I agree generally with President Trump's immigration proposal

No, mark me down as one of those that believes if YOU want to pay more, feel free to do so.

If (a) the job needs to be done, (b) someone isn't willing to work for what the skills required to do the job are worth, then (c) find someone else willing to do it for that while not providing any social welfare to the one unwilling to work.

If the locals aren't willing to work a job where the pay is equal to the skills required to do it, let them starve.
The cost of paying locals a living wage is cheaper than the combination of slave-wages for Illegal Aliens + fallout from Illegal Aliens + locals starving.

Next slide, please.

I have an easy solution. Get rid of the illegals and let the locals unwilling to work for a wage equal to their skills starve. Solves any problems including fallout.
Then the produce doesn't get picked.


In order to ensure that it is picked, while keeping Illegal Aliens out of the mix...

The only real-world practical answer is to pay the locals more...

Allowing the free and open labor marketplace to determine the level of wages...

If you've got a better solution that still gets the produce picked without using Illegal Aliens, by all means, lay it out in front of the audience.

Otherwise, sans Illegals, you'll pay more for your produce, whether you like it or not...

Courtesy of the free and open marketplace of labor, driving the narrative...

If they paid $22.00 an hour plus good benefits, they would get plenty of Americans to do the job. I don't mind paying more for produce if I know it's supporting American workers while at the same time, knowing I'm supporting the end of foreign labor dependency.

When discussing minimum wage, the libs have told me it won't raise the price of our hamburgers all that much. But God forbid we get rid of foreign labor causing a wage increase to get our grapes picked. Grapes would be unaffordable according to our liberal friends.

We have or rather had a traditional servant class that worked for low wages and we did quite well....but along comes LBJ and the usual suspects and began to pay the servants to stay home, to have babies and believe they were beautiful and entitled to be supported by the white working class and viola....we no longer have enough folks willing to work the low paying jobs...what sane person wants a hard job that does not pay well when they can stay home and be supported by the gubmint using the tax monies of the white working class to do so?

So the solution is simple....if you do not work you do not eat...that policy has a history....as when the first colonists arrived here...some thought they were too good to work...thus that rule was instituted...if you do not work...you do not eat..it worked back then and it would work now.

For any society to work there must be a distribution of labor...meaning..not everyone can have a high paying job, not everyone can be a nuclear physicist....thus communism always failed because they tried to make everyone equal....as is our policy now...like we do not know that communism aka marxism, aka socialism has never worked and never will work...witness Venezueala....so the solution is to get folks off the dole and when they are presented the choice of working or starving...guess what they will choose. It is not a fair world folks....there is no nirvana on this earth.

Only the idiots on the left would think handing someone more for doing nothing than they could earn with the skills they offer is an incentive for them to get a job.

I have no problem watching people unwilling to for themselves what they should be doing for themselves go without anything including the necessities.
So this will definitely drive up costs at the grocery stores. So Trump wants to replace American skilled workers jobs, now with foreign skilled workers. Yeah makes sense to me--- I am certain American skilled workers are really excited

Just as excited as the poor or middle-class are with foreigners taking our jobs now.

Worried about the prices at the grocery store, now are ya?

When were the liberals worried about grocery store prices when they were unionized? When were the liberals worried about grocery store prices when they came out with ethanol and we began burning up our food supply? When were the liberals worried about grocery store prices when they created restrictions about lower sulfur diesel fuel that drove up prices and Diesel Emission Fluid that cost transportation companies a bundle which they pass on to us consumers?

No problem there. But to reduce foreigners in this country and put Americans to work instead, now liberals have a concern about grocery store prices.

Well when you see any "Poor people" picking fruit and working at dairy farms, picking feathers off of chickens--pig farms-slaughter houses, cleaning hotel rooms, let me know about it--LOL

One state (Alabama) actually kicked out all illegals, and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.

For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

The problem with you right wingers is (YOU NEVER look beyond the tips of your NOSES) and consider consequences. Now who would this hurt the MOST, when beef, chicken, eggs, milk, fruit go through the roof? Poor people and the elderly.

