I am not a catholic but.............

I never understood the foot fetish thing.
It was a Mithraic sex ritual and I don't want to get crude, so You'll have to figure it out, but when the lady brushed Jesus (who was 4'6" according to John) by his leg and feet with her LONG hair it's a polite way of saying.... Do the math literally and figuratively.

John said Jesus was 4'6", WHERE?
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Feel free to go kiss some feet then

Personally I think it's fucking gross

Would you say what you say is mucking rude or would you say the situation of your feet is in general not in a way someone would like to speak about?

My feet are just fine thank you and I wouldn't let any man kiss them nor would I kiss the feet or ring for that matter of any man

Now I understand. Sounds like Berthold Brecht "Ich will unter mir keinen Sklaven sehn und über mir keinen Herrn" = "I don't like to see under me a slave - nor over me a master." Unfortunatelly Berthold Brecht decided to live in the dictatorship of the Commies and his protest against this dictatorship was not very loud.

It's by the way indeed a little sophisticated and not easy intuitive understandable why our highest authority is only a servant of servants.

I do not recognize any higher authority
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Unfortunately he teaches a non existent trinity god, making the flock break Gods #1 commandment daily.

Not a serios question: If you don't believe in the triune god - why do you "believe" in the triune space? You can move forward-backward, left-right and up-down in the space - but everywhere where you are able to move is always only space. So let me say: to believe in the triune god is indeed monotheism - although it looks for some people to be a little chaotic. But somehow life is chaos - always new.

The words of Jesus--John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- so until you can explain how God has a God but there is one God--your teachers are in error--their backing has been refuted easily. Error at John 1:1-- and error giving worship to a mortal Jesus.
I never understood the foot fetish thing.
It was a Mithraic sex ritual and I don't want to get crude, so You'll have to figure it out, but when the lady brushed Jesus (who was 4'6" according to John) by his leg and feet with her LONG hair it's a polite way of saying.... Do the math literally and figuratively.

John said Jesus was 4'6", WHERE?
Exactly, those money lenders would have kicked his arse if he had been that size.
John said Jesus was 4'6", WHERE?
We were a small race, back then they were only 5' on avg.
Both Tertullian and Celsus described Jesus as short and of mean appearance. The apocryphal Acts of John says Jesus was a man of small stature and Jesus's twin brother is described as small in the Syrian Acts of Thomas.

The measure of his height which is given as 15 palms and a half, is roughly
4 feet 6 inches. A far cry from the over 6' figure in the forged shroud.

Which of the many christs this describes can not yet be determined, but I'm guessing Theudas.

Quote Tommy Tainant;
"those money lenders would have kicked his arse if he had been that size."

That story is based on the 2 Yehudas in the Herod era, Yehuda the Galilean was the tax revolter christ who died in 6bc, but the thief murderer used for the Jesus Barabbas story was the confused FOR Yehuda the GALIONITE WHO ransacked the temple thus used also for the turning the tables story. During the holidays merchants and money changers were given space along the Temple grounds to handle the huge flux of devoted tourist, so it was not an unusual or deplored act, so overturning tables would make Jesus wrong in this case it was ransacked by the mistaken Yehuda with similar name to the Galilean.
Rome tried to make the temple look unworthy to sell themselves as new authority thus making people assume it was a bad thing to demonize the Temple priests instead of seeing having a knipshin turning tables is the bad act. Yehuda the Galionite was a thief, so ransacking meant flipping tables in theft.
For all we know Yehuda the Galionite claimed to be The Galilean resurrected, wouldn't be the first time that scam occured. Remember nobody recognized him. Of course I believe the whole story fabricated, but if you swear it true this would be your smoking gun or the fact one figure used for Jesus had a twin.
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Sure will. When the butchers who maim rape and kill stop using their religion as an excuse.


Catholics rape children and then hide the rapists.

Catholics say Muslims from hundreds of countries should somehow make war against ISIS but catholics don't do anything about their own priests.

Worst of all, catholics take their children to church. They take them to church and leave them with PRIESTS.

Clean up your own filth before you point fingers at others.
Clean up my own filth? I'm not Catholic. I'm agnostic.

Allow me to walk you through this. I won't hold your hand.

