I am not a catholic but.............

That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.
Put your money where your mouth is, Tommy Taint...you may wash and kiss my feet now.
Don't sink to his level, that's what he wants.
Besides it's Merkel who looks like
Elmer Fud and when they let in the obvious Trojan horse in Germany the outside Nations looking in thought "that's all folks!"
That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.
I was just " evening" the playing field Mikey.. As for Merkel yah you are right I never noticed the resemblance..lol..... She sure played a doozy though I wonder what was popping through her head and for that matter the heads of all those countries that threw their doors open it should be interesting to see how it plays out at least the Trojans managed to keep the Greeks at bay for while but they didn't take so many so close to their bosom like Angela has....
That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

No - never a new religion began. Jews and Christians are the same. Maybe the first council in Jerusalem was a kind of new beginning because "Greeks" (everyone else than Jews) had not to go first the jewish way. For example: Baptism for men and women replaced the male circumcision. But still no one spoke about Christians. Still everyone spoke about Jews or holy persons or believers in Jesus Christ. It's more like a difference between a river and a stream. Everyone sees the main stream - but every river, see, lake and so on - specially every living cell - is full of the water of truth. Always lived Jews and Christians together. But Jesus himselve never was a Christian. In his whole life on Earth Jesus never was anything else than a Jew. When he said on the cross "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" he sang Psalm 22:

To the choirmaster: according to The Doe of the Dawn. A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest. Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. In you our fathers trusted; they trusted, and you delivered them. To you they cried and were rescued; in you they trusted and were not put to shame. But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people. All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads; "He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him!" Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts. On you was I cast from my birth, and from my mother’s womb you have been my God. Be not far from me, for trouble is near, and there is none to help. Many bulls encompass me; strong bulls of Bashan surround me; they open wide their mouths at me, like a ravening and roaring lion. I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast; my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death. For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet — I can count all my bones— they stare and gloat over me; they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. But you, O Lord, do not be far off! O you my help, come quickly to my aid! Deliver my soul from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dog! Save me from the mouth of the lion! You have rescued me from the horns of the wild oxen! I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you: You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him, and stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel! For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him. From you comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will perform before those who fear him. The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord! May your hearts live forever! All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. All the prosperous of the earth eat and worship; before him shall bow all who go down to the dust, even the one who could not keep himself alive. Posterity shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation; they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it.

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That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

Not to forget the terrible roman Hippopotami which hunt innocent american duck and cover turtles.

The hungry hippo grabed every cultures
marbles then claimed to be every cultures authority over their marbles while claiming their gods rejected them for allowing said marbles to be wisked away and thus claimed to be rhose gods new favored and authority over all. The one world religion Christians swear will occur in our day (because they can't recognize tenses), the one through a revised Roman empire using a false prophet already occured.

By the way your tag line is wrong, the Psalms
about Davidis at his hands and feet not pierced.
If you are gonna claim to be part Jewish and know Who or what is a Jew you should at least pretend to know the difference between the Tanakh translation of Hebrew as opposed to the Roman rewrite in the NT text.
Your tag only shows that they plagiarized the OT and in doing so made hysyerical errors that exposes when not knowing Hebrew or meaning of words used in context.
The hungry hippo grabed every cultures
marbles then claimed to be every cultures authority over their marbles while claiming their gods rejected them for allowing said marbles to be wisked away and thus claimed to be rhose gods new favored and authority over all. The one world religion Christians swear will occur in our day (because they can't recognize tenses), the one through a revised Roman empire using a false prophet already occured.

By the way your tag line is wrong, the Psalms
about Davidis at his hands and feet not pierced.
If you are gonna claim to be part Jewish and know Who or what is a Jew you should at least pretend to know the difference between the Tanakh translation of Hebrew as opposed to the Roman rewrite in the NT text.
Your tag only shows that they plagiarized the OT and in doing so made hysyerical errors that exposes when not knowing Hebrew or meaning of words used in context.

Nothing makes sense for me what you say - that's the great problem. For sure it's for Psalm 22 completly unimportant what you say about this translation. It's the same text in the german version too. And I'm not a part jewish, that's a Nazi-definition, I'm jewish like Schroedingers cat: I don't know. An adopted child of a jewish Mame is for example jewish. This has nothing to do with genetics in a darwinistic form of genetics. And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve. Try to get a better contact to the reality (=god's creation) all around you - everything what lives and loves is very worth- and wonderful - and maybe you will find in this way a better way to the real reality behind the reality all around.

