I agree with Smerconish (probably the most Libertarian of CNN reporters), wikileaks targetting U.S


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Why no leaks about Russia, China and other U.S adversaries? Are they not talented enough to obtain support from leakers and hackers targetting these nations?

Just seems to me to be a little too convenient that this organization is only able to (or willing to) go after America. I'm not suggesting that some of it isn't valid and worthwhile from the standpoint of America defending their democracy, but, alot of this information is just out there to embarrass America and reveal their capabilities against other enemy nations.

When I see wikileaks expand their interests to other, FAR more abusive human right violators in the world, than I will be more convinced of their motives. That's my rant of the day.
What's Is being discussed now is that it is Obama\Clinton loyalists hold overs who are the leakers.

So they've been profiled as Marxists/Liberals sympathetic to Globalism and the dissolving of National Sovereignty.

I'm not shocked at all by this...

This is also why a purge has started, because these people are a threat Ron our National Security!
Why no leaks about Russia, China and other U.S adversaries? Are they not talented enough to obtain support from leakers and hackers targetting these nations?

Just seems to me to be a little too convenient that this organization is only able to (or willing to) go after America. I'm not suggesting that some of it isn't valid and worthwhile from the standpoint of America defending their democracy, but, alot of this information is just out there to embarrass America and reveal their capabilities against other enemy nations.

When I see wikileaks expand their interests to other, FAR more abusive human right violators in the world, than I will be more convinced of their motives. That's my rant of the day.
You need to change your perspective on the issue. It seems to me that Wikileaks is trying to save the U.S., the last crumbling bastion of freedom under attack by the Global Elite. Exposing the subversive actions of the Deep State controlled by the Global Elite.

Russia kicked them out for the time being so there is not reason to be occupied with her...and China? It is a totalitarian regime and it is hard to infiltrate their ranks by the Global Elite's operatives.
Why no leaks about Russia, China and other U.S adversaries? Are they not talented enough to obtain support from leakers and hackers targetting these nations?

Just seems to me to be a little too convenient that this organization is only able to (or willing to) go after America. I'm not suggesting that some of it isn't valid and worthwhile from the standpoint of America defending their democracy, but, alot of this information is just out there to embarrass America and reveal their capabilities against other enemy nations.

When I see wikileaks expand their interests to other, FAR more abusive human right violators in the world, than I will be more convinced of their motives. That's my rant of the day.
What does it matter? As an American citizen I have no interest in what the other governments are doing, I'm concerned with mine.
Why no leaks about Russia, China and other U.S adversaries? Are they not talented enough to obtain support from leakers and hackers targetting these nations?

Just seems to me to be a little too convenient that this organization is only able to (or willing to) go after America. I'm not suggesting that some of it isn't valid and worthwhile from the standpoint of America defending their democracy, but, alot of this information is just out there to embarrass America and reveal their capabilities against other enemy nations.

When I see wikileaks expand their interests to other, FAR more abusive human right violators in the world, than I will be more convinced of their motives. That's my rant of the day.
Someone brought up that Wikileaks has never went investigated Russia and I checked it out and they were right - I couldn't find anything. That might be suspicious if Wikileaks had investigated China, North Korea, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Australia, Liberia, Sudan, Malaysia, Indonesia, or over a hundred other countries around the world but when Wikileaks hasn't investigated any of those countries the point being made about Russia is totally lost.

Why does Wikileaks target the corruption in the USA exclusively? Is it a Russian conspiracy? Not a chance. I believe it is a combination of things, Snowden being one of them. NSA spying on Europeans? That might have influenced Assange to focus exclusively on America. Turn about is fair play. American politicians involved in pedophile parties and trafficking children? That's huge - and the American people would not have known about it because the MSM in this country are not reporting the news. We have to get our news from the Daily Mail, UK and the like to find out what is happening in our own country -in many instances - yet still that is not enough.

I believe Julian Assange is probably the one person who is informing the world as to the level of corruption going on in America. It's a big investigation and to do it properly you have to zero in and focus on what you're reporting about.