Tommy said, "This is absolutely awesome."

Still with me?

Then he said, " Wouldn't the world be a better place.....

Then I responded to his post and you get apoplectic.

My response applies to all who maim, rape and kill and use their religion as an excuse.

Stand down.
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Feel free to go kiss some feet then

Personally I think it's fucking gross

Would you say what you say is mucking rude or would you say the situation of your feet is in general not in a way someone would like to speak about?

My feet are just fine thank you and I wouldn't let any man kiss them nor would I kiss the feet or ring for that matter of any man

Now I understand. Sounds like Berthold Brecht "Ich will unter mir keinen Sklaven sehn und über mir keinen Herrn" = "I don't like to see under me a slave - nor over me a master." Unfortunatelly Berthold Brecht decided to live in the dictatorship of the Commies and his protest against this dictatorship was not very loud.

It's by the way indeed a little sophisticated and not easy intuitive understandable why our highest authority is only a servant of servants.

I do not recognize any higher authority

I remember in this context now some policemen with weapons all around and a bankrobber with an helpless panic in his eyes and with a gun in his hands in front of the back of his crashed car. I was an unbelieveable young man - nearly a child. But as well the robber and the policemen accepted my "authority" when I stood suddenly between them and called them to stop now and to bring this to an end. It was some days before Christmas - and only the very highest authority knows who had the best Christmas this year not because of the presents of human beings. Maybe you don't trust in god on reasons of empty phrases - but in this case this little unimportant moment of only one life of billions of lifes made something with me, with this robber, with the policemen and their families and friends. Some know - most don't know. That's not important. God knows and maybe one day he will tell me the story in the full context.

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Feel free to go kiss some feet then

Personally I think it's fucking gross

Would you say what you say is mucking rude or would you say the situation of your feet is in general not in a way someone would like to speak about?

My feet are just fine thank you and I wouldn't let any man kiss them nor would I kiss the feet or ring for that matter of any man

Now I understand. Sounds like Berthold Brecht "Ich will unter mir keinen Sklaven sehn und über mir keinen Herrn" = "I don't like to see under me a slave - nor over me a master." Unfortunatelly Berthold Brecht decided to live in the dictatorship of the Commies and his protest against this dictatorship was not very loud.

It's by the way indeed a little sophisticated and not easy intuitive understandable why our highest authority is only a servant of servants.

I do not recognize any higher authority

I remember in this context now some policemen with weapons all around and a bankrobber with an helpless panic in his eyes and with a gun in his hands in front of the back of his crashed car. I was an unbelieveable young man - nearly a child. But as well the robber and the policemen accepted my "authority" when I stood suddenly between them and called them to stop now and to bring this to an end. It was some days before Christmas - and only the very highest authority knows who had the best Christmas this year not because of the presents of human beings. So what you say to me about "authority" here sounds in my eyes only a little empty.

Yeah right.

You step into an armed altercation as a child? Sorry not buying it
Would you say what you say is mucking rude or would you say the situation of your feet is in general not in a way someone would like to speak about?

My feet are just fine thank you and I wouldn't let any man kiss them nor would I kiss the feet or ring for that matter of any man

Now I understand. Sounds like Berthold Brecht "Ich will unter mir keinen Sklaven sehn und über mir keinen Herrn" = "I don't like to see under me a slave - nor over me a master." Unfortunatelly Berthold Brecht decided to live in the dictatorship of the Commies and his protest against this dictatorship was not very loud.

It's by the way indeed a little sophisticated and not easy intuitive understandable why our highest authority is only a servant of servants.

I do not recognize any higher authority

I remember in this context now some policemen with weapons all around and a bankrobber with an helpless panic in his eyes and with a gun in his hands in front of the back of his crashed car. I was an unbelieveable young man - nearly a child. But as well the robber and the policemen accepted my "authority" when I stood suddenly between them and called them to stop now and to bring this to an end. It was some days before Christmas - and only the very highest authority knows who had the best Christmas this year not because of the presents of human beings. So what you say to me about "authority" here sounds in my eyes only a little empty.

Yeah right.

