Hypocrisy within the modern Christian Community

Christians in America are modern. Go see how Christians in other areas of the world are and you will see they are strict and serious
I notice that there are many Christians who profess their love for Christ but they have a tendency to not extend their compassion towards others, most specifically, their Abrahamic neighbors, Muslims. But more importantly, I see a lot of Christians both online and offline that have a tendency to criticize others but they themselves are not doing what they're supposed to (as far as Christianity is concerned). A good example is Ted Haggard who openly opposed homosexuality but it was found out that he himself was homosexual. Or the so-called "good Christians" who professed their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior but castrated and hung blacks? In the Bible Jesus said:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Its amazing that there are Christians who will bad mouth Islam yet profess to be Christian, and upon asking why are they bad mouthing a faith, most will say "its free speech." But its not free speech that I'm concerned about its about professing a belief in a tolerant philosophy such as the one Jesus believed in yet their speech is so intolerant towards others. So my question to that is what justifies intolerant speech or intolerant belief? Is it the Constitution? Is it because your American?

How does one reconcile intolerant speech with their religious beliefs? How can you be for Christ who spoke about justice, compassion, and love, yet your speech towards others contradicts what Jesus taught?

Islam needs Reform. Until a Muslim who converts to another Religion, is treated with human dignity, and not a death sentence, you remain a hypocrite, defending, running cover for, and making excuses for Tyranny. Good try though. As Christians, we do try to perfect, conform, to God's will. Through Conscience, All Human Beings should, no matter the brand or label. The true battle is Internal for each of us. I reject you moral authority. Might try speaking in front of a mirror first. .... Baby steps. ;)

"Defending Tyranny?"

Excuse me you said reform?

Christians today are so hypocritical.

You guys regurgitate Jesus' peace and love philosophy but many of you after 9-11 attacked Sikhs. Many of you said "Nuke Mecca."

Many of you call Muslims terrorist but don't speak on the aryan brotherhood, KKK, or evangelicals that bomb abortion clinics. Or what about Christians calling Muhammad a pedophile but don't talk about Noah getting drunk and sleeping with his daughters. Or the many pedophiles among the clergy.

Or what about televangelist who live in mansions and fly private jets while congregation members lose their homes?

Jesus said "take the splinter out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of your brothers."
I notice that there are many Christians who profess their love for Christ but they have a tendency to not extend their compassion towards others, most specifically, their Abrahamic neighbors, Muslims. But more importantly, I see a lot of Christians both online and offline that have a tendency to criticize others but they themselves are not doing what they're supposed to (as far as Christianity is concerned). A good example is Ted Haggard who openly opposed homosexuality but it was found out that he himself was homosexual. Or the so-called "good Christians" who professed their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior but castrated and hung blacks? In the Bible Jesus said:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Its amazing that there are Christians who will bad mouth Islam yet profess to be Christian, and upon asking why are they bad mouthing a faith, most will say "its free speech." But its not free speech that I'm concerned about its about professing a belief in a tolerant philosophy such as the one Jesus believed in yet their speech is so intolerant towards others. So my question to that is what justifies intolerant speech or intolerant belief? Is it the Constitution? Is it because your American?

How does one reconcile intolerant speech with their religious beliefs? How can you be for Christ who spoke about justice, compassion, and love, yet your speech towards others contradicts what Jesus taught?

What do you consider "badmouthing" ?

I ask because if you mean for when Christians say something like ,"Islam is a lie from the pit of hell", instead of, "Islam is fine, it's all good, people can do what they want." ?

Well, for most Christians, it's not going to happen. Christianity doesn't mean we don't speak out for what Jesus Christ Himself said.

Jesus said that HE is the Way the Truth and the Life. It's only through HIM that all are saved.

So if a Christian walks about saying "Oh Islam is fine, yada yada", they are totally contradicting what Jesus Christ said Himself.

John 14:66 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

1 Tim 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time

John 3:36
He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

Just saying the above in case you mean that we are supposed to somehow "embrace" Islam as if it's the truth. Yes, we can embrace their freedom of religion and be respectable. But when we go and testify of Jesus Christ and that Islam is a lie from hell - that is our freedom also. If we run around and say Islam in itself is ok, it's like going against The Lord our God.


When a so-called Christian calls for the nuking of mecca then their view conflicts with Jesus' teachings.

When a so-called Christian kills or beats a gay person cause they're gay, it conflicts with Jesus' teachings.