To add to this: We have college graduates today that are having a hard time finding jobs, and Trump wants to bring in foreign "skilled workers", so that they can compete with these college students. Now I want you to think of every trade in CONSTRUCTION that is a skilled trade, and or that requires a license to do--electricians, plumbers, etc.
Well when you see any "Poor people" picking fruit and working at dairy farms, picking feathers off of chickens--pig farms-slaughter houses, cleaning hotel rooms, let me know about it--LOL

One state (Alabama) actually kicked out all illegals, and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.

Cut our social programs so that only the disabled can go on them, you'll see plenty of "poor" people taking those jobs--especially if they start paying better.
America or for that matter any sophisticated society must have a servant class...and we have always had one. The problem arose when the do gooders decided the Negroes should be transformed into something they never were and never will be...'equals'...the result of this misguided effort to go against mother nature and the natural course of things was to create a 'vacumn' or lack of cheap labor...hence the necessity of allowing illegal mexican labor. The problem with that was that Mexicans are a tad too intelligent and ambitious....they not only took over the dirty low paying work they have moved upwards into the job market taking over jobs the white middle class once performed...aka construction etc. thus essentially threatening the middle class status of the white working class...thus changing America drastically and fundamentally ..... Obama loved it and thus his great desire to let in millions and millions more of mexicans and other 3rd world folks....alas..... there was also another problem associated with this development...the traditional servant class that had been reduced to welfare status took to heart the liberal propaganda that they were equal and began to demand more and more in the way of subsidies...affirmative action, etc. and many became quite angry and hostile when even the billions and billions that were given to them did not lift them up to the status they decided they should have. Not even to mention all the ones who became bored sitting around watching T.V. and drawing their gubmint check and got involved in drugs, gang warfare, violence etc.
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

How does it make sense ? Import high skilled people to take good paying American jobs ? That's been an immigration problem with the.hb1(?) visa overuse .
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

How does it make sense ? Import high skilled people to take good paying American jobs ? That's been an immigration problem with the.hb1(?) visa overuse .

I believe the proposal is only high skilled foreigners provided companies can't find high skilled Americans willing to take the job. It's not like Disney World.
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

How does it make sense ? Import high skilled people to take good paying American jobs ? That's been an immigration problem with the.hb1(?) visa overuse .

I believe the proposal is only high skilled foreigners provided companies can't find high skilled Americans willing to take the job. It's not like Disney World.

Which is total bullshit . We have the best schools in the world , you seriously think there's no qualified Americans around ?
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

How does it make sense ? Import high skilled people to take good paying American jobs ? That's been an immigration problem with the.hb1(?) visa overuse .

I believe the proposal is only high skilled foreigners provided companies can't find high skilled Americans willing to take the job. It's not like Disney World.

Which is total bullshit . We have the best schools in the world , you seriously think there's no qualified Americans around ?

From what I've read, yes.
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

How does it make sense ? Import high skilled people to take good paying American jobs ? That's been an immigration problem with the.hb1(?) visa overuse .

I believe the proposal is only high skilled foreigners provided companies can't find high skilled Americans willing to take the job. It's not like Disney World.

Which is total bullshit . We have the best schools in the world , you seriously think there's no qualified Americans around ?

From what I've read, yes.

Yep....dat is true. A shortage of American skills exists in several fields. The struggle is to make America great again....to do that we definitely have to change the radical immigration law signed into law in 1965 by lbj and the usual suspects that gives preference to 3rd world countries....which has had several negative impacts...i.e. dumbed down America by bringing in low i.q. immigrants, brought in cheap labor and thus reduced middle class wages as many immigrants moved into traditional good paying jobs such as mexicans taking over good paying construction work, increased social tensions as many of these 3rd world immigrants have a alien religion as well as very different moral standards and cultures that do not assimilate into the American culture.

So what Trump wants to do is to favor immigrants who are educated, have a similar religious belief, can speak English, have skills that would benefit America...and people that could assimilate easily into our culture. In other words people who are the most similar to Americans. Christians are expected to be very tolerant by the secular/liberal crowd.....why allow muslim immigrants who have the world's most intolerant religion etc.

In a nutshell transform our immigration status that is based on political correctness....to one that is based on 'merit'...meaning let in people who who could actually help America, who really want to be Americans....not those who want to bring their politics of American hatred coupled with a hostile religion and only come here to milk the cash cow.
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Let's just shut down all immigration for 10 years, as an experiment.

We can hang a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty.

That, or "Closed for repairs. Please check back again, later."


