or intolerant belief? Is it the Constitution? Is it because your American?

How does one reconcile intolerant speech with their religious beliefs? How can you be for Christ who spoke about justice, compassion, and love, yet your speech towards others contradicts what Jesus taught?

As an atheist, I also hate Islam.

It's the worst of them all.
Go buy the book "Islam for dummies" (Yes that is the actual title)

Nah tell me yourself I'm all ears. What makes Mohammad a prophet? What were his predictions and did they all come to pass? I hear about Mohammad, his life,his teachings,how he lead his followers, but nobody ever says exactly what he prophesied that makes him a prophet.

Ask him why he never responded to this.

You don't know Muhammad was NOT a prophet. That is your subjective view, which you have every right to express but does not mean its factual.

Let me see, the Bible says that the way to test prophets is to listen to what they say, and that anything they predict has to come true. If what they predict is false, they are proven not to be prophets. Even if you want to insist that the Bible is not authoritative on defining prophets, I think we can agree that prophets who make false prophecies are false prophets.

Muhammad's False Prophecies

I couldn't ask him I was unable to post here due to computer problems. Basically my computer froze everytime I tried to post. Thanks :)
That's why I said very few Jews. And no it doesn't it. Being a Muslim has to with the monotheistic pledge and you need to believe Muhammad was the messenger who came in Arabia. I haven't seen Jews say the monotheistic pledge. Very few of each faiths Christisnity and Judaism believe he was a Prophet. But I still know some

Monotheistic pledge aside you can see that both Jews and Christians both believe in one God, the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob, that makes them monotheistic and if they believe in Mohammad shouldn't that make them Muslim? Unless of course Muslims believe in a different god other than the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.

I'm a Christian that means I don't believe in Mohammad and I do believe in Jesus being the Son of God so that means I'm not a Jew.

How is that monotheistic if you believe God has a son? I thought you believe Jesus is God? Why are Christians saying repent to Jesus if you believe he is only the son of God?

Trinity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine persons (Greek: ὑποστάσεις):[1] the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are distinct yet coexist in unity, and are co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial (Greek: ὁμοούσιοι). Put another way, the three persons of the Trinity are of one being (Greek: οὐσία).[2] The Trinity is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.[3]
Monotheistic pledge aside you can see that both Jews and Christians both believe in one God, the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob, that makes them monotheistic and if they believe in Mohammad shouldn't that make them Muslim? Unless of course Muslims believe in a different god other than the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.

I'm a Christian that means I don't believe in Mohammad and I do believe in Jesus being the Son of God so that means I'm not a Jew.

How is that monotheistic if you believe God has a son? I thought you believe Jesus is God? Why are Christians saying repent to Jesus if you believe he is only the son of God?

Trinity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine persons (Greek: ὑποστάσεις):[1] the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are distinct yet coexist in unity, and are co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial (Greek: ὁμοούσιοι). Put another way, the three persons of the Trinity are of one being (Greek: οὐσία).[2] The Trinity is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.[3]

The Jewish God isn't a trinity God. Judaism doesn't have that belief that God is three. So there is no such thing as judeo Christian
How is that monotheistic if you believe God has a son? I thought you believe Jesus is God? Why are Christians saying repent to Jesus if you believe he is only the son of God?

Trinity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine persons (Greek: ὑποστάσεις):[1] the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are distinct yet coexist in unity, and are co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial (Greek: ὁμοούσιοι). Put another way, the three persons of the Trinity are of one being (Greek: οὐσία).[2] The Trinity is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.[3]

The Jewish God isn't a trinity God. Judaism doesn't have that belief that God is three. So there is no such thing as judeo Christian

If the Jews believed that Christ was God made man they'd be Christian.
Trinity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine persons (Greek: ὑποστάσεις):[1] the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are distinct yet coexist in unity, and are co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial (Greek: ὁμοούσιοι). Put another way, the three persons of the Trinity are of one being (Greek: οὐσία).[2] The Trinity is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.[3]

The Jewish God isn't a trinity God. Judaism doesn't have that belief that God is three. So there is no such thing as judeo Christian

If the Jews believed that Christ was God made man they'd be Christian.