When a so-called Christian, kills a doctor because he/she performs abortions then their in conflict with Jesus' teachings.

There is difference in disagreeing with Islam and asking for its annihilation.
LOL asking me about what makes Muhammad a prophet...................

Prophesy? Isn't that it?
If he is a prophet of the God of Abraham, the bar is set at 100% accuracy.
Was Allah's Mohammad as accurate?
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You guys regurgitate Jesus' peace and love philosophy but many of you after 9-11 attacked Sikhs.

Many? How many?

History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

"In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition (PDF).

Though their numbers make up the world's fifth-largest religion, Sikhs are still misunderstood (No, they are not Muslims or Hindus)."
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LOL asking me about what makes Muhammad a prophet...................

Prophesy? Isn't that it?
If he is a prophet of the God of Abraham, the bar is set at 100% accuracy.
Was Allah's Mohammad as accurate?

I'm not in no position to comment on Islam beyond what I generally know. I'm an agnostic, the very person you should ask is an Alim or an Imam that is more versed on the issue than I am.
More Judeo-Christian peace and love:

Aug. 5, 2003 -- Queens, N.Y.: Members of a Sikh family are beaten outside of their home by drunk individuals yelling, "Go back to your country, Bin Laden." [More from NY Daily News.]
You guys regurgitate Jesus' peace and love philosophy but many of you after 9-11 attacked Sikhs.

Many? How many?

History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

"In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition (PDF).

Out of around 300,000 Sikhs in the US? And how many of those 'attacks' were graffiti or some ignorant fool shouting something stupid? There have been no wide-spread or organized movements of violence against Sikhs or against Muslims in the US over the 9/11 attack. There have been isolated crimes that have been treated as such.
Many? How many?

History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

"In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition (PDF).

Out of around 300,000 Sikhs in the US? And how many of those 'attacks' were graffiti or some ignorant fool shouting something stupid? There have been no wide-spread or organized movements of violence against Sikhs or against Muslims in the US over the 9/11 attack. There have been isolated crimes that have been treated as such.

It doesn't have to be widespread in the fact that it is of common American ignorance that many Americans who get their religious information on the news often mistake a "Keffiyeh" worn by Arabs, Persians, and Kurds, for the common turban worn by religious Sikhs. That is the main point. So in the link I presented to you, as you can see from reading it (if you actually did) many of the remarks by those who committed these hate crimes often times they yell "go back to your country Osama!" when Sikhs mostly hail from the Punjabi region of South Asia.
More Judeo-Christian peace and love:

Aug. 5, 2003 -- Queens, N.Y.: Members of a Sikh family are beaten outside of their home by drunk individuals yelling, "Go back to your country, Bin Laden." [More from NY Daily News.]

Were the drunks carrying signs that identified them as Christians and Jews?
LOL asking me about what makes Muhammad a prophet...................

Prophesy? Isn't that it?
If he is a prophet of the God of Abraham, the bar is set at 100% accuracy.
Was Allah's Mohammad as accurate?

What do you mean by accurate? Like the prophecies he made? And what Christian prophecies were fulfilled?
Tons of them.
The 7 year bounty and famine in Egypt

In approximately 700 B.C. the prophet Micah named the tiny village of Bethlehem as the birthplace of Israel's Messiah (Micah 5:2).
The fulfillment of this prophecy in the birth of Christ is one of the most widely known and widely celebrated facts in history.

The rebirth of Israel in the End of Days.

In the fifth century B.C. a prophet named Zechariah declared that the Messiah would be betrayed for the price of a slave—thirty pieces of silver, according to Jewish law-and also that this money would be used to buy a burial ground for Jerusalem's poor foreigners (Zechariah 11:12-13). Bible writers and secular historians both record thirty pieces of silver as the sum paid to Judas Iscariot for betraying Jesus, and they indicate that the money went to purchase a "potter's field," used—just as predicted—for the burial of poor aliens (Matthew 27:3-10).
I could go on 2,000 more times, but let's see about Mohammad's accuracy in predicting the future. Here are 2 out of the 5:

"Triumph of the Byzantines over the Persians, 653 CE to 627 CE." No.

"Jewish people will not unite to fight Muslim military forces since they are devoid of wisdom."
They kicked Muslim ass in 1948 and again in 1967. So No, again.
Prophesy? Isn't that it?
If he is a prophet of the God of Abraham, the bar is set at 100% accuracy.
Was Allah's Mohammad as accurate?

