I am Charlie - Cartoons for Islam

How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

Why do you lie and say the Left "coddles and makes excuses" for a religion that is just as stupid as fundamentalist christianity....or any fundamentalism? All fundamentalist religions are FAR RIGHT CONSERVATIVE. The antithesis of the Left. People like you and Jeremiah have more in common with the Radical Moooslims than we ever will.

The reason that people such as yourself, Bodecea, reserve the bulk of your disdain for Christianity - is because - unlike an attack on Islam - you have nothing to lose. You know that Christians will not bring a lawsuit against you, they won't threaten to cut your head off or put a contract on your life, plant a bomb under your car, etc. You are not risking anything.

The reason the liberal left does not make jokes about Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ (they won't even print in liberal left US newspapers the cartoons of Mohammad drawn by others! ) the reason the liberal left does not mock, desecrate and openly revile Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ - is because they are too afraid to do so. They are not willing to put themselves in physical danger and prefer to attack those who will not fight back. Unfortunately for you and yours - that is precisely the same target for Islamists when the day of Jihad hits - they will come for you first. Because you are no threat to them - same for the Communists - you'll be the first ones they come looking for...

In closing, the bottom line here is that 007 is correct in that you and your party do coddle and make excuses for Islam and that is the reason you do it!
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Time for another cartoon. This one is appropriately titled,

The Deceived

How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

Why do you lie and say the Left "coddles and makes excuses" for a religion that is just as stupid as fundamentalist christianity....or any fundamentalism? All fundamentalist religions are FAR RIGHT CONSERVATIVE. The antithesis of the Left. People like you and Jeremiah have more in common with the Radical Moooslims than we ever will.

The reason that people such as yourself, Bodecea, reserve the bulk of your disdain for Christianity - is because - unlike an attack on Islam - you have nothing to lose. You know that Christians will not bring a lawsuit against you, they won't threaten to cut your head off or put a contract on your life, plant a bomb under your car, etc. You are not risking anything.

The reason the liberal left does not make jokes about Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ (they won't even print in liberal left US newspapers the cartoons of Mohammad drawn by others! ) the reason the liberal left does not mock, desecrate and openly revile Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ - is because they are too afraid to do so. They are not willing to put themselves in physical danger and prefer to attack those who will not fight back. Unfortunately for you and yours - that is precisely the same target for Islamists when the day of Jihad hits - they will come for you first. Because you are no threat to them - same for the Communists - you'll be the first ones they come looking for...

In closing, the bottom line here is that 007 is correct in that you and your party do coddle and make excuses for Islam and that is the reason you do it!

I disdain both religions equally, actually. You're just a delicate snowflake.
How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

Why do you lie and say the Left "coddles and makes excuses" for a religion that is just as stupid as fundamentalist christianity....or any fundamentalism? All fundamentalist religions are FAR RIGHT CONSERVATIVE. The antithesis of the Left. People like you and Jeremiah have more in common with the Radical Moooslims than we ever will.

The reason that people such as yourself, Bodecea, reserve the bulk of your disdain for Christianity - is because - unlike an attack on Islam - you have nothing to lose. You know that Christians will not bring a lawsuit against you, they won't threaten to cut your head off or put a contract on your life, plant a bomb under your car, etc. You are not risking anything.

The reason the liberal left does not make jokes about Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ (they won't even print in liberal left US newspapers the cartoons of Mohammad drawn by others! ) the reason the liberal left does not mock, desecrate and openly revile Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ - is because they are too afraid to do so. They are not willing to put themselves in physical danger and prefer to attack those who will not fight back. Unfortunately for you and yours - that is precisely the same target for Islamists when the day of Jihad hits - they will come for you first. Because you are no threat to them - same for the Communists - you'll be the first ones they come looking for...

In closing, the bottom line here is that 007 is correct in that you and your party do coddle and make excuses for Islam and that is the reason you do it!

Hey, you stupid twit. The only cartoons I ever see anywhere that are anti-Christian are the ones you and your ilk post against Catholics. Enjoy your reward in hell. Hopefully you will be serving with a couple of strapping Islamic terrorists.
How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

Why do you lie and say the Left "coddles and makes excuses" for a religion that is just as stupid as fundamentalist christianity....or any fundamentalism? All fundamentalist religions are FAR RIGHT CONSERVATIVE. The antithesis of the Left. People like you and Jeremiah have more in common with the Radical Moooslims than we ever will.

The reason that people such as yourself, Bodecea, reserve the bulk of your disdain for Christianity - is because - unlike an attack on Islam - you have nothing to lose. You know that Christians will not bring a lawsuit against you, they won't threaten to cut your head off or put a contract on your life, plant a bomb under your car, etc. You are not risking anything.

