I am not a catholic but.............

... until you can explain how God has a God but there is one God--your teachers are in error--their backing has been refuted easily. Error at John 1:1-- and error giving worship to a mortal Jesus.

Sometimes it seems to me I am the only idiot in the world surrounded from pseudosuperintelligent english speaking somethings. Your problem is the triune god? Why?

Jesus and 3 of his real teachers--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father-- the true gospel of Christ.

John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28, 2Cor 1:3--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--

the trinity was created at the councils of Catholicism=2Thess 2:3)

What's your own religion? All Christians believe in the triune god. The Arians - our ancestors - believed by the way the same what Catholics believe still today too: Jesus was 100% a human being.

And do you really speak with others as if you would play chess with the bible? We play chess with a wooden board - ah sorry: two wooden boards - oh no - again sorry! Sigh! Beg your pardon: with two wooden boards we play "Doppelkopf" ("double head"). Indeed we play chess ("Schach") only with one wooden board. We have lots of games to play with wooden boards ("Brettspiele") so this is sometimes a little confusing.

PS: What did you say exactly is your problem with the triune [view on] god of all Christians?


PPS: The english expression "aryans" (german: "Arier") has absolutelly nothing to do with the expression "arians" (german: "Arianer"). I hope no one confuses this. In the german language both expressions are not similiar.

Fact--From Moses on up until this very day--the Israelites served and taught a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)-- the God Jesus went to be taught about and worship his first 30 years--- He knew God very well- a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)
God didn't change---The great apostasy ( 2Thess 2:3) stood up.

What about if you would just simple tell me what's your problem with the triune god?

You are attacking by the way in this short sentence also the jewish relgion not only Christians by misusing the name of god (God did not change!) and you are using "Jehova" - a most modern word for god (God did not change!) . Why do you not use "adonai" what's one of the roots of the traditionless artificial expession "Jehova" (God did not change!)? Adonai is like "Lord". In this case you would not be in conflict with the mosaic laws (God did not change!).

PS: Not to forget. We are in a situation where extremistic Islamists kill Christians worldwide not only beause of problems in their emotions and minds but also because they are following some wrong prophets of death who tell them "Christians are not monotheists" - what's just simple wrong!
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I warn everyone not to think empty phrases are an excuse for anything. It's not only not allowed to murder monotheists like Muslims, Christians or Jews - it's also not allowed to murder Polytheist or Atheists or anyone else. Life is holy.
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Fact--From Moses on up until this very day--the Israelites served and taught a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)-- the God Jesus went to be taught about and worship his first 30 years--- He knew God very well- a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) God didn't change---The great apostasy ( 2Thess 2:3) stood up.

Jehovah Witness 'understanding' of Triune is to misunderstand. This religion has their own definition of 'Triune' and thinks everyone else uses that same definition. We don't, and so to us, a Jehovah Witness only perceive 1/3 of God--if that. Others believe in worshiping the fullness of God.

For example, people are made up of a physical body, a soul (mind), and a spirit. One person has all these qualities, and these three qualities does not make one person three people. Qualities are different from persona. Likewise God has three qualities: Father/Creator; Son/Word; Spirit. Which one of these do you maintain are not part of God? Is He not creator? Has He no voice? No spirit? Which quality of God do Jehovah Witnesses choose not to include in their worship of God?
Regarding the recent trinity discussion;
I haven't seen something this hillarious with this much junk spewing out both ends since the Wedding Dress scene in "Bridesmaids".
Regarding the recent trinity discussion;
I haven't seen something this hillarious with this much junk spewing out both ends since the Wedding Dress scene in "Bridesmaids".

Your are not a Jew - you are not a Christian ... and you love bridesmaids, the film. Aha.

... until you can explain how God has a God but there is one God--your teachers are in error--their backing has been refuted easily. Error at John 1:1-- and error giving worship to a mortal Jesus.

Sometimes it seems to me I am the only idiot in the world surrounded from pseudosuperintelligent english speaking somethings. Your problem is the triune god? Why?

