I Am Ashamed of My Country

I'm curious- how much did that copy of the GATT accord cost you?

I honestly do not remember. I bought the accord in 1994 from the Government Printing Office. It was a paperback volumn three inches thick and still should be available today. I still have my copy and consider it to be a historic document. Why don't don't you check with them. It wasn't that expensive; in the order of twenty or thrity dollars, I think. If it was more than this, I would have remembered.

It's a GPO pub - so it's probably available on-line now, and as a government piece, should be available at no-cost.
To adequately discuss your message, one would have to acquaint themselves with the GATT and your book, which most messageboard members are not willing to do. Can you cut down your complaints into a paragraph or so that we can discuss? Sorry for the moronic head I'm carrying in this area.

Jackson: Thank you for your request and I most certainly will honor it although it may take more than one paragraph. However, right now my head is swimming and thinking clearly is difficult. I promise to sit down and honor your request later; at the very latest by early tomorrow morning.

Thanks again for your request.
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You are out of line too. Your hatred and his are a disgrace.

I never discuss Bush. You have a sickness that makes you think and say that anyway.

And again. DO YOU WIPE YOUR ASS? That is a dumb insult. Dummy.
You are out of line too. Your hatred and his are a disgrace.

I never discuss Bush. You have a sickness that makes you think and say that anyway.

And again. DO YOU WIPE YOUR ASS? That is a dumb insult. Dummy.

Where have I ever said I hated Obama, assmonkey.
Link to the post.
Go for it.
I'll wait asswipe.
I think I understand your feelings, but take care of that citation. It may mean something to your kids (if you got 'em) or grandkids. I've got one signed by Johnson that my family received in '67. It's framed and on my wall. I'm proud of it.

Seeing obama's name on the same paper as my Dads is insulting and offensive. I haven't even told my son, he'd rip it up and send it back.

I have thought of waiting until obama is out of office and returning it to ask for another signed by a president, instead of a presidebt.

Our fathers obviously served this country under different Presidents. For my dad, it was Roosevelt. Johnson was President when my dad passed away.

The citation is of from a grateful nation, not an ingrate of a President (I won't argue with you on that one). In 10/20/30 years time you'll be glad you held on to that and took care of it. Just put it out of sight and out of mind for now. You will thank yourself (and maybe me :)) later.

He could always send the citation back with a "No Thanks" short cover letter.
Didn't want and honors bestowed on them by a draft-dodging individual who was on record as "loathing" the military.

Yeah, better to have them bestowed by a codpiece-wearing wannabe, whose Daddy pulled strings to spare him the danger of any legitimate service.

I am talking about George Bush senior, idiot. You know, the guy BEFORE Clinton.

Speaking of legitimate service, asswipe - you served when/where?
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.
If I was you, I'd burn it.

My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

You are out of line.
Fuck off rectum face.
I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994.

Why are you just upset about the GATT? Given the fact that 99.9 % of the statutes adopted by Congress are bold face usurpations?!?!?!?!?


I am not just upset about GATT. GATT is what got me started. I am absolutely livid about everything our government has done since the passage of GATT. In fact, I can think of nothing good they have done since then and everything they have done was to our detriment and demise. However, our real problem started way before GATT. Our government was overthrown from within upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. This topic will be addressed in subsequent posts.
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

You are out of line.

Dear LoneLaugher: Katzndogz is not out of line as you will soon learn. Stay tuned.
I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor. Despite all this something is very wrong. I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor. Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth. Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT. Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside? They are paid to protect our sovereignty.” Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover. I was shocked! Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter. What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.

My anger motivated me to write a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”. I also took it upon myself to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States which I mistakenly posted on this message board as my first thread. I say mistakenly because entire articles should not be posted because of legitimate concerns about possible copyright infringements. In any case, the purpose of my letter was to lead Americans down a similar path to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.

If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.

My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:
An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:
While We Sleep - A Story of Government Without Law by Alan R. Adaschik

A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:
A Constitutional Challenge To The WTO

If you have any questions about anything I have written or would like clarifying information, just ask. If you find anything in this material that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention and provide me with the reasons for your disagreement. I sincerely hope one of you can demonstrate where I have gone wrong so I can sleep better at night.

If you're ashamed of your country over one simple issue, when there's many reasons available that someone could be ashamed "of those politicians selling out our country and our freedoms," then you must be absolutely enraged when you look at the big picture.
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I am talking about George Bush senior, idiot. You know, the guy BEFORE Clinton.

So am I.

Due in large part to the actions of Bush Sr., any military honor requiring a CIC signature during his son's presidency could be described exactly as I described it.

Speaking of legitimate service, asswipe - you served when/where?

I've never served in any branch of the US Military.

Even if I had though, since I don't consider war-profiteering a "legitimate" cause, in light of my age and the era(s) in which I could have served, I'd still be forced to concede a lack of 'legitimate service'.
You are out of line too. Your hatred and his are a disgrace.

I never discuss Bush. You have a sickness that makes you think and say that anyway.

And again. DO YOU WIPE YOUR ASS? That is a dumb insult. Dummy.

LoneLaugher: I beg of you, the topic of this tread is too serious for disparagement or name calling. I am sure you are an honorable person. Please refrain from venting your emotions and give me and everyone else a shot at learning the truth. I ask this in Christ's name; Amen!
Leftists always make the attempt to shut down patriotism and/or criticism of their Dear Leader.
Seeing obama's name on the same paper as my Dads is insulting and offensive. I haven't even told my son, he'd rip it up and send it back.

I have thought of waiting until obama is out of office and returning it to ask for another signed by a president, instead of a presidebt.

Our fathers obviously served this country under different Presidents. For my dad, it was Roosevelt. Johnson was President when my dad passed away.

The citation is of from a grateful nation, not an ingrate of a President (I won't argue with you on that one). In 10/20/30 years time you'll be glad you held on to that and took care of it. Just put it out of sight and out of mind for now. You will thank yourself (and maybe me :)) later.

He could always send the citation back with a "No Thanks" short cover letter.

True, and that is his call to make.

For all I know, my dad loathed Johnson. I do remember listening to my parents and their friends arguing politics especially when they were all likkered up. Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson... half of them insisted these guys were no-goods, the other half praised their merits. It was all very confusing to this kid.

But as I advanced through school and studied Presidential histories, I realized they were all correct in their arguments. Presidents one and all are accomplished in varying degrees, yet carry some serious baggage. Obama is no exception.

Again, I see it as a citation from a grateful nation and one that is deservedly received.
My dad's citation is 45 years old. I think Katz should hang on to his until 2057.
I am talking about George Bush senior, idiot. You know, the guy BEFORE Clinton.

So am I.

Due in large part to the actions of Bush Sr., any military honor requiring a CIC signature during his son's presidency could be described exactly as I described it.

Speaking of legitimate service, asswipe - you served when/where?

I've never served in any branch of the US Military.

Even if I had though, since I don't consider war-profiteering a "legitimate" cause, in light of my age and the era(s) in which I could have served, I'd still be forced to concede a lack of 'legitimate service'.

You've never served your country, then Shut The Fuck Up.
Go burn a flag. You'll feel better.

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