Hypocrite tRump Illegal Alien Housekeeper

$1000 to a donut he has illegals working at his condo projects, his golf courses, and anywhere else he needs cheap labor - chances are pretty damn good so do his kids.

Now we know why he doesn't want to go after employers of illegals.

Can you explain why California imposes fines on companies that DO inquire the legal status of their employees? You can’t state CEOs and employers are part of the problem when liberal politicians are not part of the solution.

California attorney general threatens $10,000 fine for businesses that share employee information with immigration agents

‘We will prosecute’ employers who help immigration sweeps, California AG says

California has no state authority to set its own immigration policy.

Your links don't match your bloviating. Care to try again?

Prove to me where my link and view is found to be inaccurate with what I provided. You’re the one making a statement based without facts.

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