I agree w/ Olberman RE: McChrystal

I don't happen to think that civilian control of the military is a stupid policy. I don't happen to believe that demanding that military personnel serve their country and not denigrate their chain of command is stupid policy. I am sorry that you do.

I didn't say civilian control of the military is stoopid.

You don't think it's stoopid to demand people die for Freedoms they cannot have themselves?

if civilian control of the military is not, in your mind, stupid and you do, in fact, embrace it, why would you think that allowing the good order and discipline of the military to be compromised by disrespectful insubordination would be acceptable?

Do you think that it is stupid to demand that soldiers on the battlefield follow the orders of their superiors, or do you think they ought to have the freedom to question their authority and walk off the battlefield like civilians can chose to resign and quit THEIR employment at any time?

There are too many strawmen to attempt a response.
I didn't say civilian control of the military is stoopid.

You don't think it's stoopid to demand people die for Freedoms they cannot have themselves?

if civilian control of the military is not, in your mind, stupid and you do, in fact, embrace it, why would you think that allowing the good order and discipline of the military to be compromised by disrespectful insubordination would be acceptable?

Do you think that it is stupid to demand that soldiers on the battlefield follow the orders of their superiors, or do you think they ought to have the freedom to question their authority and walk off the battlefield like civilians can chose to resign and quit THEIR employment at any time?

There are too many strawmen to attempt a response.

translation: i've got nothing.

thanks for stopping by
It must be nice to live in a fantasy world where you can just say whatever the hell you want and don't even attempt to provide actual evidence.

Did you not pay attention to what the General said? His complaints were that Obama's orders were tying the hands of the troops on the ground. If you don't like that, talk to him.

You made the claim so back it up beaver weaver.
if civilian control of the military is not, in your mind, stupid and you do, in fact, embrace it, why would you think that allowing the good order and discipline of the military to be compromised by disrespectful insubordination would be acceptable?

Do you think that it is stupid to demand that soldiers on the battlefield follow the orders of their superiors, or do you think they ought to have the freedom to question their authority and walk off the battlefield like civilians can chose to resign and quit THEIR employment at any time?

There are too many strawmen to attempt a response.

translation: i've got nothing.

thanks for stopping by

Who pulled your chain you useless whiny ****?
There are too many strawmen to attempt a response.

translation: i've got nothing.

thanks for stopping by

Who pulled your chain you useless whiny ****?

i believe it was you, junior.

i took a pass on your pseudomystical sounding board bullshit, but i couldn't let your little *strawman* attempt slide by. maineman was 100% right and you, little boy, were 100% wrong. calling me names doesn't increase your intelligence nor does it make you less wrong.

sucks to be you, again. :lol:
i greatly admire marshall, but i have to point out that he and macarthur were enemies of long standing. macarthur gave him a fitrep stating that marshall was incapable of commanding a regiment when he was at C&GS
school. this doesn't change the fact that marshall was right, just a little side note.

Like you, I had a lot of admiration for Marshall.

McArthur on the other hand had enough ego for 10 men. Not one of my favorites.

As for McCrystals ego?? Don't know enough about the guy to form an opinion. He and his aides, however, were way out of line. If OL'BO accepts his resignation he will have deserved it.

Whoever replaces McCrystal had better be a better ass kisser and schmoozer that Stan was. He also needs to keep his thoughts to himself. LOL

If the General is replaced, his replacement needs to respect article 88 of the UCMJ.

Again, this is not a hard concept.

Art 88 isn't the only active part of the UCMJ, correct? Why not call for the Generals to follow all of the UCMJ? (You know....that little part that requires their scrutiny of orders being legal and all that?)
translation: i've got nothing.

thanks for stopping by

Who pulled your chain you useless whiny ****?

i believe it was you, junior.

i took a pass on your pseudomystical sounding board bullshit, but i couldn't let your little *strawman* attempt slide by. maineman was 100% right and you, little boy, were 100% wrong. calling me names doesn't increase your intelligence nor does it make you less wrong.

sucks to be you, again. :lol:

You cherry pick and hope to slide in easy jabs because you are fucking clueless. I called you a useless whiny **** because it's what your ass-kissing dick sucking agenda proves on a regular basis.

Maineman appears to be almost as clueless because he doesn't respond to what I actually post. He puts up strawmen then predictable punks like you lick it up because it looks like easy pickings.