What do you mean God made? I believe God made him in a similiar way to most prophets and created their souls or spirit. But Jesus was with a virgin birth. That's what I believe but I don't believe he's divine
The Jewish God isn't a trinity God. Judaism doesn't have that belief that God is three. So there is no such thing as judeo Christian

If the Jews believed that Christ was God made man they'd be Christian.

What do you mean God made? I believe God made him in a similiar way to most prophets and created their souls or spirit. But Jesus was with a virgin birth. That's what I believe but I don't believe he's divine

What I ment is Jesus= God.
Quantum Douchebag you have proven me right. If you are a follower of Christ why hurl insults? Its funny because when people hurl insults it shows they lost their ability to commence in rational discourse. First, you didn't dispute the fact that Jews have more in common with Muslims than Christians. Then you want to call someone an idiot then you call another member "Son of Satan."

If you are Christian, I want to personally thank you for being the guinea pig. Regardless if your just one individual you've displayed behavior that is all too common in the Christian, community.

As I have already pointed out, Jesus threw insults around when he argued with the people who were trying to twist the Word of God to their own advantage. There is no hypocrisy in me following his example. The hypocrisy lies in your attempt to misrepresent what being a Christian is actually about.

By the way, since I already pointed out that Mohammad's teachings are remarkably similar to those of the Catholic Church at the time he made Islam up I am not sure how you can claim I didn't disprove that Muslims are more like Jews, but I am sure your delusions won't allow you to acknowledge this post either.

Like I said, your profanity and ignorantly judging others religiously is a common trait in the Christian community especially among evangelicals.
Nah tell me yourself I'm all ears. What makes Mohammad a prophet? What were his predictions and did they all come to pass? I hear about Mohammad, his life,his teachings,how he lead his followers, but nobody ever says exactly what he prophesied that makes him a prophet.

Ask him why he never responded to this.

Let me see, the Bible says that the way to test prophets is to listen to what they say, and that anything they predict has to come true. If what they predict is false, they are proven not to be prophets. Even if you want to insist that the Bible is not authoritative on defining prophets, I think we can agree that prophets who make false prophecies are false prophets.

Muhammad's False Prophecies

I couldn't ask him I was unable to post here due to computer problems. Basically my computer froze everytime I tried to post. Thanks :)

LOL asking me about what makes Muhammad a prophet is like asking an atheist what God is like.

I don't know the prophetic criteria of what makes Muhammad a prophet. What I do know from hadiths I've read he performed miracles spoke on the return of christ.
Quantum Douchebag you have proven me right. If you are a follower of Christ why hurl insults? Its funny because when people hurl insults it shows they lost their ability to commence in rational discourse. First, you didn't dispute the fact that Jews have more in common with Muslims than Christians. Then you want to call someone an idiot then you call another member "Son of Satan."

If you are Christian, I want to personally thank you for being the guinea pig. Regardless if your just one individual you've displayed behavior that is all too common in the Christian, community.

As I have already pointed out, Jesus threw insults around when he argued with the people who were trying to twist the Word of God to their own advantage. There is no hypocrisy in me following his example. The hypocrisy lies in your attempt to misrepresent what being a Christian is actually about.

By the way, since I already pointed out that Mohammad's teachings are remarkably similar to those of the Catholic Church at the time he made Islam up I am not sure how you can claim I didn't disprove that Muslims are more like Jews, but I am sure your delusions won't allow you to acknowledge this post either.

Like I said, your profanity and ignorantly judging others religiously is a common trait in the Christian community especially among evangelicals.

Pointing out that some is lying is not judging them , it is defending the truth. You, on the other hand, are trying to judge me, and, by extension, all Christian, and refuse to actually prove that you are qualified to do this by preforming miracles.

Like I said earlier, the hypocrisy lies with the people that demand Christians live up to their standards, even after the Christians prove that their standards are wrong.

I am also forced to wonder why you ignore people who ask you what you believe.
Ask him why he never responded to this.

