I Am A Bigot And A Terrorist

I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

You believe in a mythology, essentially an Hebrew tribal fairy tale (Genesis) and think that it applies to modern secular laws.

Well, at least you know that 1/3 + 2/3 = 1 whole person. That's something. We can work with that.

And what do you believe in except Obama and self-gratification?

I believe you've just revealed yourself as childish and without merit as a serious person to discuss anything because all the evidence in the world won't convince you that what you believe is false.

And YOU are just the one to teach me the truth! LOL!! How old are you, ten?
In other words, just another RW blowhard to is under the delusion that he is somehow special for hating people.

Being a bigot does not make you special, just stupid.

It puts me far above you though. You fail to meet the most minimum qualification as to being a homo sapiens. With your character and vocabulary, you are but a dumb brute beast.
Repeating the same bullshit does not make it fact.

Keeps you hanging onto my every word though. You're my biggest fan. Want me to send you a Donald Trump hat?
People love watching a trainwreck.

You're still here though, aren't you. You are simply fascinated by me. You so much wish you were like me instead of being the pitiful depraved little fag you are.
Wake up Dorothy you are having that dream again.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Another fag arrives on the scene.
The homoerotic is strong with this one.
I think he's phising for a buddy....

Put your britches back on Moonglow.
Caught you gazing...
Who told you. You're certainly not smart enough to have figured anything out on your own.
Another classic false assumption .

Now if only the Supreme Court could make a ruling outlawing AIDS among you homos.
OH no not the gay ploy again
The only place I'm gay is in your man on man fantasy.

Nah. You're gay. You're just a liar to boot.
I'm neither ,you on the other hand .
The only lies being told here are yours and they're not even clever.

But you can't get enough of them. LOL!!
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Another fag arrives on the scene.
The homoerotic is strong with this one.
I think he's phising for a buddy....
If he ever had one.
It puts me far above you though. You fail to meet the most minimum qualification as to being a homo sapiens. With your character and vocabulary, you are but a dumb brute beast.
Repeating the same bullshit does not make it fact.

Keeps you hanging onto my every word though. You're my biggest fan. Want me to send you a Donald Trump hat?
People love watching a trainwreck.

You're still here though, aren't you. You are simply fascinated by me. You so much wish you were like me instead of being the pitiful depraved little fag you are.
Wake up Dorothy you are having that dream again.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Another fag arrives on the scene.
The homoerotic is strong with this one.
I think he's phising for a buddy....
If he ever had one.

DAWS is simply crazy about me.

Another fag arrives on the scene.
The homoerotic is strong with this one.
I think he's phising for a buddy....

Put your britches back on Moonglow.
Caught you gazing...
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

You believe in a mythology, essentially an Hebrew tribal fairy tale (Genesis) and think that it applies to modern secular laws.

Well, at least you know that 1/3 + 2/3 = 1 whole person. That's something. We can work with that.

And what do you believe in except Obama and self-gratification?

I believe you've just revealed yourself as childish and without merit as a serious person to discuss anything because all the evidence in the world won't convince you that what you believe is false.

And YOU are just the one to teach me the truth! LOL!! How old are you, ten?
Says the perfect example of getting older but no wiser.
Another classic false assumption .

Now if only the Supreme Court could make a ruling outlawing AIDS among you homos.
OH no not the gay ploy again
The only place I'm gay is in your man on man fantasy.

Nah. You're gay. You're just a liar to boot.
I'm neither ,you on the other hand .
The only lies being told here are yours and they're not even clever.

But you can't get enough of them. LOL!!
Wrong again.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

You believe in a mythology, essentially an Hebrew tribal fairy tale (Genesis) and think that it applies to modern secular laws.

Well, at least you know that 1/3 + 2/3 = 1 whole person. That's something. We can work with that.

And what do you believe in except Obama and self-gratification?

I believe you've just revealed yourself as childish and without merit as a serious person to discuss anything because all the evidence in the world won't convince you that what you believe is false.
That's rich coming from the homosexual supporting islam.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

You believe in a mythology, essentially an Hebrew tribal fairy tale (Genesis) and think that it applies to modern secular laws.

Well, at least you know that 1/3 + 2/3 = 1 whole person. That's something. We can work with that.

And what do you believe in except Obama and self-gratification?

I believe you've just revealed yourself as childish and without merit as a serious person to discuss anything because all the evidence in the world won't convince you that what you believe is false.
That's rich coming from the homosexual supporting islam.
Really how?
I think he's phising for a buddy....
If he ever had one.

DAWS is simply crazy about me.
The inevitable Freudian slip.

Yes, I could have simply stated "DAWS is crazy".

Are you saying DAWS is Obama's husband?
Talking to yourself ? Mixing alcohol and anti depressants again. ?
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

You believe in a mythology, essentially an Hebrew tribal fairy tale (Genesis) and think that it applies to modern secular laws.

Well, at least you know that 1/3 + 2/3 = 1 whole person. That's something. We can work with that.

And what do you believe in except Obama and self-gratification?

I believe you've just revealed yourself as childish and without merit as a serious person to discuss anything because all the evidence in the world won't convince you that what you believe is false.
That's rich coming from the homosexual supporting islam.
Really how?
Do I really need to explain that?
Being proud of hating a person for the Color of his/her skin, the shape of his/her eyes, how he/she worships their version of their god or he/she loves and wants to marry is stupid.

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