I am not a catholic but.............

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

The one single religion Jesus began,

Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

never raised a sword against another.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion

Good grieve. The USA are a country in the size of a continent - England is a big Island. In both countries live people doing nonsense and people suffering the nonsense others are doing. Not everyone is like the wonderful early Christians you are dreaming from, who never had problems, how Paulus shows to you with his letters. :rolleyes:

We can see that no church in the whole world is fully in the truth of god ( not even my own church - the best of all possible churches :) ) because we are broken in parts. As long as different churches are existing we did not find fully the truth - or we lost some truth. It should be easy to agree. So this gives no one any right not to say what he thinks. If we are not able to agree we have to think about longer. Maybe god will enlighten us and we all together will find all possible bridges and this will make it more easy to find a way to each other.

God promised here in these last days--truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4)--and it has or this would be impossible-John 4:22-24-- in a single religion--a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace and thought. One under the true living God and his son. Yet no part of this world.

Sometimes I wished we never had composed the bible. It's not easy to speak with people who have the 4th version of the 12th Dan in Babylonianism. Who for heavens sake understands what's written there in the 12th chapter of the book Daniel? I for sure not. Sounds interesting, that's all. But I love what's written in John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This remembers to the phycicist Anton Zeilinger who said once "In the beginning was the word".

The one single religion Jesus began,

Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

never raised a sword against another.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion

Good grieve. The USA are a country in the size of a continent - England is a big Island. In both countries live people doing nonsense and people suffering the nonsense others are doing. Not everyone is like the wonderful early Christians you are dreaming from, who never had problems, how Paulus shows to you with his letters. :rolleyes:

We can see that no church in the whole world is fully in the truth of god ( not even my own church - the best of all possible churches :) ) because we are broken in parts. As long as different churches are existing we did not find fully the truth - or we lost some truth. It should be easy to agree. So this gives no one any right not to say what he thinks. If we are not able to agree we have to think about longer. Maybe god will enlighten us and we all together will find all possible bridges and this will make it more easy to find a way to each other.

God promised here in these last days--truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4)--and it has or this would be impossible-John 4:22-24-- in a single religion--a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace and thought. One under the true living God and his son. Yet no part of this world.

Sometimes I wished we never had composed the bible. It's not easy to speak with people who have the 4th version of the 12th Dan in Babylonianism. Who for heavens sake understands what's written there in the 12th chapter of the book Daniel? I for sure not. Sounds interesting, that's all. But I love what's written in John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This remembers to the phycicist Anton Zeilinger who said once "In the beginning was the word".

Yes I agree, the correlation between Daniel and revelation is only revealed through the teachers who have Jesus.= The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time.
Yeah did those teachers also explain to you
Rev 22:16 whereby Jesus is claiming to be the nemesis of Michael not that he was Michael. -oops.
Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion

Good grieve. The USA are a country in the size of a continent - England is a big Island. In both countries live people doing nonsense and people suffering the nonsense others are doing. Not everyone is like the wonderful early Christians you are dreaming from, who never had problems, how Paulus shows to you with his letters. :rolleyes:

We can see that no church in the whole world is fully in the truth of god ( not even my own church - the best of all possible churches :) ) because we are broken in parts. As long as different churches are existing we did not find fully the truth - or we lost some truth. It should be easy to agree. So this gives no one any right not to say what he thinks. If we are not able to agree we have to think about longer. Maybe god will enlighten us and we all together will find all possible bridges and this will make it more easy to find a way to each other.

God promised here in these last days--truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4)--and it has or this would be impossible-John 4:22-24-- in a single religion--a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace and thought. One under the true living God and his son. Yet no part of this world.

Sometimes I wished we never had composed the bible. It's not easy to speak with people who have the 4th version of the 12th Dan in Babylonianism. Who for heavens sake understands what's written there in the 12th chapter of the book Daniel? I for sure not. Sounds interesting, that's all. But I love what's written in John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This remembers to the phycicist Anton Zeilinger who said once "In the beginning was the word".

Yes I agree, the correlation between Daniel and revelation is only revealed through the teachers who have Jesus.= The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time.