The reason the liberal left does not make jokes about Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ (they won't even print in liberal left US newspapers the cartoons of Mohammad drawn by others! ) the reason the liberal left does not mock, desecrate and openly revile Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ - is because they are too afraid to do so. They are not willing to put themselves in physical danger and prefer to attack those who will not fight back. Unfortunately for you and yours - that is precisely the same target for Islamists when the day of Jihad hits - they will come for you first. Because you are no threat to them - same for the Communists - you'll be the first ones they come looking for...

In closing, the bottom line here is that 007 is correct in that you and your party do coddle and make excuses for Islam and that is the reason you do it!

They know it too, Jeremiah, but don't ever expect them to admit it. Progs are some of the worst liars and two faced, bigoted hypocrites on the planet. They live in a state of dementia where they believe they can get away with lying and hypocrisy as if no one will notice and/or they can lie their way out of it. They truly are ignorant if they think that for a second, we buy any of what they're saying. We know the truth, and that's really all I care about. As for them, I just enjoy pissing them off, and you can always do that with the truth.
How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

Why do you lie and say the Left "coddles and makes excuses" for a religion that is just as stupid as fundamentalist christianity....or any fundamentalism? All fundamentalist religions are FAR RIGHT CONSERVATIVE. The antithesis of the Left. People like you and Jeremiah have more in common with the Radical Moooslims than we ever will.

The reason that people such as yourself, Bodecea, reserve the bulk of your disdain for Christianity - is because - unlike an attack on Islam - you have nothing to lose. You know that Christians will not bring a lawsuit against you, they won't threaten to cut your head off or put a contract on your life, plant a bomb under your car, etc. You are not risking anything.

The reason the liberal left does not make jokes about Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ (they won't even print in liberal left US newspapers the cartoons of Mohammad drawn by others! ) the reason the liberal left does not mock, desecrate and openly revile Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ - is because they are too afraid to do so. They are not willing to put themselves in physical danger and prefer to attack those who will not fight back. Unfortunately for you and yours - that is precisely the same target for Islamists when the day of Jihad hits - they will come for you first. Because you are no threat to them - same for the Communists - you'll be the first ones they come looking for...

In closing, the bottom line here is that 007 is correct in that you and your party do coddle and make excuses for Islam and that is the reason you do it!

They know it too, Jeremiah, but don't ever expect them to admit it. Progs are some of the worst liars and two faced, bigoted hypocrites on the planet. They live in a state of dementia where they believe they can get away with lying and hypocrisy as if no one will notice and/or they can lie their way out of it. They truly are ignorant if they think that for a second, we buy any of what they're saying. We know the truth, and that's really all I care about. As for them, I just enjoy pissing them off, and you can always do that with the truth.

Their minds are blinded from the truth of the Gospel - even as much as the minds of Muslims have been blinded - so it's a combination of the message of the Gospel and prayer - that will prevail against the captivity they are in and break those chains - if anything will - that is what will do it, 007. I know of one Communist that without openly admitting it - was willing to see America handed over to our enemies rather than to see our nation be known as a Christian nation and the LORD's name lifted up. That is truly sad! Talk about a desire to self destruct!
How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

Why do you lie and say the Left "coddles and makes excuses" for a religion that is just as stupid as fundamentalist christianity....or any fundamentalism? All fundamentalist religions are FAR RIGHT CONSERVATIVE. The antithesis of the Left. People like you and Jeremiah have more in common with the Radical Moooslims than we ever will.

The reason that people such as yourself, Bodecea, reserve the bulk of your disdain for Christianity - is because - unlike an attack on Islam - you have nothing to lose. You know that Christians will not bring a lawsuit against you, they won't threaten to cut your head off or put a contract on your life, plant a bomb under your car, etc. You are not risking anything.

The reason the liberal left does not make jokes about Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ (they won't even print in liberal left US newspapers the cartoons of Mohammad drawn by others! ) the reason the liberal left does not mock, desecrate and openly revile Mohammad as they do Jesus Christ - is because they are too afraid to do so. They are not willing to put themselves in physical danger and prefer to attack those who will not fight back. Unfortunately for you and yours - that is precisely the same target for Islamists when the day of Jihad hits - they will come for you first. Because you are no threat to them - same for the Communists - you'll be the first ones they come looking for...

In closing, the bottom line here is that 007 is correct in that you and your party do coddle and make excuses for Islam and that is the reason you do it!

Hey, you stupid twit. The only cartoons I ever see anywhere that are anti-Christian are the ones you and your ilk post against Catholics. Enjoy your reward in hell. Hopefully you will be serving with a couple of strapping Islamic terrorists.

Ravi, as you were last noted by me on this religion forum as making a thread which was defending the rights of Satanists to distribute Satanist material to indoctrinate school children in Orlando, Fla. to Satanism and then defending the Roman Religion of Catholicism - I must admit you are consistent - in calling evil good and good evil - nevertheless - you and I both know what the roots of Catholicism are and that it is most definitely not a Christian religion. Not in the LEAST! It's no different from Satanism - in fact it is the largest religious front organization on earth FOR Satanism. Let's be honest.

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