For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

migrants who obeyed the law. They came in over borders. If they were found to be soldiers/persons whose intention was the destruction of the nation...they were executed. True he never married...i'm actually surprised you said that seeing as secular scholars try to convince us otherwise...if we were arguing something slightly different you would no doubt use the secular scholars' arguments that he was married and had children. ..sure you would.

YOUR myth says to welcome stranger. It says to care for sick and the needy. It says to feed hungry. It condemns hatred. You must be one them cherry pickers. Only choosing what parts you want to believe in.
Amazing, you the brain washed myth believe I need to provide you with information you should already have.

Your sky man did not care who it killed.
of course he did. These people that you are referring the OT right? exodus? and some of the books coming after that?... He had given those people hundreds of years to repent of their sins...and they didn't..They only got worse.....violence, cheating, STEALING, sacrificing their children on the altar of Planned Parenthood...i mean MOLOCH...same thing.
Where did Jesus say he only cared about migrants who obeyed the law?
You are making shit up

Jesus opposed Capital Punishment
Very Liberal
Did he? OT law set down the death penalty for a number of crimes. Actually you and I deserve death because of our sin nature. BUT....because God sent his son to die in our stead...the one and forever sacrifice for our sins because Jesus was sinless and it brought us back into relationship with OUR Creator, who doesn't owe you an explanation for anything actually.
Now your turn.. are you going to accept that or are you going to scoff at it.
Ask Jesus what he thinks of Capital Punishment

Communism in theory is very different from communism in practice. Communism would not be allowing you to do anything or share anything with anyone other than the commie authority... Would communism allow the church? you know they wouldn't. They would ban all religion which includes especially Jesus and his teachings. You pick and choose and then say he doesn't exist unless you want to scoff at God's word or his followers.
You see how he squirms when confronted about his myth based theology. He wiggles around and squirms and makes excuses. Just like the rest of them His myth man did not believe in hate...clip joint hates and hates and hates.
Well there's their stance on ... no, can't use that one. Well then there's the time ... oops ... thinking of a different group. Okay ... I'm stumped. I can't think of a single pro-God, pro-righteous, pro-moral thing Dems stand for.
There isn't one. That's why. :dunno:
No Magical/Mystical/Mythical Sky Man exists. Just weak mined shit kickers believe that lie. But it is nice to see you believe can speak for him. Which is shit anyway.
I don't speak for him..I'm just telling you what he says.
I can't help it if you don't like it.
You see how he squirms when confronted about his myth based theology. He wiggles around and squirms and makes excuses. Just like the rest of them His myth man did not believe in hate...clip joint hates and hates and hates.
The Gospel of Luke gives information on how Jesus's ministry was financed.

“Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources.According to Luke,, women whom Jesus had healed in turn provided for him out of their “resources,”

Mary Magdalene and Joanna are mentioned/. Joanna was an upper-class woman married to a man who managed Herod Antipas' household.
Antipas was the son of Herod the Great.

Joanna was in a situation that she could help Jesus since she was not only wealthy but through her husband had palace connections. She finances the disciples during Jesus' life and she was one of the 3 women who found the empty tomb.
Another thing...This is part of an explanation of Socialism.

According to Merriam-Webster and other dictionaries, socialism is a system that emphasizes the collective ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services, aiming to reduce inequality. The origins of modern socialism date back to the 18th century and were espoused by British and French thinkers such as Thomas Spence, Charles Fourier, and Robert Owen.

Jesus was not political. He was not interested in a kingdom on earth he was talking about his Father's Kingdom. Sure. Early christians shared their goods and food...they weren't forced to by gov't. What they were doing was a christian concept of caring for each other. Actually, Roman gov't took their goods, their property and their lives in many instances...just like real socialism/communism.

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