I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

Originally posted by LeroyDumonde
"I support the Third World invading the US as long as it's done legally."-Every Republican.

"It's perfectly OK to flood America with non-whites, destroying the nation's racial composition as long as they all carry a piece of paper saying they are here legally." - Republicans, Democrats and almost everybody else.

Welcome to the multiracialist asylum 21th century America has become, Leroy.
I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

But this needs a little tiny bit of unpacking
You shouldn't even give them these crumbs.
.what's going on with the Democrats is NOT "immigration"

No matter how often they call red blue, red will never be blue. Invasion is never "immigration"
Moron. Parrot.
We already know it’s you posting. You idiot.
Do you know what you would be if you were anti invasion? (immigration-migration) And worse yet, said why?

Uhm. English?
And even worse yet, suggested solutions? The second two wouldn't matter. If you were anti invasion, what you would be is looking for another forum to join. So spread all the poison you want. At a poison forum, it is to be expected.
When you come down off of your glue sniffing high, feel free to try posting coherently. 👍
You shouldn't even give them these crumbs.
.what's going on with the Democrats is NOT "immigration"

No matter how often they call red blue, red will never be blue. Invasion is never "immigration"
We are a sovereign national. We get to decide who is permitted entry. And when. And part of that involves making laws. We have a history of being pretty open. But that’s for us to decide.

I’m not talking about the invasion. Again, I make the distinction between a flood of illegal immigration (the so-called “invasion”) and LEGAL immigration which is unrelated to any invasion.
I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

But this needs a little tiny bit of unpacking.

In order to comprehend my meaning, as intended, it needs to be clear that there is a major and crucial distinction between “immigration” and “illegal immigration.”

I see the United States (in modern days at least) as being far more open to legal immigration (not even factoring in asylum cases) than any other nation on Earth.

There are considerations for immigration which are attended to by the legal immigration process. These considerations don’t get attended to at all via illegal immigration. These considerations include education, the social utility to America of an applicant’s qualifications, and it includes things like disease and mental health, etc.

If a would-be immigrant doesn’t give a damn about the considerations that undergird the immigration policy of the United States, then we don’t need to give a damn about the burden they will face on being deported. (Noting again the difference between immigration and asylum.)
I hear you and agree 100% with you. another thing they are not undocumented immigrants, they are illegal aliens
Moron. Parrot. Do you know what you would be if you were anti invasion? (immigration-migration) And worse yet, said why? And even worse yet, suggested solutions? The second two wouldn't matter. If you were anti invasion, what you would be is looking for another forum to join. So spread all the poison you want. At a poison forum, it is to be expected.
One unwritten requirement of USMB (especially for rookies) is that you post stuff that doesn't look like a mish-mash.
I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

But this needs a little tiny bit of unpacking.

In order to comprehend my meaning, as intended, it needs to be clear that there is a major and crucial distinction between “immigration” and “illegal immigration.”

I see the United States (in modern days at least) as being far more open to legal immigration (not even factoring in asylum cases) than any other nation on Earth.

There are considerations for immigration which are attended to by the legal immigration process. These considerations don’t get attended to at all via illegal immigration. These considerations include education, the social utility to America of an applicant’s qualifications, and it includes things like disease and mental health, etc.

If a would-be immigrant doesn’t give a damn about the considerations that undergird the immigration policy of the United States, then we don’t need to give a damn about the burden they will face on being deported. (Noting again the difference between immigration and asylum.)
I approve of legal immigration as long as it is mimimal numerically, and is limited to those bringing value to the country. Examples of that would be someone bringing large amounts of capital, with which to open businesses and create jobs (for AMERICANS).

Other examples would be great scientists, top notch surgeons, or very fine musicians. I wouldn't mind if some great violinists came here, adding to our culture. I wouldn't mind if the Rolling Stones came here.
I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

But this needs a little tiny bit of unpacking.

In order to comprehend my meaning, as intended, it needs to be clear that there is a major and crucial distinction between “immigration” and “illegal immigration.”

I see the United States (in modern days at least) as being far more open to legal immigration (not even factoring in asylum cases) than any other nation on Earth.

There are considerations for immigration which are attended to by the legal immigration process. These considerations don’t get attended to at all via illegal immigration. These considerations include education, the social utility to America of an applicant’s qualifications, and it includes things like disease and mental health, etc.