You step into an armed altercation as a child? Sorry not buying it

I don't sell anything so I don't know what you buy or not with what kind of money. You are responsible for yourselve. An uncle of me for example tried to stop soldiers of the SS under Hitler when they hit jewish women with the backside of their guns. They shot him down. Was not the worst way to die.

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My feet are just fine thank you and I wouldn't let any man kiss them nor would I kiss the feet or ring for that matter of any man

Now I understand. Sounds like Berthold Brecht "Ich will unter mir keinen Sklaven sehn und über mir keinen Herrn" = "I don't like to see under me a slave - nor over me a master." Unfortunatelly Berthold Brecht decided to live in the dictatorship of the Commies and his protest against this dictatorship was not very loud.

It's by the way indeed a little sophisticated and not easy intuitive understandable why our highest authority is only a servant of servants.

I do not recognize any higher authority

I remember in this context now some policemen with weapons all around and a bankrobber with an helpless panic in his eyes and with a gun in his hands in front of the back of his crashed car. I was an unbelieveable young man - nearly a child. But as well the robber and the policemen accepted my "authority" when I stood suddenly between them and called them to stop now and to bring this to an end. It was some days before Christmas - and only the very highest authority knows who had the best Christmas this year not because of the presents of human beings. So what you say to me about "authority" here sounds in my eyes only a little empty.

Yeah right.

You step into an armed altercation as a child? Sorry not buying it

I don't sell anything so I don't know what you buy or not with what kind of money. You are responsible for yourselve. An uncle of me for example tried to stop soldiers of the SS under Hitler when they hit jewish women with the backside of their guns. They shot him down. Was not the worst way to die.

His death accomplished nothing so yeah it was a bad way to die
Now I understand. Sounds like Berthold Brecht "Ich will unter mir keinen Sklaven sehn und über mir keinen Herrn" = "I don't like to see under me a slave - nor over me a master." Unfortunatelly Berthold Brecht decided to live in the dictatorship of the Commies and his protest against this dictatorship was not very loud.

It's by the way indeed a little sophisticated and not easy intuitive understandable why our highest authority is only a servant of servants.

I do not recognize any higher authority

I remember in this context now some policemen with weapons all around and a bankrobber with an helpless panic in his eyes and with a gun in his hands in front of the back of his crashed car. I was an unbelieveable young man - nearly a child. But as well the robber and the policemen accepted my "authority" when I stood suddenly between them and called them to stop now and to bring this to an end. It was some days before Christmas - and only the very highest authority knows who had the best Christmas this year not because of the presents of human beings. So what you say to me about "authority" here sounds in my eyes only a little empty.

Yeah right.

You step into an armed altercation as a child? Sorry not buying it

I don't sell anything so I don't know what you buy or not with what kind of money. You are responsible for yourselve. An uncle of me for example tried to stop soldiers of the SS under Hitler when they hit jewish women with the backside of their guns. They shot him down. Was not the worst way to die.

His death accomplished nothing so yeah it was a bad way to die

Says a dead man?

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I do not recognize any higher authority

I remember in this context now some policemen with weapons all around and a bankrobber with an helpless panic in his eyes and with a gun in his hands in front of the back of his crashed car. I was an unbelieveable young man - nearly a child. But as well the robber and the policemen accepted my "authority" when I stood suddenly between them and called them to stop now and to bring this to an end. It was some days before Christmas - and only the very highest authority knows who had the best Christmas this year not because of the presents of human beings. So what you say to me about "authority" here sounds in my eyes only a little empty.

Yeah right.

You step into an armed altercation as a child? Sorry not buying it

I don't sell anything so I don't know what you buy or not with what kind of money. You are responsible for yourselve. An uncle of me for example tried to stop soldiers of the SS under Hitler when they hit jewish women with the backside of their guns. They shot him down. Was not the worst way to die.

His death accomplished nothing so yeah it was a bad way to die

Says a dead man?

I'm alive and kicking
... until you can explain how God has a God but there is one God--your teachers are in error--their backing has been refuted easily. Error at John 1:1-- and error giving worship to a mortal Jesus.

Sometimes it seems to me I am the only idiot in the world surrounded from pseudosuperintelligent english speaking somethings. Your problem is the triune god? Why?