It's not that difficult to comprehend: It's fucking reetawrded to ask Americans to give their lives to defend something like Freedom of Speech but prohibit them from exercising what they are fucking dying to defend. It's almost as stoopid as giving 18 year olds automatic guns and sending them thousands of miles from home to kill people they've never met and who has done nothing to them while sending other 18 year olds to jail for having a fucking beer. Are you so fucking thick headed you cannot grasp basic concepts of consistency you fucking whiner?
To H*LL with Olberboy. What did you expect him to say? NBC is this President's biggest butt-sniffers in the Media. Calling for this General's head is hardly surprising. Did you really expect NBC to say anything different? One of their hosts even admitted to writing some of this White House's talking points. Our MSM in general is dead at this point. NBC is obviously the worst of the worst though. I'm not even saying i agree with McChrystal's comments but Olberboy cheering for the lynching of this guy is hardly surprising.

You obviously missed that Olberman said that Obama shouldn't fire McChrystal.

You just saw "Olbermann" and instantly jumped to a conclusion, didn't you?

Nice try. Olberboy was implying that the President should reject the resignation and then fire him. F*CK OLBERBOY and NBC!

"Implying"? Oh bullshit. Wipe that egg off of your face.
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Like you, I had a lot of admiration for Marshall.

McArthur on the other hand had enough ego for 10 men. Not one of my favorites.

As for McCrystals ego?? Don't know enough about the guy to form an opinion. He and his aides, however, were way out of line. If OL'BO accepts his resignation he will have deserved it.

Whoever replaces McCrystal had better be a better ass kisser and schmoozer that Stan was. He also needs to keep his thoughts to himself. LOL

If the General is replaced, his replacement needs to respect article 88 of the UCMJ.

Again, this is not a hard concept.

But of course.

Being a good ass kisser and schmoozer sure doesn't hurt either. LOL

He wouldn't be a General in the first place if he wasn't a good ass kisser and schmoozer.
Like you, I had a lot of admiration for Marshall.

McArthur on the other hand had enough ego for 10 men. Not one of my favorites.

As for McCrystals ego?? Don't know enough about the guy to form an opinion. He and his aides, however, were way out of line. If OL'BO accepts his resignation he will have deserved it.

Whoever replaces McCrystal had better be a better ass kisser and schmoozer that Stan was. He also needs to keep his thoughts to himself. LOL

If the General is replaced, his replacement needs to respect article 88 of the UCMJ.

Again, this is not a hard concept.

Art 88 isn't the only active part of the UCMJ, correct? Why not call for the Generals to follow all of the UCMJ? (You know....that little part that requires their scrutiny of orders being legal and all that?)

We've been down this road before and it gets progressively more lame.

I won't try and sway you from your beliefs, but suffice to say, you are on a small island with them.
If the General is replaced, his replacement needs to respect article 88 of the UCMJ.

Again, this is not a hard concept.

Art 88 isn't the only active part of the UCMJ, correct? Why not call for the Generals to follow all of the UCMJ? (You know....that little part that requires their scrutiny of orders being legal and all that?)

We've been down this road before and it gets progressively more lame.

I won't try and sway you from your beliefs, but suffice to say, you are on a small island with them.

I don't look for security in numbers and I fully expected some kind of dodge regarding the UCMJ. You advocate a lame military. One without a spine. One that is absent of one of the most basic principles of the US and the UCMJ.
When they had the weekly Afghan War meeting without him it was pretty well a sure thing he was gone.
Obama is weaker now, with no one to replace him on the eve of a major offensive.

no one to replace him? Petraeus seems like a great choice

You mean the guy the Left excoriated as "Betray Us"?? Him?

Isn't he senior to McChrystal and thus this would be just an interim appointment?

you are wrong. the fact that Petraeus has more stars in no way makes this an interim appointment. He is MORE than qualified to run the show in Afghanistan. McChrystal was damaged goods. Petraeus has a solid track record of success.
Obama and McCrystal met on a golf course to discuss recent events. Obama starts by saying, "I'm a 6 handicap, what's yours?"

McCrystal responded, "I'm lead by a CinC who has no desire to win"

If Barry claims a 6 handicap, he's a bigger liar than Clinton. I would say that Obama swings like a handicapped little girl but I don't want to offend the little girls of the world.:lol::lol::lol:
I don't look for security in numbers and I fully expected some kind of dodge regarding the UCMJ. You advocate a lame military. One without a spine. One that is absent of one of the most basic principles of the US and the UCMJ.

What you call a "dodge" I call "attempting to avoid you from derailing a thread to grind one of your favorite axes".