Jesus and 3 of his real teachers--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father-- the true gospel of Christ.

John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28, 2Cor 1:3--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--

the trinity was created at the councils of Catholicism=2Thess 2:3)

What's your own religion? All Christians believe in the triune god. The Arians - our ancestors - believed by the way the same what Catholics believe still today too: Jesus was 100% a human being.

And do you really speak with others as if you would play chess with the bible? We play chess with a wooden board - ah sorry: two wooden boards - oh no - again sorry! Sigh! Beg your pardon: with two wooden boards we play "Doppelkopf" ("double head"). Indeed we play chess ("Schach") only with one wooden board. We have lots of games to play with wooden boards ("Brettspiele") so this is sometimes a little confusing.

PS: What did you say exactly is your problem with the triune [view on] god of all Christians?


PPS: The english expression "aryans" (german: "Arier") has absolutelly nothing to do with the expression "arians" (german: "Arianer"). I hope no one confuses this. In the german language both expressions are not similiar.

Fact--From Moses on up until this very day--the Israelites served and taught a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)-- the God Jesus went to be taught about and worship his first 30 years--- He knew God very well- a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)
God didn't change---The great apostasy ( 2Thess 2:3) stood up.

What about if you would just simple tell me what's your problem with the triune god?

You are attacking by the way in this short sentence also the jewish relgion not only Christians by misusing the name of god (God did not change!) and you are using "Jehova" - a most modern word for god (God did not change!) . Why do you not use "adonai" what's one of the roots of the traditionless artificial expession "Jehova" (God did not change!)? Adonai is like "Lord". In this case you would not be in conflict with the mosaic laws (God did not change!).

PS: Not to forget. We are in a situation where extremistic Islamists kill Christians worldwide not only beause of problems in their emotions and minds but also because they are following some wrong prophets of death who tell them "Christians are not monotheists" - what's just simple wrong!

Any religion that allows its members to kill another on the orders of men is owned and operated by satan. In the OT--God ordered wars--not anymore. Isis isn't much different that what occurred in the crusades and inquisition. murderers.
I say--God has made his name known, always has and always will.
Extreme romans drove spikes through the flesh of the son of God--0 retaliation returned by any of the true followers.
Fact--From Moses on up until this very day--the Israelites served and taught a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)-- the God Jesus went to be taught about and worship his first 30 years--- He knew God very well- a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) God didn't change---The great apostasy ( 2Thess 2:3) stood up.

Jehovah Witness 'understanding' of Triune is to misunderstand. This religion has their own definition of 'Triune' and thinks everyone else uses that same definition. We don't, and so to us, a Jehovah Witness only perceive 1/3 of God--if that. Others believe in worshiping the fullness of God.

For example, people are made up of a physical body, a soul (mind), and a spirit. One person has all these qualities, and these three qualities does not make one person three people. Qualities are different from persona. Likewise God has three qualities: Father/Creator; Son/Word; Spirit. Which one of these do you maintain are not part of God? Is He not creator? Has He no voice? No spirit? Which quality of God do Jehovah Witnesses choose not to include in their worship of God?

A Jehovah witness worships the same God the Israelites served and worshipped--a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--the trinity does not exist--it was created by men who then mistranslated to fit the false teachings created at those councils. Its 100% undeniable fact--The God in the ot is a single being God. He does not change. Mistranslating changes him.
See how Zaang changed & lied about a post regarding a movie scene, putting his own words & slant and ACCUSATIONS(SATAN)? This is what Rome did to the stories of the many christ figures when they created the one world compiled legend and religion.
Thanks for the Example Zaang!
Now the reason why our resident youtube spammer loves doing this is besides forum flaming and top post folly, he is lineage of the Assyrian Baal worshipers thus innately drawn to opposing us Kohanim.
KOHNS THEOREMs. Every action has a connectivity reaction.
Assyrians are drawn to oppose the righteous which is why they tried to wipe us out through the creeds and influence of RCC synods of course.
Sometimes it seems to me I am the only idiot in the world surrounded from pseudosuperintelligent english speaking somethings. Your problem is the triune god? Why?

