I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

Lunk head? What a bunch of milarky. LOL.

Such bullshit. I'm going to use a former employer as an example. I live in MI. I work for company A which is located in Ann Arbor. Their 2 competitors are located in other states. So I have to leave my state to go work for the competition?

Do you know why GM was able to unionize and McDonald employees have a hard time doing it? Because each McD has 10 employees. GM had thousands of employees all in one building. A lot harder to organize when you are spread out 10 employees per each location all across the country.

If those McD employees could get together, they'd unionize.

McD's prices are already obscene and it goes towards profits. Ever consider maybe each location doesn't have to be as profitable? So what if the franchise owner only makes $1/2 million dollars a year? Isn't that still good? Instead of $1 mill?
You’re a lunk head.

Basic math and economics theory leaves you in the dust.
You’re a lunk head.

Basic math and economics theory leaves you in the dust.
In a way, I agree. When I took economics in college I was able to come up with exceptions to the rules. And now I know that supply and demand isn't that simple. If it was fast food workers would continue to see their pay rise.

But a company like Walmart would rather stay under staffed than pay more to fully staff their store. So the rule doesn't work. Supply is down but demand just isn't there.

And you guys always say if we give the employees a raise it will raise the cost of goods. But you never mind when the CEO's pay raises the cost of those goods. That you don't mind.
I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

But this needs a little tiny bit of unpacking.

In order to comprehend my meaning, as intended, it needs to be clear that there is a major and crucial distinction between “immigration” and “illegal immigration.”

I see the United States (in modern days at least) as being far more open to legal immigration (not even factoring in asylum cases) than any other nation on Earth.

There are considerations for immigration which are attended to by the legal immigration process. These considerations don’t get attended to at all via illegal immigration. These considerations include education, the social utility to America of an applicant’s qualifications, and it includes things like disease and mental health, etc.

If a would-be immigrant doesn’t give a damn about the considerations that undergird the immigration policy of the United States, then we don’t need to give a damn about the burden they will face on being deported. (Noting again the difference between immigration and asylum.)

Immigrants are fine. An immigrant is someone that comes to America through the immigration process. They need to demonstrate a willingness to conform to America, want to be a part of America, are going to work, speak English and so on.

But our problem is today illegals and invaders are being called immigrants as well and they are not immigrants. They are illegals and invaders and should be banished from without borders, by force if necessary.

It's word trickery the current administration and the MSM are playing on people. They use words like immigrants for all the illegals coming into the country. Immigrants conjures ideas of poor oppressed people in desperate need of a chance to work and build a better life and will be an asset to America. But today's "immigrants" are anything but, they are illegals and invaders. Sure some are decent people but they are very few and we can't risk our country for the sake of the minority.
Immigrants are fine. An immigrant is someone that comes to America through the immigration process. They need to demonstrate a willingness to conform to America, want to be a part of America, are going to work, speak English and so on.

But our problem is today illegals and invaders are being called immigrants as well and they are not immigrants. They are illegals and invaders and should be banished from without borders, by force if necessary.

It's word trickery the current administration and the MSM are playing on people. They use words like immigrants for all the illegals coming into the country. Immigrants conjures ideas of poor oppressed people in desperate need of a chance to work and build a better life and will be an asset to America. But today's "immigrants" are anything but, they are illegals and invaders. Sure some are decent people but they are very few and we can't risk our country for the sake of the minority.
I agree with you illegals got to go. The best way is to go after illegal employers. But Republicans won't do that.

The other thing is, immigrants at the border trying to get in aren't illegals. They are asking to come in. Vet them ,then let them in. And line them up with a job. If Starbucks needs 2 workers in Philly, send 2 to Philly. If Wisconsin needs low wage workers, send some to WI. Know what I mean? Let's do it right.
In a way, I agree. When I took economics in college I was able to come up with exceptions to the rules. And now I know that supply and demand isn't that simple. If it was fast food workers would continue to see their pay rise.

But a company like Walmart would rather stay under staffed than pay more to fully staff their store. So the rule doesn't work. Supply is down but demand just isn't there.

And you guys always say if we give the employees a raise it will raise the cost of goods. But you never mind when the CEO's pay raises the cost of those goods. That you don't mind.
Wait. You mean economics isn’t an exact science?

I agree. But, then again, simply tinkering with it for reasons of “feel good” doesn’t convert the inexact science into something better.
Immigrants are fine. An immigrant is someone that comes to America through the immigration process. They need to demonstrate a willingness to conform to America, want to be a part of America, are going to work, speak English and so on.

But our problem is today illegals and invaders are being called immigrants as well and they are not immigrants. They are illegals and invaders and should be banished from without borders, by force if necessary.

It's word trickery the current administration and the MSM are playing on people. They use words like immigrants for all the illegals coming into the country. Immigrants conjures ideas of poor oppressed people in desperate need of a chance to work and build a better life and will be an asset to America. But today's "immigrants" are anything but, they are illegals and invaders. Sure some are decent people but they are very few and we can't risk our country for the sake of the minority.
I initially distinguished between legal immigration and illegals immigration.

The former we can control and we should in the manner we deem most prudent for our republic.

The latter, we can’t. So, we should double down on preventing it and returning the offenders swiftly.
I am Conservative and pro immigration. America is also pro immigration.

But this needs a little tiny bit of unpacking.

In order to comprehend my meaning, as intended, it needs to be clear that there is a major and crucial distinction between “immigration” and “illegal immigration.”

I see the United States (in modern days at least) as being far more open to legal immigration (not even factoring in asylum cases) than any other nation on Earth.

There are considerations for immigration which are attended to by the legal immigration process. These considerations don’t get attended to at all via illegal immigration. These considerations include education, the social utility to America of an applicant’s qualifications, and it includes things like disease and mental health, etc.

If a would-be immigrant doesn’t give a damn about the considerations that undergird the immigration policy of the United States, then we don’t need to give a damn about the burden they will face on being deported. (Noting again the difference between immigration and asylum.)
There is no "illegal immigration." There is however, illegal "migration." Immigration refers to individuals who traverse through actual immigration checkpoints.
There is no "illegal immigration." There is however, illegal "migration." Immigration refers to individuals who traverse through actual immigration checkpoints.
Nope. Someone who comes here without bothering to comply with our immigration laws and rules is an illegal immigrant.
Doing a job today with a sub contractor. His daughter works in a UK large retailer who employed a Syrian asylum seeker. Obviously the company she works for wants to look fantastic, aren't we brilliant, and all that bullshit. The employees found him a bit odd.

Then the council got involved, we're brilliant too and employees this scum to go round schools given talks on what it's like to be an asylum seeker etc.. What a guy, do you feel sorry for him?

Well, the police lifted him, his phone was full of child porn, some of it Class A (the most extreme stuff). That's asylum seeker scum for you. Who loves them again? Ah yes, the Lefties.

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