If a would-be immigrant doesn’t give a damn about the considerations that undergird the immigration policy of the United States, then we don’t need to give a damn about the burden they will face on being deported. (Noting again the difference between immigration and asylum.)
I agree with the idea of legal immigration being OK, but we should be wary even about that. How any of the things on this list (pertaining to ILLEGAL immigration), could actually be true of LEGAL immigration also (especially in large numbers)

Harms of Illegal Immigration >>>

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

But this needs a little tiny bit of unpacking.

In order to comprehend my meaning, as intended, it needs to be clear that there is a major and crucial distinction between “immigration” and “illegal immigration.”

I see the United States (in modern days at least) as being far more open to legal immigration (not even factoring in asylum cases) than any other nation on Earth.

There are considerations for immigration which are attended to by the legal immigration process. These considerations don’t get attended to at all via illegal immigration. These considerations include education, the social utility to America of an applicant’s qualifications, and it includes things like disease and mental health, etc.

If a would-be immigrant doesn’t give a damn about the considerations that undergird the immigration policy of the United States, then we don’t need to give a damn about the burden they will face on being deported. (Noting again the difference between immigration and asylum.)

The country did better with strict immigration quotas from the 1920's up to 1965. Immigration is just a scam to crater wages and retard technological advancements, same as slavery did in the South. Slavery ultimately cost the South the Civil War, by sucking m=nearly all capital investment into the cotton mono-economy at the expense of developing steel mills, factories, and encouraging white European immigration.
It's wrong to allow leftists to change the definition of words. "Immigration" is one of those words. These people are not vetted in any way and the left brands these invaders "immigrants."

Exactly. They are criminal illegal aliens, period. Changing up the definitions is just their way of admitting they are liars and frauds, is all. It is the preferred tactics of deviants and their communist masters. See Antonio Gramsci's writings, along with Lenin's for how that works. lol look how many people now refer to homosexual fetishists as 'gay'. Ridiculous.
I agree with the idea of legal immigration being OK, but we should be wary even about that. How any of the things on this list (pertaining to ILLEGAL immigration), could actually be true of LEGAL immigration also (especially in large numbers)

Harms of Illegal Immigration >>>

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

Most of the elites don't really pay high tax rates, despite the best efforts of GOP shills to claim otherwise, so they're fine with all this crap. It costs them nothing, especially wealthy Democrats. They just like pissing on the heads of working class and lower middle class types. All their useful idiot shills here prove that last point daily.
The country did better with strict immigration quotas from the 1920's up to 1965. Immigration is just a scam to crater wages and retard technological advancements, same as slavery did in the South. Slavery ultimately cost the South the Civil War, by sucking m=nearly all capital investment into the cotton mono-economy at the expense of developing steel mills, factories, and encouraging white European immigration.
I approve of restrictions on immigration. That’s why I support legal immigration. We can decide (as we have the right to decide) who gets to enter, on what terms, and how many and when or whether. We can debate the details. And we probably ought to debate the details.

Being pro legal immigration is very dissimilar to being open border. It also doesn’t address all the criteria. First things first. Let’s do what we can to limit immigration only to those who comply with our lawful immigration laws and processes.
I approve of restrictions on immigration. That’s why I support legal immigration. We can decide (as we have the right to decide) who gets to enter, on what terms, and how many and when or whether. We can debate the details. And we probably ought to debate the details.

Being pro legal immigration is very dissimilar to being open border. It also doesn’t address all the criteria. First things first. Let’s do what we can to limit immigration only to those who comply with our lawful immigration laws and processes.

I wasn't knocking all legal immigration; we still allowed some even during the Depression, but it was fairly selective.
I wasn't knocking all legal immigration; we still allowed some even during the Depression, but it was fairly selective.
That’s cool. We can adjust the criteria as we see fit when we see fit.

Without fear of immediate death or imprisonment, can people just stroll across the border between North Korea and South Korea? Nope.

How about China? If you’re off hiking somewhere and stray over some unseen border between that spot and China, will the Chinese welcome you with open arms?

Hell no. And why? Because they are sovereign nations with rules and laws that prohibit that kind of thing. We don’t have to like it to respect it. It is their right.

And it’s also a right we have. Open Borders is an obscene idea.
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I would disagree .. we get too many legal and illegal immigrations per year, and there are no standards for assimilation. The outcome is immigration without adaptation to the American culture .. and this will erode the culture and be dictated by the soon to be majority.

Immigrants today are assimilating just fine. The Melting Pot is still cooking.

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