Then I'm sure you don't understand the book Daniel as well as you don't understand the book revelation, because no one understands the revelation - also not the teachers you are thinking about. Esoterics has nothing to do with the christian religion and we don't follow gurus. Everyone is a child of god and everyone is able to understand the spiritual essence of the christian religion. I heard from a man who had to learn 20 years - but this was very long and the man had not much time. We are able to explain what we know and our belief bases on very plausible reasons. By the way: Hundreds of years Christians lived without bible. The only reason to write it was to make the life more easy. Besides this reasons the bible is only a summary of books. A tool.

atta unsar þu ïn himinam
weihnai namo þein
qimai þiudinassus þeins
wairþai wilja þeins
swe ïn himina jah ana airþai
hlaif unsarana þana sinteinan gif uns himma daga
jah aflet uns þatei skulans sijaima
swaswe jah weis afletam þaim skulam unsaraim
jah ni briggais uns ïn fraistubnjai
ak lausei uns af þamma ubilin
unte þeina ïst þiudangardi
jah mahts jah wulþus ïn aiwins

That's one of the first tanslations of the Lords prayer into the german (=gothic) language from the bible of bishop Wulfila. He had also to find the alef-bet, the letters. The bible of Wulfila was the first book at all in the german traditon - what means it was also the first book of the english tradition.

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one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion

Good grieve. The USA are a country in the size of a continent - England is a big Island. In both countries live people doing nonsense and people suffering the nonsense others are doing. Not everyone is like the wonderful early Christians you are dreaming from, who never had problems, how Paulus shows to you with his letters. :rolleyes:

We can see that no church in the whole world is fully in the truth of god ( not even my own church - the best of all possible churches :) ) because we are broken in parts. As long as different churches are existing we did not find fully the truth - or we lost some truth. It should be easy to agree. So this gives no one any right not to say what he thinks. If we are not able to agree we have to think about longer. Maybe god will enlighten us and we all together will find all possible bridges and this will make it more easy to find a way to each other.

God promised here in these last days--truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4)--and it has or this would be impossible-John 4:22-24-- in a single religion--a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace and thought. One under the true living God and his son. Yet no part of this world.

Sometimes I wished we never had composed the bible. It's not easy to speak with people who have the 4th version of the 12th Dan in Babylonianism. Who for heavens sake understands what's written there in the 12th chapter of the book Daniel? I for sure not. Sounds interesting, that's all. But I love what's written in John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This remembers to the phycicist Anton Zeilinger who said once "In the beginning was the word".

Yes I agree, the correlation between Daniel and revelation is only revealed through the teachers who have Jesus.= The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time.

Then I'm sure you don't understand the book Daniel as well as you don't understand the book revelation, because no one understands the revelation - also not the teachers you are thinking about. Esoterics has nothing to do with the christian religion and we don't follow gurus. Everyone is a child of god and everyone is able to understand the spiritual essence of the christian religion. I heard from a man who had to learn 20 years - but this was very long and the man had not much time. We are able to explain what we know and our belief bases on very plausible reasons. By the way: Hundreds of years Christians lived without bible. The only reason to write it was to make the life more easy. Besides this reasons the bible is only a summary of books. A tool.

atta unsar þu ïn himinam
weihnai namo þein
qimai þiudinassus þeins
wairþai wilja þeins
swe ïn himina jah ana airþai
hlaif unsarana þana sinteinan gif uns himma daga
jah aflet uns þatei skulans sijaima
swaswe jah weis afletam þaim skulam unsaraim
jah ni briggais uns ïn fraistubnjai
ak lausei uns af þamma ubilin
unte þeina ïst þiudangardi
jah mahts jah wulþus ïn aiwins

That's one of the first tanslations of the Lords prayer into the german (=gothic) language from the bible of bishop Wulfila. He had also to find the alef-bet, the letters. The bible of Wulfila was the first book at all in the german traditon - what means it was also the first book of the english tradition.

Jesus himself talked about his real teachers on earth in these last days--The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time. They do know what Revelation teaches.
John said they were in the last days- so any push off into our age is to admit you missed who he was talking about in his day=Rome.
Good grieve. The USA are a country in the size of a continent - England is a big Island. In both countries live people doing nonsense and people suffering the nonsense others are doing. Not everyone is like the wonderful early Christians you are dreaming from, who never had problems, how Paulus shows to you with his letters. :rolleyes:

We can see that no church in the whole world is fully in the truth of god ( not even my own church - the best of all possible churches :) ) because we are broken in parts. As long as different churches are existing we did not find fully the truth - or we lost some truth. It should be easy to agree. So this gives no one any right not to say what he thinks. If we are not able to agree we have to think about longer. Maybe god will enlighten us and we all together will find all possible bridges and this will make it more easy to find a way to each other.