I couldn't ask him I was unable to post here due to computer problems. Basically my computer froze everytime I tried to post. Thanks :)

LOL asking me about what makes Muhammad a prophet is like asking an atheist what God is like.

I don't know the prophetic criteria of what makes Muhammad a prophet. What I do know from hadiths I've read he performed miracles spoke on the return of christ.

He performed miracles by miraculously not performing miracles. Unless, that is, you believe that Mohammad split the moon in two and that the only people in the entire world who noticed were the people who were in the immediate vicinity of Mohammad.

One of us is crazy, and it ain't me.
I notice that there are many Christians who profess their love for Christ but they have a tendency to not extend their compassion towards others, most specifically, their Abrahamic neighbors, Muslims. But more importantly, I see a lot of Christians both online and offline that have a tendency to criticize others but they themselves are not doing what they're supposed to (as far as Christianity is concerned). A good example is Ted Haggard who openly opposed homosexuality but it was found out that he himself was homosexual. Or the so-called "good Christians" who professed their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior but castrated and hung blacks? In the Bible Jesus said:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Its amazing that there are Christians who will bad mouth Islam yet profess to be Christian, and upon asking why are they bad mouthing a faith, most will say "its free speech." But its not free speech that I'm concerned about its about professing a belief in a tolerant philosophy such as the one Jesus believed in yet their speech is so intolerant towards others. So my question to that is what justifies intolerant speech or intolerant belief? Is it the Constitution? Is it because your American?

How does one reconcile intolerant speech with their religious beliefs? How can you be for Christ who spoke about justice, compassion, and love, yet your speech towards others contradicts what Jesus taught?

Islam needs Reform. Until a Muslim who converts to another Religion, is treated with human dignity, and not a death sentence, you remain a hypocrite, defending, running cover for, and making excuses for Tyranny. Good try though. As Christians, we do try to perfect, conform, to God's will. Through Conscience, All Human Beings should, no matter the brand or label. The true battle is Internal for each of us. I reject you moral authority. Might try speaking in front of a mirror first. .... Baby steps. ;)
I notice that there are many Christians who profess their love for Christ but they have a tendency to not extend their compassion towards others, most specifically, their Abrahamic neighbors, Muslims. But more importantly, I see a lot of Christians both online and offline that have a tendency to criticize others but they themselves are not doing what they're supposed to (as far as Christianity is concerned). A good example is Ted Haggard who openly opposed homosexuality but it was found out that he himself was homosexual. Or the so-called "good Christians" who professed their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior but castrated and hung blacks? In the Bible Jesus said:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Its amazing that there are Christians who will bad mouth Islam yet profess to be Christian, and upon asking why are they bad mouthing a faith, most will say "its free speech." But its not free speech that I'm concerned about its about professing a belief in a tolerant philosophy such as the one Jesus believed in yet their speech is so intolerant towards others. So my question to that is what justifies intolerant speech or intolerant belief? Is it the Constitution? Is it because your American?

How does one reconcile intolerant speech with their religious beliefs? How can you be for Christ who spoke about justice, compassion, and love, yet your speech towards others contradicts what Jesus taught?

What do you consider "badmouthing" ?

I ask because if you mean for when Christians say something like ,"Islam is a lie from the pit of hell", instead of, "Islam is fine, it's all good, people can do what they want." ?

Well, for most Christians, it's not going to happen. Christianity doesn't mean we don't speak out for what Jesus Christ Himself said.

Jesus said that HE is the Way the Truth and the Life. It's only through HIM that all are saved.

So if a Christian walks about saying "Oh Islam is fine, yada yada", they are totally contradicting what Jesus Christ said Himself.

John 14:66 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

1 Tim 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time

John 3:36
He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

Just saying the above in case you mean that we are supposed to somehow "embrace" Islam as if it's the truth. Yes, we can embrace their freedom of religion and be respectable. But when we go and testify of Jesus Christ and that Islam is a lie from hell - that is our freedom also. If we run around and say Islam in itself is ok, it's like going against The Lord our God.

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