Whats demigender?

Uh huh. Genderbending's been going on forever.

Notice back then how it's a kink, depicted as a fantasy, not a statement of fact that deluded liberals like you contend it to be in modern times. Anyone in the 1960's scientific community who did try to assert this as scientific fact were rightly shamed out of the community for it.

Don't bother.
Notice back then how it's a kink, depicted as a fantasy, not a statement of fact that deluded liberals like you contend it to be in modern times. Anyone in the 1960's scientific community who did try to assert this as scientific fact were rightly shamed out of the community for it.

Don't bother.
By 1970 they were more accepted than ever. Hell there was a kid from India in my class of 77 who got one of them new fangled sex change operation. I never really paid attention to it but apparently it was everywhere.......
Never heard of it, but I'm gonna guess it's the latest RWNJ fauxrage/tragedy and you kids will be frothing at the mouth over it all next week.

Don't you feel it is the business of a cisgender male to ask why he would be excluded from any program simply based on what gender a person feels he/she is?
You think it’s simply a matter of how you feel when it comes to sports?
Teachers hiding ANYTHING from a parent is grooming.
The trap with the word hiding is that if a teacher doesn’t communicate everything that happens it can be claimed that they are hiding stuff. I do t think teachers are obligated to tell parents to everything. But I also think it’s wrong to withhold information they are required to communicate or if a parent asks
Whsts remarkable is that grownups would try and defend something called "demigender" when they have no idea what it is.

It's just pandering to the woke, tranny bullies.
Don’t see what the big deal is. Some people don’t feel like they fit our male female stereotypes so they cross or share or exclude their associations with those identities. That’s their choice. Why would you care what they choose?
Providing support for kids in need isn’t forcing, grooming or froisting…

That really depends on what sort of support you're offering.

There is no valid reason for excluding parents from questions regarding the sexual preferences of a child.
That really depends on what sort of support you're offering.

There is no valid reason for excluding parents from questions regarding the sexual preferences of a child.
Agreed. But there’s also nothing wrong having support groups and counselors

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