God promised here in these last days--truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4)--and it has or this would be impossible-John 4:22-24-- in a single religion--a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace and thought. One under the true living God and his son. Yet no part of this world.

Sometimes I wished we never had composed the bible. It's not easy to speak with people who have the 4th version of the 12th Dan in Babylonianism. Who for heavens sake understands what's written there in the 12th chapter of the book Daniel? I for sure not. Sounds interesting, that's all. But I love what's written in John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This remembers to the phycicist Anton Zeilinger who said once "In the beginning was the word".

Yes I agree, the correlation between Daniel and revelation is only revealed through the teachers who have Jesus.= The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time.

Then I'm sure you don't understand the book Daniel as well as you don't understand the book revelation, because no one understands the revelation - also not the teachers you are thinking about. Esoterics has nothing to do with the christian religion and we don't follow gurus. Everyone is a child of god and everyone is able to understand the spiritual essence of the christian religion. I heard from a man who had to learn 20 years - but this was very long and the man had not much time. We are able to explain what we know and our belief bases on very plausible reasons. By the way: Hundreds of years Christians lived without bible. The only reason to write it was to make the life more easy. Besides this reasons the bible is only a summary of books. A tool.

atta unsar þu ïn himinam
weihnai namo þein
qimai þiudinassus þeins
wairþai wilja þeins
swe ïn himina jah ana airþai
hlaif unsarana þana sinteinan gif uns himma daga
jah aflet uns þatei skulans sijaima
swaswe jah weis afletam þaim skulam unsaraim
jah ni briggais uns ïn fraistubnjai
ak lausei uns af þamma ubilin
unte þeina ïst þiudangardi
jah mahts jah wulþus ïn aiwins

That's one of the first tanslations of the Lords prayer into the german (=gothic) language from the bible of bishop Wulfila. He had also to find the alef-bet, the letters. The bible of Wulfila was the first book at all in the german traditon - what means it was also the first book of the english tradition.

Jesus himself talked about his real teachers on earth in these last days--The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time. They do know what Revelation teaches.

I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

John said they were in the last days- so any push off into our age is to admit you missed who he was talking about in his day=Rome.

Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew speaks in the name of the evangelium of John about his enemyship against "Rome". :lol: By the way: Did you know that Jews are since the early second century "citizens of Rome" (=members of the western world, better to say: as well members of the Occident (Rome) and the Orient (Rome too in those days))


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God promised here in these last days--truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4)--and it has or this would be impossible-John 4:22-24-- in a single religion--a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace and thought. One under the true living God and his son. Yet no part of this world.

Sometimes I wished we never had composed the bible. It's not easy to speak with people who have the 4th version of the 12th Dan in Babylonianism. Who for heavens sake understands what's written there in the 12th chapter of the book Daniel? I for sure not. Sounds interesting, that's all. But I love what's written in John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This remembers to the phycicist Anton Zeilinger who said once "In the beginning was the word".

Yes I agree, the correlation between Daniel and revelation is only revealed through the teachers who have Jesus.= The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time.

Then I'm sure you don't understand the book Daniel as well as you don't understand the book revelation, because no one understands the revelation - also not the teachers you are thinking about. Esoterics has nothing to do with the christian religion and we don't follow gurus. Everyone is a child of god and everyone is able to understand the spiritual essence of the christian religion. I heard from a man who had to learn 20 years - but this was very long and the man had not much time. We are able to explain what we know and our belief bases on very plausible reasons. By the way: Hundreds of years Christians lived without bible. The only reason to write it was to make the life more easy. Besides this reasons the bible is only a summary of books. A tool.

atta unsar þu ïn himinam
weihnai namo þein
qimai þiudinassus þeins
wairþai wilja þeins
swe ïn himina jah ana airþai
hlaif unsarana þana sinteinan gif uns himma daga
jah aflet uns þatei skulans sijaima
swaswe jah weis afletam þaim skulam unsaraim
jah ni briggais uns ïn fraistubnjai
ak lausei uns af þamma ubilin
unte þeina ïst þiudangardi
jah mahts jah wulþus ïn aiwins

That's one of the first tanslations of the Lords prayer into the german (=gothic) language from the bible of bishop Wulfila. He had also to find the alef-bet, the letters. The bible of Wulfila was the first book at all in the german traditon - what means it was also the first book of the english tradition.

