Hypocrite tRump Illegal Alien Housekeeper

$1000 to a donut he has illegals working at his condo projects, his golf courses, and anywhere else he needs cheap labor - chances are pretty damn good so do his kids.


Are you for illegal immigration or against it?

How's immigration in general, illegal or not?

His managment just fired several illegals at his golf courses and the dems have invited one to the sotu.

Possibly a sotu worth watching.....

tRump is FOR illegal immigration.

Trump is for legalizing immigrants , while manufacturing an illegal crisis as a diversion for complete idiots
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
Then get rid of them. Change the welfare system with it.

It would change itself overnight

What a dumb post.

1. So you believe a "Vox analysis" ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

2. Immigration is illegal when it violate US immigration law. Duh! (US Code 8, Sections 1324 & 1325)

3. Trump is only for legal immigration on a MERIT basis (ie, immigrants bringing something of value to the country - Ex. Lots of capital to open businesses & create jobs for Americans; highly talented musicians, scientists, engineers, etc)
One could explain over & over that a physical barrier does little to mitigate our immigration problem if a legislative barriers continue to exist to trump supporters

They just don't get it , and are being played like fiddles

especially if it's in his back pocket

unless one swears them in as citizens ...…

what a dumb reply.....
What a dumb reply >>

1. Trump is one of the last people to suspect of doing things for money. Have you heard ? He's a multi-billionaire (doesn't even accept his POTUS salary-donates it to charity) You really blew that one. :rolleyes:

2. If they're sworn in as citizens, that means they DIDN'T violate immigration law. Duh!

3. Think before posting. ;)
Sure, he would never think of making a buck....or gain votes.....

Some people just never get it....

The notion of Trump looking to make money from his office is pretty dumb. Second time I'll telling you that.

Whatever it is you want us to "get", it might happen more efficiently if you put some words together, to actually SAY IT, instead of trying to be cute.
1. Trump is one of the last people to suspect of doing things for money. Have you heard ? He's a multi-billionaire (doesn't even accept his POTUS salary-donates it to charity) You really blew that one

Prove it. Show me his tax returns
Who would have thunk?

HE knew. and his apologists are falling all over themselves with this one


The illegal situation is a sticky one. If you have a couple of million working on jobs as a cheaper price and/or what Citizens are slow to do while we have over 20 million illegals, then there is a problem somewhere. For the taxpayer is paying the freight.

Arrest, trial, jail, fine employers that knowingly hire illegals (including tRump). Cancel all worker visa programs. DONE!

First of all you claiming knowingly and reality are several miles apart in most cases. You libs don’t even want the census to ask about a persons legal status but you want employers to go to jail if they hire one? You have even made it so cops can’t ask citizenship status. You have entire states that refuse to cooperate with immigration officials. But now you want to throw immigration on a business owner who hires an illegal with fraudulent documents? You won’t even let the feds do the one single thing they are required to do under the Constitution and protect the nation. But you want some contractor jailed for hiring someone you prevented the actual people responsible for that job from doing it.

Build the fucking wall and turn ICE loose to begin deportations. It’s not the mom and pop shops fucking job to enforce immigration law.

I'm liberal only that I believe that American Workers should make a living wage. It's your side that fights against that.

Do I believe that employers should be jailed for violating law? YES, including tRump.
$1000 to a donut he has illegals working at his condo projects, his golf courses, and anywhere else he needs cheap labor - chances are pretty damn good so do his kids.

Now we know why he doesn't want to go after employers of illegals.

Can you explain why California imposes fines on companies that DO inquire the legal status of their employees? You can’t state CEOs and employers are part of the problem when liberal politicians are not part of the solution.

California attorney general threatens $10,000 fine for businesses that share employee information with immigration agents

‘We will prosecute’ employers who help immigration sweeps, California AG says

California has no state authority to set its own immigration policy.

Your links don't match your bloviating. Care to try again?
HE knew. and his apologists are falling all over themselves with this one
Liberals love to make something out of nothing. Probably that's because NOTHING is all they have to work with. Manufacturing is alive and well, as long as these guys are around. :rolleyes:

The issue is illegal immigration. tRump hired/hires them. How is this a "nothing?" I'm an employer. I don't hire illegal immigrants.
Who would have thunk?

HE knew. and his apologists are falling all over themselves with this one


The illegal situation is a sticky one. If you have a couple of million working on jobs as a cheaper price and/or what Citizens are slow to do while we have over 20 million illegals, then there is a problem somewhere. For the taxpayer is paying the freight.

people know when they hire illegals

But that isn't true. Ben Shapiro had to ask if the person that was sent to him by the agency, was a legal immigrant. The agency didn't tell him, so he asked the person who showed up, who said they were not.

If he had not asked, he would not have known.

So I don't think people automatically know if they are hiring an illegal.

So I don't think people automatically know if they are hiring an illegal.

I doubt that anyone can identify an illegally alien automatically; (spontaneously without conscious thought or attention), which is why we have e-verify. That is what my staff uses, and it works. An illegal Canadian was found. I think it was Bripat.
Now we know why he doesn't want to go after employers of illegals.
No president has done much to go after employers of illegals. It is a very underprosecuted crime, because it is complicated and difficult to prove that employers hired illegals KNOWINGLY, especially since computers have made false documentation easy and undetectable.

Courts consider such cases a waste of time, energy and taxpayer money.

Obama did. Which Courts consider such cases a waste of time, energy and taxpayer money?

repeat after me ...

Who cares what you call it, as long as it keeps the invaders out.


Why do you constantly insist on having access to Cheap Brown Skinned Slaves to run your plantations and work in your sweat shops?

The Republican Party abolished Slavery 150 years ago despite the bloody protests of your party. So why has your party refused to give up on slavery since then?

The wall isn't to keep immigrants out of America. The Wall is to keep people like you from having easy access to cheap labor and from enslaving Brown Skinned people and making them pick your crops and make your clothes, cook your food, mow your lawn and clean your house.

you STFU too ..

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Why do you desire to have more and more Brown Skinned Slaves in America to run your plantations and make your clothes, landscape your property, and clean your house?

Perhaps you should ask tRump.


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