"I am begging you to forgive me...."


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
"""""I'm SO sorry....I luvved being a millyunair showing people how to acquire Type 2 Diabetes lahk ah I have now from eatin' food full of fah-yets and shuh-gah.

Ah just cain't imagine losing my corporate empahr jus' 'cuz ah say-ed some bad things about Nay-grows so many yeahs ago. Please, ya'll.....I really luv my $14,000,000 home an Mur-sayd-deez Bens.""""

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The fuck you smokin'?

A better question is, "WTF was she thinkin'?" Southern Fried Bitch gets caught making racist remarks and it finally catches up with her.

But maybe like Martha Stewart, she'll do the time and find a way back as America's favorite redneck.

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