I am a legitimate world leader.


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I was ALSO legally elected, not just by the chickens on my property, but also by the wild birds that show up here to eat the seeds on my ballot box. I set up a ballot box last November, with my name on it (idea I got from US style elections) and every time a chicken or a bird stepped on it, he voted for ME. Now I realize that all these birds may not have been as intelligent as all the voters who managed to PRESS the button (for candidate this or candidate that), but nonetheless, I am now the elected leader, of the world, because the birds here are not citizens of America, they are citizens of the world, Americans may even consider them to be ILLEGAL ALIENS. - And there were a bunch of INDEPENDENT candidates also running against me, it was a VERY tough race, but they were not worth placing on the ballot, since everyone here, my dogs and my chickens always focus on ME, they already KNEW I am the leader even before elections. elections were just to make it official, to give them a VOICE, AND IF YOU, do not recognize me as the leader of the world..... let's just say my last name is aBrutis, maybe you can get a hint of what it means. The BIRDS who elected me, may seem powerless, but they have EYES, WINGS, and they have CONNECTIONS, and they travel around the world. Look at all the turmoil in the middle east, in Europe, in South America, all the shootings in North America - it is your so called LEADERS who are powerless.

The MEDIA, will try to turn me into a JOKE, they will IGNORE ME, they will pretend that I do not EXIST. the best the political community could do about my LEGITIMATE win of elections was BAN me. I have been banned from MOST political forums on internet, I have no access to politicalforum.com politicaldebateforum, or most OTHER existing political forums on internet. I should also point out that just a COUPLE OF WEEKS after I released my victory speech in November of 2013, in which I addressed leaders of the nations which were not yet overrun by international bankers, my two dogs were purposely SHOT, right near my house in the middle of woods in Allegheny national forest. And I got the message. So if all of a sudden you stop hearing from ME, your true leader, just REMEMBER - it was the criminal industry who control those puppet leaders on TELEVISION that got me assassinated - And thank the people who vote in establishment's hosted elections, thank international bankers, thank the US military who did not protect me, nor recognize me, thank all the brain dead Christians who are still waiting for return of Jesus Christ.

NOVEMBER 25 2013 this video was released:

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They will ignore you or turn you into a joke? Can't really be both. Because you cant joke about someone you pretend doesn't exist.
They will ignore you or turn you into a joke? Can't really be both. Because you cant joke about someone you pretend doesn't exist.
It is either one or the other. for now they ignore me, then they will try to turn me into a joke and then into a monster.
They will ignore you or turn you into a joke? Can't really be both. Because you cant joke about someone you pretend doesn't exist.
It is either one or the other. for now they ignore me, then they will try to turn me into a joke and then into a monster.

You really aren't helping them with the claim you've been elected a world leader by the animals meme.
They will ignore you or turn you into a joke? Can't really be both. Because you cant joke about someone you pretend doesn't exist.
It is either one or the other. for now they ignore me, then they will try to turn me into a joke and then into a monster.

You really aren't helping them with the claim you've been elected a world leader by the animals meme.
Some people are more special than some animals, and some animals are clearly more special than some people. in the end, the ignorant will have to accept the reality created by the intelligent.
It is either one or the other. for now they ignore me, then they will try to turn me into a joke and then into a monster.

You really aren't helping them with the claim you've been elected a world leader by the animals meme.
Some people are more special than some animals, and some animals are clearly more special than some people. in the end, the ignorant will have to accept the reality created by the intelligent.

Like I said, you aren't helping yourself
It is either one or the other. for now they ignore me, then they will try to turn me into a joke and then into a monster.

You really aren't helping them with the claim you've been elected a world leader by the animals meme.
Some people are more special than some animals, and some animals are clearly more special than some people. in the end, the ignorant will have to accept the reality created by the intelligent.

Elitist Attitude methinks...^^^
You really aren't helping them with the claim you've been elected a world leader by the animals meme.
Some people are more special than some animals, and some animals are clearly more special than some people. in the end, the ignorant will have to accept the reality created by the intelligent.

Elitist Attitude methinks...^^^
If you are finding attitude in my statement, methinks you're special.
You really aren't helping them with the claim you've been elected a world leader by the animals meme.
Some people are more special than some animals, and some animals are clearly more special than some people. in the end, the ignorant will have to accept the reality created by the intelligent.

Like I said, you aren't helping yourself
I am not trying to help myself, especially not in politics, which I always believe is supposed to be about helping humanity.
Some people are more special than some animals, and some animals are clearly more special than some people. in the end, the ignorant will have to accept the reality created by the intelligent.

Like I said, you aren't helping yourself
I am not trying to help myself, especially not in politics, which I always believe is supposed to be about helping humanity.

I meant you're your own worst enemy. No one will take your argument seriously when you undermine your own credibility
So a bird shitting on your name is a vote, got it.

I think you're giving yourself too much credit, the birds seem to be much smarter than you.

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