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See only a christian thinks it's ok to lie and accuse (i.e. satan behavior) towards a Jew as not being a Jew just as they accuse JWs and Catholics not being Christian then be hypocrits and blast Muslims for claiming it's radicals aren't Muslim.
You don't see Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, Druids, Taoist calling Jews non Jews, only Christians do that in preaching and you here in forum trolling.
Being from Germany only widens the issue and brings it even further to the forefront of Satanic behavior of one who should be more sensitive to such behavior.
Proving the fallen star did inded make you like wormwood (bitter & poisonous).
Epic Fail!
See only a christian thinks it's ok to lie and accuse (i.e. satan behavior) towards a Jew as not being a Jew just as they accuse JWs and Catholics not being Christian then be hypocrits and blast Muslims for claiming it's radicals aren't Muslim.
You don't see Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, Druids, Taoist calling Jews non Jews, only Christians do that in preaching and you here in forum trolling.
Being from Germany only widens the issue and brings it even further to the forefront of Satanic behavior of one who should be more sensitive to such behavior.
Proving the fallen star did inded make you like wormwood (bitter & poisonous).
Epic Fail!

I am not "the Christians" and you are not a Jew at all. Your idea I would be "part jewish" - although I never said so - is even compatible with ideas of the Nazis. And you are using lots and lots and lots of empty propagandisms against Jews and against Christians, specially against Catholics. You try to wake hate - in an atmosphere where the terror worldwide kills a lot of innocent people everywhere on our planet. You are for sure anything else than a freedom fighter.

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That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

The one single religion Jesus began, never raised a sword against another. You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.
You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.
That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

No - never a new religion began. Jews and Christians are the same. Maybe the first council in Jerusalem was a kind of new beginning because "Greeks" (everyone else than Jews) had not to go first the jewish way. For example: Baptism for men and women replaced the male circumcision. But still no one spoke about Christians. Still everyone spoke about Jews or holy persons or believers in Jesus Christ. It's more like a difference between a river and a stream. Everyone sees the main stream - but every river, see, lake and so on - specially every living cell - is full of the water of truth. Always lived Jews and Christians together. But Jesus himselve never was a Christian. In his whole life on Earth Jesus never was anything else than a Jew. When he said on the cross "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" he sang Psalm 22:

To the choirmaster: according to The Doe of the Dawn. A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest. Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. In you our fathers trusted; they trusted, and you delivered them. To you they cried and were rescued; in you they trusted and were not put to shame. But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people. All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads; "He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him!" Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts. On you was I cast from my birth, and from my mother’s womb you have been my God. Be not far from me, for trouble is near, and there is none to help. Many bulls encompass me; strong bulls of Bashan surround me; they open wide their mouths at me, like a ravening and roaring lion. I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast; my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death. For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet — I can count all my bones— they stare and gloat over me; they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. But you, O Lord, do not be far off! O you my help, come quickly to my aid! Deliver my soul from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dog! Save me from the mouth of the lion! You have rescued me from the horns of the wild oxen! I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you: You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him, and stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel! For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him. From you comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will perform before those who fear him. The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord! May your hearts live forever! All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. All the prosperous of the earth eat and worship; before him shall bow all who go down to the dust, even the one who could not keep himself alive. Posterity shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation; they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it.


There was no religion that was Christian, until the Israelites were cut off( Matt 23:37-39)--then Jesus began a new religion--the Pharisees called it a sect of the Nazarene-Acts 24:5
Jesus never began a religion Constantine did.
You'd be admiting he's Satan by creating a new religion away from God and unto himself.
To be Moshiach you have to bring Jews to Torah, and gentiles to Torah's ethos, to claim he created a new concept is to admit he was the thief.

Nazarenes believed their god to be that mystical light between sun and earth (Luciferianism).
The term means "guardians"(cherub)
reread the verses on Son of perdition (Lucifer) in
Ezekiel 28:14-15 called
the Anointed (Christ) Cherub(Nazarene) deemed perfect (sinless).
-ding ding ding we have a winner!
That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

The one single religion Jesus began,

Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

never raised a sword against another.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

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Jesus never began a religion Constantine did.
You'd be admiting he's Satan by creating a new religion away from God and unto himself.
To be Moshiach you have to bring Jews to Torah, and gentiles to Torah's ethos, to claim he created a new concept is to admit he was the thief.