Jesus himself talked about his real teachers on earth in these last days--The faithful and discreet slave who give food( spiritual) at the proper time. They do know what Revelation teaches.

I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


That is terrible advice--- the end of Rev is coming soon. If I reject the real of teachers of Jesus like you suggest, its the same as rejecting Jesus and God as well.( Luke 10:16)----- Very bad advice. Advice like yours could cost some their eternal life.
Of course it's bad advice, look who it's coming from. A guy who consistantly repeats his mantra saying I'm not a Jew and who supported his country in kicking Jehovah's Witnesses out of Germany and banning your right to your faith.
It's like taking advice from Hitler himself.
The reason why he's egging you on is lack of morality, hate mongering, youtube spaming so most likely monetary reasons.
The good thing though is it always brings to light the nature of ad hominem attacks when dealing with realities or debates beyond ones ability to intellectually discuss and refute the discussions that are unpopular but true.
... That is terrible advice---

To run away? It's better to run away then to have to cut off a hand or a foot.

the end of Rev is coming soon.

Sure :rolleyes:

If I reject the real of teachers of Jesus like you suggest,

If this esoteric "teachers of Christ" are alive then run as soon, as fast and as wide as you can run. Do you need some silver bullets?

its the same as rejecting Jesus and God as well.( Luke 10:16)----- Very bad advice. Advice like yours could cost some their eternal life.

The life before death is not unimportant too. I would feel much more comfortable if you would not trust in "teachers of Christ". It's better to trust in completly normal servants of god (priests, monks) of a serios christian church - such as anglican, lutheran, catholic or orthodox Christians. But your will is is your kingdom of heaven. You have to know what to do. If you need help I'm ready to help.
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... That is terrible advice---

To run away? It's better to run away then to have to cut off a hand or a foot.

the end of Rev is coming soon.

Sure :rolleyes:

If I reject the real of teachers of Jesus like you suggest,

If this esoteric "teachers of Christ" are alive then run as soon, as fast and as wide as you can run. Do you need some silver bullets?

its the same as rejecting Jesus and God as well.( Luke 10:16)----- Very bad advice. Advice like yours could cost some their eternal life.

The life before death is not unimportant too. I would feel much more comfortable if you would not trust in "teachers of Christ". It's better to trust in completly normal servants of god (priests, monks) of a serios christian church - such as anglican, lutheran, catholic or orthodox Christians. But your will is is your kingdom of heaven. You have to know what to do. If you need help I'm ready to help.

So your advice is run to a religion that serves a non existent trinity god---no thanks. You must have missed the facts of history to give that advice. Did you miss this as well--Mark 3:24-26--a house divided( 32,997 trinity based religions) will not stand.
... That is terrible advice---

To run away? It's better to run away then to have to cut off a hand or a foot.

the end of Rev is coming soon.

Sure :rolleyes:

If I reject the real of teachers of Jesus like you suggest,

If this esoteric "teachers of Christ" are alive then run as soon, as fast and as wide as you can run. Do you need some silver bullets?

its the same as rejecting Jesus and God as well.( Luke 10:16)----- Very bad advice. Advice like yours could cost some their eternal life.

The life before death is not unimportant too. I would feel much more comfortable if you would not trust in "teachers of Christ". It's better to trust in completly normal servants of god (priests, monks) of a serios christian church - such as anglican, lutheran, catholic or orthodox Christians. But your will is is your kingdom of heaven. You have to know what to do. If you need help I'm ready to help.

So your advice is run to a religion that serves a non existent trinity god---no thanks.

More concrete: I'm a Christian and because we are many I don't have any idea why someone is upset if a Christian believes in god.

You must have missed the facts of history to give that advice. Did you miss this as well--Mark 3:24-26--a house divided( 32,997 trinity based religions) will not stand.

In Mark 3:22-30 is indeed something written you should carefully think about. If you take this serios then I would say you could become a fighter for the ecumene - specially for the ecumene between orthodox and catholic Christians. But you will not build this arch, or will you?

And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, "He is possessed by Beelzebul," and "by the prince of demons he casts out the demons." And he called them to him and said to them in parables, "How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house. "Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" - for they were saying, "He has an unclean spirit."

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