It's like one massive maze! First you have a democrat presidential candidate under investigation by the FBI while running for office and no one blinks. From the corruption of the Clinton Foundation to Hillary's connection to a child trafficker in Haiti- stealing over a billion dollars earmarked for the poorest of the poor (Political leaders in Haiti went on record that the Clinton Foundation never gave them the money they collected for them). The President in collusion with the MSM and Democrat Candidate (Clinton) and wire tapping the Republican candidate, Donald Trump. Totally unethical and illegal.

Obama's senior advisor - John Podesta has the email scandal linking him AND his brother Tony Podesta to pedophile ring and then Obama's emails which link him to the entire sordid affair! And don't forget the Spirit cooking dinner John Podesta was invited to by a witch named Elena Abramovich. The deal made on the runway with Lynch and Bill Clinton and the subsequent FBI Director's failure to follow through on one of the biggest criminal investigations in history - the DOJ appointing a former lawyer of Podesta's to "help" the FBI do their investigation into Hillary Gate (Podesta was her campaign manager - don't forget that) and Anthony Wiener's laptop that contained evidence of pedophile crimes on Hilary Clinton's private emails - how would Assange have time for anything else?

The corruption just goes on and on and on......one case opens another - all the way down to John Alefantis and his Ping Pong Pizza Gate and kill rooms discovered by none other than another guy picking up Assange's information and using it to find yet more alleged crimes! The people involved were so bold that they openly posted suggestive pictures and comments on Instagram back and forth to each other. They never believed they would be caught because in their minds they were "untouchable." ......and the MSM continues to cover for these people! Talk about corrupt!

Someone should write a book linking it all together in chronological order. Get a book deal and turn it into an independent movie (because Hollywood would never touch it). The American people would be astonished, I'm sure.
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First, Smerconish is not a reporter. He is a trial lawyer turned talk show host turned CNN host.

His primary goal in life is to be called a lib by conservatives while being called a con by liberals. You can bet that he will tell you about it whenever this happens.

He is a George HW Bush republican. His choice for POTUS in 2016 was John Kasich and he gave Johnson and Weld a ton of play because they used his primary goal as their stump speeches.

He's not a bullshitter and he doesn't allow bullshit on his show....most of the time.

I'm not sure why you are crediting him with original thought on Wikileaks. Those cretins are clearly gunning for America. They can suck a collective dick.
I'm no expert on the inner workings of Wikileaks, but they publish what whistleblowers give them. Maybe no one ever gave them any leaked files on/from Russia, China, etc.
What's Is being discussed now is that it is Obama\Clinton loyalists hold overs who are the leakers.

So they've been profiled as Marxists/Liberals sympathetic to Globalism and the dissolving of National Sovereignty.

I'm not shocked at all by this...

This is also why a purge has started, because these people are a threat Ron our National Security!
nope, they are not a threat to us, they are a threat to Russia, and THAT is why they are being gotten rid of..........systematically, right before our eyes, the dismantling of our national security!!!!!!!!!!!! For goodness sake!

WAKE UP! the Decades of Russian propaganda campaign of making us not trust our govt, dismantling it to make Russia stronger, IS WORKING, on all of you who sit back idly!

This is for real....please pay attention to who benefits!
What's Is being discussed now is that it is Obama\Clinton loyalists hold overs who are the leakers.

So they've been profiled as Marxists/Liberals sympathetic to Globalism and the dissolving of National Sovereignty.

I'm not shocked at all by this...

This is also why a purge has started, because these people are a threat Ron our National Security!
nope, they are not a threat to us, they are a threat to Russia, and THAT is why they are being gotten rid of..........systematically, right before our eyes, the dismantling of our national security!!!!!!!!!!!! For goodness sake!

WAKE UP! the Decades of Russian propaganda campaign of making us not trust our govt, dismantling it to make Russia stronger, IS WORKING, on all of you who sit back idly!

This is for real....please pay attention to who benefits!
We the people benefit. The Global Elite's subversive actions are being busted open. It is customary nowadays to throw the words "national security" around. The enemy is within, nobody dares to attack the U.S. from the outside with force.
Why no leaks about Russia, China and other U.S adversaries? Are they not talented enough to obtain support from leakers and hackers targetting these nations?

Just seems to me to be a little too convenient that this organization is only able to (or willing to) go after America. I'm not suggesting that some of it isn't valid and worthwhile from the standpoint of America defending their democracy, but, alot of this information is just out there to embarrass America and reveal their capabilities against other enemy nations.