Nazarenes believed their god to be that mystical light between sun and earth (Luciferianism).
The term means "guardians"(cherub)
reread the verses on Son of perdition (Lucifer) in
Ezekiel 28:14-15 called
the Anointed (Christ) Cherub(Nazarene) deemed perfect (sinless).
-ding ding ding we have a winner!


That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

The one single religion Jesus began,

Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

never raised a sword against another.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion
Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

The one single religion Jesus began,

Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

never raised a sword against another.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion

If you refer to the apocalypse then I'm meanwhile convinced no one undestands this book. But there are jewels inside. I guess the very high respect for the author of this book is the main reason why we added it to the summary of books well known under the name "bible". By the way: Coud you tell me wether the grammar of this sentence is okay?
about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Even if you read a million books
Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

The one single religion Jesus began,

Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

never raised a sword against another.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion

Good grieve. The USA are a country in the size of a continent - England is a big Island. In both countries live people doing nonsense and people suffering the nonsense others are doing. Not everyone is like the wonderful early Christians you are dreaming from, who never had problems, how Paulus shows to you with his letters. :rolleyes:

We can see that no church in the whole world is fully in the truth of god ( not even my own church - the best of all possible churches :) ) because we are broken in parts. As long as different churches are existing we did not find fully the truth - or we lost some truth. It should be easy to agree. So this gives no one any right not to say what he thinks. If we are not able to agree we have to think about longer. Maybe god will enlighten us and we all together will find all possible bridges and this will make it more easy to find a way to each other.

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about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

Even if you read a million books
Jesus was Jewish, until he told them--they were cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39)--thus a new religion began.

How gullible are you to not notice that is a Roman worn out tactic when stealing authority from a group of people?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was only half Jewish being trained by a Rabbi as Jewish until he fled towards Egypt to escape the Jannaeus Alexander persecution of the Pharisee revolters. Whereby his beliefs, tactics, and teachings were no longer Jewish as he taught his god to be that magical mystical luciferous rays of light between sun and earth. That sun worship made him the perfect fit for all the many cultures combined mystery sun cults in creating the one world religion under ROME'S AUTHORITY.
Any religion requiring a sword to force faith has no truth in them and is often a political system masked behind the force conversions=hence the 2 horn beast symbol as horns=powers 1 being religious masking the second horn=political authority. Rome=scarlet beast with 2 horns.

The one single religion Jesus began,

Jesus began not a new religion - because of Jesus began a new religion.

never raised a sword against another.

Sword? ... I do not have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. "Gram" (=grief, suffer) is by the way the name of a famous germanic sword.

You are being blinded into believing the 33,000 religions that claim to be Christian Are Christian, but in reality--one is Christian, the rest are not.

There's only one god and one truth - but not only one perception of god and one interpretation of the truth. Nobody knows everything - that's why Christians need always to seek with hope in trust for the truth. The problem is not that different perceptions, ideas and interpretations are existing - the shame is that lots of people are not able to speak in a reasonable way of love about problems. Most problems are by the way pseudoproblems.

You are in error about the two horned beast--it is 2 kingdoms working together as the world power.

The who? A unicorn has normally one horn but two horns if it becomes angry. Who or what are your two "kingdoms working together" as the ¿evil? world power?

one interpretation of truth exists--did you miss this--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought--no division)--this one single religion that accomplishes this--has Jesus.

The two kingdoms excercising all authority in the world today of the 7 headed beast. = the two horned beast-- the united states and the united kingdom.--eagle-lion

Good grieve. The USA are a country in the size of a continent - England is a big Island. In both countries live people doing nonsense and people suffering the nonsense others are doing. Not everyone is like the wonderful early Christians you are dreaming from, who never had problems, how Paulus shows to you with his letters. :rolleyes:

We can see that no church in the whole world is fully in the truth of god ( not even my own church - the best of all possible churches :) ) because we are broken in parts. As long as different churches are existing we did not find fully the truth - or we lost some truth. It should be easy to agree. So this gives no one any right not to say what he thinks. If we are not able to agree we have to think about longer. Maybe god will enlighten us and we all together will find all possible bridges and this will make it more easy to find a way to each other.

God promised here in these last days--truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4)--and it has or this would be impossible-John 4:22-24-- in a single religion--a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace and thought. One under the true living God and his son. Yet no part of this world.

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