Either the farmers will pay their harvesters more, or the crops will go unpicked.

Either the tech-companies will hire Americans, or the job won't get done - after they've been barred from off-shoring or teleworking those slots.

Let's find out if the doomsayers are right; let's trigger the crisis, see how employers react to it, and put the notion to the test.
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Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

How does it make sense ? Import high skilled people to take good paying American jobs ? That's been an immigration problem with the.hb1(?) visa overuse .

I believe the proposal is only high skilled foreigners provided companies can't find high skilled Americans willing to take the job. It's not like Disney World.

Which is total bullshit . We have the best schools in the world , you seriously think there's no qualified Americans around ?

From what I've read, yes.

Yep....dat is true. A shortage of American skills exists in several fields. The struggle is to make America great again....to do that we definitely have to change the radical immigration law signed into law in 1965 by lbj and the usual suspects that gives preference to 3rd world countries....which has had several negative impacts...i.e. dumbed down America by bringing in low i.q. immigrants, brought in cheap labor and thus reduced middle class wages as many immigrants moved into traditional good paying jobs such as mexicans taking over good paying construction work, increased social tensions as many of these 3rd world immigrants have a alien religion as well as very different moral standards and cultures that do not assimilate into the American culture.

So what Trump wants to do is to favor immigrants who are educated, have a similar religious belief, can speak English, have skills that would benefit America...and people that could assimilate easily into our culture. In other words people who are the most similar to Americans. Christians are expected to be very tolerant by the secular/liberal crowd.....why allow muslim immigrants who have the world's most intolerant religion etc.

In a nutshell transform our immigration status that is based on political correctness....to one that is based on 'merit'...meaning let in people who who could actually help America, who really want to be Americans....not those who want to bring their politics of American hatred coupled with a hostile religion and only come here to milk the cash cow.

Well yes and no. If there are jobs that Americans cannot do, that's one thing. But if we have people to do the jobs, but they just don't pay enough, then keep those foreigners out and let the market forces solve the problem.

I don't want to see another Disney World happen where we are bringing in lower paid workers to replace the higher paid American workers.
How does it make sense ? Import high skilled people to take good paying American jobs ? That's been an immigration problem with the.hb1(?) visa overuse .

I believe the proposal is only high skilled foreigners provided companies can't find high skilled Americans willing to take the job. It's not like Disney World.

Which is total bullshit . We have the best schools in the world , you seriously think there's no qualified Americans around ?

From what I've read, yes.

Yep....dat is true. A shortage of American skills exists in several fields. The struggle is to make America great again....to do that we definitely have to change the radical immigration law signed into law in 1965 by lbj and the usual suspects that gives preference to 3rd world countries....which has had several negative impacts...i.e. dumbed down America by bringing in low i.q. immigrants, brought in cheap labor and thus reduced middle class wages as many immigrants moved into traditional good paying jobs such as mexicans taking over good paying construction work, increased social tensions as many of these 3rd world immigrants have a alien religion as well as very different moral standards and cultures that do not assimilate into the American culture.

So what Trump wants to do is to favor immigrants who are educated, have a similar religious belief, can speak English, have skills that would benefit America...and people that could assimilate easily into our culture. In other words people who are the most similar to Americans. Christians are expected to be very tolerant by the secular/liberal crowd.....why allow muslim immigrants who have the world's most intolerant religion etc.

In a nutshell transform our immigration status that is based on political correctness....to one that is based on 'merit'...meaning let in people who who could actually help America, who really want to be Americans....not those who want to bring their politics of American hatred coupled with a hostile religion and only come here to milk the cash cow.

Well yes and no. If there are jobs that Americans cannot do, that's one thing. But if we have people to do the jobs, but they just don't pay enough, then keep those foreigners out and let the market forces solve the problem.

I don't want to see another Disney World happen where we are bringing in lower paid workers to replace the higher paid American workers.

I agree with this. I trust the idea behind the new policy for sure but having worked in corporations for decades we are going to have to watch to see whether they try to take advantage of it. Nothing malicious, it's just that's what they do.

I also wonder about the cases where a US citizen is in training for one of those high tech jobs and is six months or a year away from being ready but a highly skilled immigrant is imported to do the job now. Six months from now the highly trained US citizen might be out of luck. That doesn't feel right to me.

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