For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

He said marriage is for one man/one woman. He was a believer in borders. He said God's word was true and there is a hell. He was of the opinion that Noah was real and the world was destroyed by a worldwider Flood. He was of the opinion that there were two sexes..male and female. He was anti violence but Told his followers to sell their cloaks and buy a sword. He was pro 10 commandments. Definitely Anti-abortion.
He didn't ask the gov't for subsidies or welfare.

What do you think makes him a liberal?
Jesus is the creator of the Sermon of the Mount, narrator of The Good Samaritan, the Giver of fishes and loves.

He is not a God who serve the doctrines of evangelicals, Pentecostals, or fundamentalists.
I think from the previous responses to God and his word and his son that the left is pretty much not on the side of biblical values.....except when it can be used for political elections. So i guess we're all in agreement. heh?

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