What do you mean by accurate? Like the prophecies he made? And what Christian prophecies were fulfilled?
Tons of them.
The 7 year bounty and famine in Egypt

In approximately 700 B.C. the prophet Micah named the tiny village of Bethlehem as the birthplace of Israel's Messiah (Micah 5:2).
The fulfillment of this prophecy in the birth of Christ is one of the most widely known and widely celebrated facts in history.

The rebirth of Israel in the End of Days.

In the fifth century B.C. a prophet named Zechariah declared that the Messiah would be betrayed for the price of a slave—thirty pieces of silver, according to Jewish law-and also that this money would be used to buy a burial ground for Jerusalem's poor foreigners (Zechariah 11:12-13). Bible writers and secular historians both record thirty pieces of silver as the sum paid to Judas Iscariot for betraying Jesus, and they indicate that the money went to purchase a "potter's field," used—just as predicted—for the burial of poor aliens (Matthew 27:3-10).
I could go on 2,000 more times, but let's see about Mohammad's accuracy in predicting the future. Here are 2 out of the 5:

"Triumph of the Byzantines over the Persians, 653 CE to 627 CE." No.

"Jewish people will not unite to fight Muslim military forces since they are devoid of wisdom."
They kicked Muslim ass in 1948 and again in 1967. So No, again.

There aren't tons of them and Muhammad prophecisized Jews would have an Israel. He made lots of other prophecies as well about how his people will be and why they will be like that. He was accurate as well.

And in 48 they didn't get their asses kicked you should learn a little bit about that war, Iraq actually was gonna go in an occupy all of Israel if it weren't for the Syrian army.

In the 73 war Egypt only did what it wanted as well. To recapture the Sinai not take over Israel. And they succeeded and a peace treaty followed that.
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History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

"In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition (PDF).

Out of around 300,000 Sikhs in the US? And how many of those 'attacks' were graffiti or some ignorant fool shouting something stupid? There have been no wide-spread or organized movements of violence against Sikhs or against Muslims in the US over the 9/11 attack. There have been isolated crimes that have been treated as such.

It doesn't have to be widespread in the fact that it is of common American ignorance that many Americans who get their religious information on the news often mistake a "Keffiyeh" worn by Arabs, Persians, and Kurds, for the common turban worn by religious Sikhs. That is the main point. So in the link I presented to you, as you can see from reading it (if you actually did) many of the remarks by those who committed these hate crimes often times they yell "go back to your country Osama!" when Sikhs mostly hail from the Punjabi region of South Asia.

The only thing common here is your ignorance.
Out of around 300,000 Sikhs in the US? And how many of those 'attacks' were graffiti or some ignorant fool shouting something stupid? There have been no wide-spread or organized movements of violence against Sikhs or against Muslims in the US over the 9/11 attack. There have been isolated crimes that have been treated as such.

It doesn't have to be widespread in the fact that it is of common American ignorance that many Americans who get their religious information on the news often mistake a "Keffiyeh" worn by Arabs, Persians, and Kurds, for the common turban worn by religious Sikhs. That is the main point. So in the link I presented to you, as you can see from reading it (if you actually did) many of the remarks by those who committed these hate crimes often times they yell "go back to your country Osama!" when Sikhs mostly hail from the Punjabi region of South Asia.

The only thing common here is your ignorance.

You can continue to make names and what not, but you'll get no more response from me. You became the guinea pig in this thread and have shown the extent of modern day Christian compassion. Thanks!
More Judeo-Christian peace and love:

Aug. 5, 2003 -- Queens, N.Y.: Members of a Sikh family are beaten outside of their home by drunk individuals yelling, "Go back to your country, Bin Laden." [More from NY Daily News.]

Were the drunks carrying signs that identified them as Christians and Jews?

Well I infer that they were since, it is common that among Americans with the least bit of understanding of Islam tend to have a favorable opinion of Christianity and/or are Christians themselves and a less favorable viewn of Islam.

For example:

"Most Americans are comfortable with Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, but they appear (they meant to insert the word less here) more comfortable with President Obama's religion—that is, unless they believe he's a Muslim."-Christianity Today

Poll of Americans: Better a Mormon than a Muslim in White House | Christianity Today
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History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

"In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition (PDF).