When I see wikileaks expand their interests to other, FAR more abusive human right violators in the world, than I will be more convinced of their motives. That's my rant of the day.
You see, that is exactly where the problem lies. It was Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama using the CIA and our military to bring a coup against the countries in the Middle East and displacing millions of people turning them into refugees - from the war crimes these US leaders (former) are guilty of - to the pedophile rings they were involved in (by evidence already provided by Wikileaks) and covered for including Alefantis and Jeffrey Epstein - to the back room deals and multi million dollar payoffs from Arab leaders and Russians to Clinton and her Clinton Foundation she used as a money laundering machine while enabling the most corrupt Islamic leaders to continue in abusive human rights violations - all the way to financing ISIS - what could be more abusive or corrupt?


Assange hit the mother load and it just so happens to be found in America. That is why the focus is on US politics and the politicians who are guilty of war crimes, pay to play schemes profiting them billions and child trafficking which is the ultimate human rights violation.
What's Is being discussed now is that it is Obama\Clinton loyalists hold overs who are the leakers.

So they've been profiled as Marxists/Liberals sympathetic to Globalism and the dissolving of National Sovereignty.

I'm not shocked at all by this...

This is also why a purge has started, because these people are a threat Ron our National Security!
nope, they are not a threat to us, they are a threat to Russia, and THAT is why they are being gotten rid of..........systematically, right before our eyes, the dismantling of our national security!!!!!!!!!!!! For goodness sake!

WAKE UP! the Decades of Russian propaganda campaign of making us not trust our govt, dismantling it to make Russia stronger, IS WORKING, on all of you who sit back idly!

This is for real....please pay attention to who benefits!
Russian propaganda campaign? Say what?

Do you have any idea the amount of manipulation that takes place in the US? Our whole consumer economy is based on manipulation of consumers. There is no system of propaganda in the world that rivals the US.

I don't fear Russia. The CIA is far more insidious.
They are obviously a Russian front.

It's not just them being hyper-concentrated on America, they are also blatantly lying about Russian hacking.
They are obviously a Russian front.

It's not just them being hyper-concentrated on America, they are also blatantly lying about Russian hacking.
What are you trying to cover up by shifting the focus on the Russians?
These people are the useful idiots of the corporate state. They have created an enemy that didn't exist and will use that faux enemy to discredit and silence the truth tellers. Entirely too predictable.
Milk toast SmearCommish.

Another CNN Dem hack to drop in woodchipper. Most of TV "journalists" can go too. Running out of any Legit sources. Clean house, cut cord, start over.
Was out for the day and forgot about this thread heh.

Sorry, but I'm not reading the arguments to dissuade me to this point. I've listened to Glenn Greenwald (spelling), he's an intelligent guy and maybe he is a legitimate journalist. Hell, maybe even Assange is a patsy as well and not aware of the true motivations, but, they both are patsies in one way or another. The enemies of America benefit from such leaks. If the issue was a domestic violation I can understand government and citizens asking questions. When the motive is to spy on foreign governments, operatives and the like, this is fair game and is the type of information that will help maintain Americas advantage

These two, along with wikileaks, are most likely Russian stooges and the sources within the U.S leaking such information are ideologues, or also patsies. These capabilities recently reported have no impact on American citizens, they are strictly for targetting foreign citizens so why would this specifically be the type of information shared in all of the potential treasure trove of information such a person might have? The release of this is meant to undermine this technique and to paint the U.S as some anomaly, as if other foreign governments aren't spying aggressively on America. You can be sure they are, if you believe otherwise, you are sorely mistaken.
Why no leaks about Russia, China and other U.S adversaries? Are they not talented enough to obtain support from leakers and hackers targetting these nations?

Just seems to me to be a little too convenient that this organization is only able to (or willing to) go after America. I'm not suggesting that some of it isn't valid and worthwhile from the standpoint of America defending their democracy, but, alot of this information is just out there to embarrass America and reveal their capabilities against other enemy nations.

When I see wikileaks expand their interests to other, FAR more abusive human right violators in the world, than I will be more convinced of their motives. That's my rant of the day.
Maybe those nations don't have as many traitorous lefties with an agenda, along with stiff consequences for being found out...

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