I Am A Yes Vote To DECERTIFY. Many Of My Colleagues In The Arizona Senate Want To Decertify

LOL ⅔ of adults believe Biden won 2020 legitimately. So yeah, piss off a majority of them about the 2020 election. That's surely a winning strategy.
They say they believe that. I don't believe them. Or you.
They say they believe that. I don't believe them. Or you.

Who cares what you b'lieve, FruitLoops? You've proven yourself to be utterly delusional. Tell the forum again how the election was stolen even though you still have no proof after nearly 15 months and counting.
:blowup: :blowup: :blowup:
You know when Giuliani hair dye dripped---he was sick with the covid.
Horseshit. Giuliani's brain meltdown in the gardening store parking lot was a full month before he contracted Covid. And his fall from grace occurred even longer before that.
And yet you silly Trump haters keep attacking him over it. It's rather sad....

Gaetz and Greene did what? More silly insults with no substance.
Gaetz is a sex trafficker.

Marjorie Tard Greene believes Sandy Hook and Parkland were staged, that Donald Trump was waging a clandestine war on a Satan-worshipping cabal of child-abusers and cannibals, that no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, and that California's wildfires were started by a Jewish Space Laser™.

All caught up now?
How do you decertify the vote from November of 2020? Exactly what measures do you take to get that going.

I know Trump's minions have talked about it. But what, exactly, is the procedure and constitutional authority for such action?

Who cares what you b'lieve, FruitLoops? You've proven yourself to be utterly delusional. Tell the forum again how the election was stolen even though you still have no proof after nearly 15 months and counting.
:blowup: :blowup: :blowup:
The proof is there. The powers that be are covering it up in plain sight. The actions since the election point in one direction.
But you can't see much when your head is up your ass, Assflap.
How do you decertify the vote from November of 2020? Exactly what measures do you take to get that going.

I know Trump's minions have talked about it. But what, exactly, is the procedure and constitutional authority for such action?
Does the Constitution want criminals punished? A crime was committed. It is called fraud.
How do you decertify the vote from November of 2020? Exactly what measures do you take to get that going.

I know Trump's minions have talked about it. But what, exactly, is the procedure and constitutional authority for such action?
None. They are fully delusional. This is a group psychosis. The world has seen it before.
Does the Constitution want criminals punished? A crime was committed. It is called fraud.
The only crimes committed were by Republicans, so far as can be determined.

After 14 months, no evidence of tide-turning fraud has been provided in court. You have been hoaxed, what, for the thousandth time?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times and please help me find the seven pounds of brain I lost.

Tards like you bleev the louder Traitor Trump whines, the truer his lies.

Does the Constitution want criminals punished? A crime was committed. It is called fraud.

Not what I asked. Anyone who can be proven to have been involved in a fraud should be prosecuted. But, as I asked before, how do you decertify the election results?
Anyone who's raised a highly competitive son recognizes Trump's inability to accept defeat. Which, despite all the attacks and defenses, is what this is all about.
Anyone who's raised a highly competitive son recognizes Trump's inability to accept defeat. Which, despite all the attacks and defenses, is what this is all about.
Why would someone accept defeat when they are cheated? The media and big tech made sure you never heard Trumps side.
Why would someone accept defeat when they are cheated?
If they continued to cling to the idea that they were cheated, despite having no rational reason nor evidence to justify their excuse, they'd be beyond reason. At that point, I'd sit 'em in the corner. For hours if necessary.
How do you decertify the vote from November of 2020? Exactly what measures do you take to get that going.

I know Trump's minions have talked about it. But what, exactly, is the procedure and constitutional authority for such action?
How can one do a recall

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