Out of around 300,000 Sikhs in the US? And how many of those 'attacks' were graffiti or some ignorant fool shouting something stupid? There have been no wide-spread or organized movements of violence against Sikhs or against Muslims in the US over the 9/11 attack. There have been isolated crimes that have been treated as such.

It doesn't have to be widespread in the fact that it is of common American ignorance that .

Shut the fuck up right there. There is nothing "common" about a very, very small number of idiots doing something stupid. YOU do stupid things on this forum all the time. I know you want to feel special for understanding that Sikhs are not Muslims, but the FACT remains that the reaction by THE VAST, VAST, VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS after the events of 9/11 was absolutely remarkable in its calm and restaint in comparison with what far, far, far lesser events have, do, and will provoke in most countries around the world. So go take care of your own shit and shut the fuck up about "common American ignorance," douche.
Out of around 300,000 Sikhs in the US? And how many of those 'attacks' were graffiti or some ignorant fool shouting something stupid? There have been no wide-spread or organized movements of violence against Sikhs or against Muslims in the US over the 9/11 attack. There have been isolated crimes that have been treated as such.

It doesn't have to be widespread in the fact that it is of common American ignorance that .

Shut the fuck up right there. There is nothing "common" about a very, very small number of idiots doing something stupid. YOU do stupid things on this forum all the time. I know you want to feel special for understanding that Sikhs are not Muslims, but the FACT remains that the reaction by THE VAST, VAST, VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS after the events of 9/11 was absolutely remarkable in its calm and restaint in comparison with what far, far, far lesser events have, do, and will provoke in most countries around the world. So go take care of your own shit and shut the fuck up about "common American ignorance," douche.

Ignorance at its best. I didn't say majority but distrust, dislike, and hatred was a common sentiment yes. It doesn't have to be in the news in order to know this fact. I seen the reactions first hand in Los Angeles while I was attending UCLA. People writing in the Los Angeles times criticizing Islam. Some even asked for the deportation of Muslim immigrants. There were heavy leactures on campuses and many students along with some outsiders criticizing Islam and actually think terrorism was apart of the faith.

Mosques in the Long Beach area were fire bombed in the Los Angeles area. The ones that took the brunt of all that in the Los Angeles basin, were Sikhs. The links mentioned about 300 reported attacks, but there were many unreported events.

More proof from ChristianToday.org:

"Within 36 hours of the bombing, attacks began on persons and mosques which were totally unrelated to the attacks:

Six bullets shattered windows of a mosque in Irving, TX. $3,000 in damage was caused.
A bag filled with blood and labeled 'Pig's blood' was thrown at the door of a mosque in San Francisco, CA.
Four bricks were thrown through the windows of a Muslim bookstore in Alexandria, VA. Also in Virginia, two mosques reported vandalism.
In Canada, the front doors at mosques in St. Catherines, ON and Montreal, PQ were fire-bombed, with minimal damage.
The British Broadcasting Commission (BBC) reported that there had been many death threats and assaults against Muslims."-Religious Tolerance

-"On the evening of Saturday, 2001-SEP-15, a gunman killed a Pakistani Muslim store owner in Dallas, TX."

-"A man drove his car through the front entrance of Parma Mosque in Cleveland OH."

-"In Huntington, NY, Adam Lang, reportedly a drunken driver, 75, allegedly tried to kill a Pakistani woman with his car. He later followed the woman into a store and threatened to kill her for "destroying my country."

-"In Gary, IN, a man wearing a mask pumped over 20 bullets from a high-powered assault rifle at a Muslim, Hassan Awdah. He survived. Hassan is a U.S. citizen, born in Yemen."

-"In Lynnwood, WA, a mosque was vandalized."

-"In Suffolk County, NY, a man allegedly made anti-Arab threats and pointed a handgun at the employee of a gas station. He was arrested."

-"Two mosques were firebombed with Molotov cocktails during the weekend of OCT-20-21. They are located in Burlington and Mississauga, near Toronto ON Canada. Kendrich House, 35, from Oakville ON has allegedly been charged.

Nihad Awad the executive director of CAIR even stated:

"The bigoted acts of a small minority are creating an atmosphere of apprehension and fear." Their total of documented first-hand reports of intolerant acts reached 500. The more serious incidences are being investigated by the police as hate crimes."

The bold in the above is to highlight the incidents where Muslims were attacked in various parts of the country, I didn't even include Canada and the UK. My point is not to say majority of Americans felt this way, but rather there was a common occurence of anti-Islamic sentiment.

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