... until you can explain how God has a God but there is one God--your teachers are in error--their backing has been refuted easily. Error at John 1:1-- and error giving worship to a mortal Jesus.

Sometimes it seems to me I am the only idiot in the world surrounded from pseudosuperintelligent english speaking somethings. Your problem is the triune god? Why?

Jesus and 3 of his real teachers--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father-- the true gospel of Christ.

John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28, 2Cor 1:3--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--

the trinity was created at the councils of Catholicism=2Thess 2:3)
... until you can explain how God has a God but there is one God--your teachers are in error--their backing has been refuted easily. Error at John 1:1-- and error giving worship to a mortal Jesus.

Sometimes it seems to me I am the only idiot in the world surrounded from pseudosuperintelligent english speaking somethings. Your problem is the triune god? Why?

Jesus and 3 of his real teachers--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father-- the true gospel of Christ.

John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28, 2Cor 1:3--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--

the trinity was created at the councils of Catholicism=2Thess 2:3)

What's your own religion? All Christians believe in the triune god. The Arians - our ancestors - believed by the way the same what Catholics believe still today too: Jesus was 100% a human being.

And do you really speak with others as if you would play chess with the bible? We play chess with a wooden board - ah sorry: two wooden boards - oh no - again sorry! Sigh! Beg your pardon: with two wooden boards we play "Doppelkopf" ("double head"). Indeed we play chess ("Schach") only with one wooden board. We have lots of games to play with wooden boards ("Brettspiele") so this is sometimes a little confusing.

PS: What did you say exactly is your problem with the triune [view on] god of all Christians?


PPS: The english expression "aryans" (german: "Arier") has absolutelly nothing to do with the expression "arians" (german: "Arianer"). I hope no one confuses this. In the german language both expressions are not similiar.
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I remember in this context now some policemen with weapons all around and a bankrobber with an helpless panic in his eyes and with a gun in his hands in front of the back of his crashed car. I was an unbelieveable young man - nearly a child. But as well the robber and the policemen accepted my "authority" when I stood suddenly between them and called them to stop now and to bring this to an end. It was some days before Christmas - and only the very highest authority knows who had the best Christmas this year not because of the presents of human beings. So what you say to me about "authority" here sounds in my eyes only a little empty.

Yeah right.

You step into an armed altercation as a child? Sorry not buying it

I don't sell anything so I don't know what you buy or not with what kind of money. You are responsible for yourselve. An uncle of me for example tried to stop soldiers of the SS under Hitler when they hit jewish women with the backside of their guns. They shot him down. Was not the worst way to die.

His death accomplished nothing so yeah it was a bad way to die

Says a dead man?

I'm alive and kicking

With your own skull?

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... until you can explain how God has a God but there is one God--your teachers are in error--their backing has been refuted easily. Error at John 1:1-- and error giving worship to a mortal Jesus.

Sometimes it seems to me I am the only idiot in the world surrounded from pseudosuperintelligent english speaking somethings. Your problem is the triune god? Why?

Jesus and 3 of his real teachers--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father-- the true gospel of Christ.

John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28, 2Cor 1:3--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--

the trinity was created at the councils of Catholicism=2Thess 2:3)

What's your own religion? All Christians believe in the triune god. The Arians - our ancestors - believed by the way the same what Catholics believe still today too: Jesus was 100% a human being.

And do you really speak with others as if you would play chess with the bible? We play chess with a wooden board - ah sorry: two wooden boards - oh no - again sorry! Sigh! Beg your pardon: with two wooden boards we play "Doppelkopf" ("double head"). Indeed we play chess ("Schach") only with one wooden board. We have lots of games to play with wooden boards ("Brettspiele") so this is sometimes a little confusing.

PS: What did you say exactly is your problem with the triune [view on] god of all Christians?


PPS: The english expression "aryans" (german: "Arier") has absolutelly nothing to do with the expression "arians" (german: "Arianer"). I hope no one confuses this. In the german language both expressions are not similiar.

Fact--From Moses on up until this very day--the Israelites served and taught a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)-- the God Jesus went to be taught about and worship his first 30 years--- He knew God very well- a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)
God didn't change---The great apostasy ( 2Thess 2:3) stood up.

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