You can create a separate thread on it, and I might play along if I feel like playing 500 games of "you're a fucking idiot" with you, because at this point, let's face it, that's about all that comes out of the matter.
no one to replace him? Petraeus seems like a great choice

You mean the guy the Left excoriated as "Betray Us"?? Him?

Isn't he senior to McChrystal and thus this would be just an interim appointment?

you are wrong. the fact that Petraeus has more stars in no way makes this an interim appointment. He is MORE than qualified to run the show in Afghanistan. McChrystal was damaged goods. Petraeus has a solid track record of success.

I wish him all the luck in the world. He will need it. I don't think all the brilliant Generalship in the world can change the realities of Afghanistan.
I don't look for security in numbers and I fully expected some kind of dodge regarding the UCMJ. You advocate a lame military. One without a spine. One that is absent of one of the most basic principles of the US and the UCMJ.

What you call a "dodge" I call "attempting to avoid you from derailing a thread to grind one of your favorite axes".

You can create a separate thread on it, and I might play along if I feel like playing 500 games of "you're a fucking idiot" with you, because at this point, let's face it, that's about all that comes out of the matter.

Derail? Lol.....given the thread topic please explain the attempted derail?
no one to replace him? Petraeus seems like a great choice

You mean the guy the Left excoriated as "Betray Us"?? Him?

Isn't he senior to McChrystal and thus this would be just an interim appointment?

you are wrong. the fact that Petraeus has more stars in no way makes this an interim appointment. He is MORE than qualified to run the show in Afghanistan. McChrystal was damaged goods. Petraeus has a solid track record of success.

You're not making much sense here. Petraeus took a lesser appointment. It wasn't a promotion and it must be because he is helping out the administration and in return will get a better job down the road. No argument he is qualified for the job.
Petraeus wqill pick up the ball and run with it. He is a good man and doesn't have the infinite ego that McCurser had.
Who pulled your chain you useless whiny ****?

i believe it was you, junior.

i took a pass on your pseudomystical sounding board bullshit, but i couldn't let your little *strawman* attempt slide by. maineman was 100% right and you, little boy, were 100% wrong. calling me names doesn't increase your intelligence nor does it make you less wrong.

sucks to be you, again. :lol:

You cherry pick and hope to slide in easy jabs because you are fucking clueless. I called you a useless whiny **** because it's what your ass-kissing dick sucking agenda proves on a regular basis.

Maineman appears to be almost as clueless because he doesn't respond to what I actually post. He puts up strawmen then predictable punks like you lick it up because it looks like easy pickings.

It's not that difficult to comprehend: It's fucking reetawrded to ask Americans to give their lives to defend something like Freedom of Speech but prohibit them from exercising what they are fucking dying to defend. It's almost as stoopid as giving 18 year olds automatic guns and sending them thousands of miles from home to kill people they've never met and who has done nothing to them while sending other 18 year olds to jail for having a fucking beer. Are you so fucking thick headed you cannot grasp basic concepts of consistency you fucking whiner?

clueless? You're full of shit. People in the military have NEARLY unlimited freedom of speech. There are very few things they can't do that the rest of society can. They cannot refuse to do what their bosses tell them to do without severe penalty. They cannot even publicly question the wisdom or prudence of any of those directions from their boss ans long as the order is lawful. They cannot publicly denigrate or criticize or otherwise disrespect their chain of command, which includes their direct superior, and their direct superior's superior and on up all the way to and including the president of the united states. They cannot divulge information that they have if such information has been given a security classification. Other than that, they are pretty much equal in their free speech rights with the rest of society. To remove those restrictions would allow members of the military to routinely damage the good order and discipline of the military... something I am sure that you would NOT advocate if you were anything other than a purposely contrary prick.
You mean the guy the Left excoriated as "Betray Us"?? Him?

Isn't he senior to McChrystal and thus this would be just an interim appointment?

you are wrong. the fact that Petraeus has more stars in no way makes this an interim appointment. He is MORE than qualified to run the show in Afghanistan. McChrystal was damaged goods. Petraeus has a solid track record of success.

You're not making much sense here. Petraeus took a lesser appointment. It wasn't a promotion and it must be because he is helping out the administration and in return will get a better job down the road. No argument he is qualified for the job.

Again... you should stick to the talmud... you don't know jack shit about the military. It is not a "lesser appointment". Clearly the president believes that the position now requires a four star. That is the CinC's decision. I would bet that Petraeus certainly does not see this job as a "step down".

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