Jesus and 3 of his real teachers--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father-- the true gospel of Christ.

John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28, 2Cor 1:3--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--

the trinity was created at the councils of Catholicism=2Thess 2:3)

What's your own religion? All Christians believe in the triune god. The Arians - our ancestors - believed by the way the same what Catholics believe still today too: Jesus was 100% a human being.

And do you really speak with others as if you would play chess with the bible? We play chess with a wooden board - ah sorry: two wooden boards - oh no - again sorry! Sigh! Beg your pardon: with two wooden boards we play "Doppelkopf" ("double head"). Indeed we play chess ("Schach") only with one wooden board. We have lots of games to play with wooden boards ("Brettspiele") so this is sometimes a little confusing.

PS: What did you say exactly is your problem with the triune [view on] god of all Christians?


PPS: The english expression "aryans" (german: "Arier") has absolutelly nothing to do with the expression "arians" (german: "Arianer"). I hope no one confuses this. In the german language both expressions are not similiar.

Fact--From Moses on up until this very day--the Israelites served and taught a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)-- the God Jesus went to be taught about and worship his first 30 years--- He knew God very well- a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)
God didn't change---The great apostasy ( 2Thess 2:3) stood up.

What about if you would just simple tell me what's your problem with the triune god?

You are attacking by the way in this short sentence also the jewish relgion not only Christians by misusing the name of god (God did not change!) and you are using "Jehova" - a most modern word for god (God did not change!) . Why do you not use "adonai" what's one of the roots of the traditionless artificial expession "Jehova" (God did not change!)? Adonai is like "Lord". In this case you would not be in conflict with the mosaic laws (God did not change!).

PS: Not to forget. We are in a situation where extremistic Islamists kill Christians worldwide not only beause of problems in their emotions and minds but also because they are following some wrong prophets of death who tell them "Christians are not monotheists" - what's just simple wrong!

Any religion that allows its members to kill another on the orders of men is owned and operated by satan.

First: Satana is a creation of god. So the existance of this what we call "evil" seems to be good. Interesting thought - isn't it? Nevertheless no one is allowed to make himselve to an entrance port for the evil into our world.

Second: It's completly okay to kill human beings on reasons of selfdefense or extended selfdefense (=to defend family members, friends, guests and so on). The own life and the life of others is not less worth than the life of an evildoing aggressor.

In the OT--God ordered wars--not anymore.

I don't understand what you like to say with this sentence.

Isis isn't much different that what occurred in the crusades and inquisition. murderers.

I fear you know - like nearly everyone - less than nothing about the crusades and the inquisition. Complex themes without easy answers. But we agree that nothing in this context is able to be any excuse for any violent deed.

I say--God has made his name known, always has and always will.

I'm not sure wether we have really a good notion of god. But even in this case god would be always new. And "Always has" seems to be wrong. "Always will" ... I don't know. There could be reasons that we will have to forget him. Or there could be reasons god will forget us - do we remember him in this case any longer? And there are lots of reasons why we deny god - but god never will deny us.

Extreme romans drove spikes through the flesh of the son of God--0 retaliation returned by any of the true followers.

Extreme romans? Completly normal romans. They made with him what they made with criminals. Take a look at the cruel executions of the USA. God died together with all this human beings.

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See how Zaang

Do you live in fear of me? Or whatelse is the reason why you prefer to speak about me and not with me?

changed & lied about a post regarding a movie scene, putting his own words & slant and ACCUSATIONS(SATAN)? This is what Rome did to the stories of the many christ figures when they created the one world compiled legend and religion.
Thanks for the Example Zaang!
Now the reason why our resident youtube spammer loves doing this is besides forum flaming and top post folly, he is lineage of the Assyrian Baal worshipers thus innately drawn to opposing us Kohanim.
KOHNS THEOREMs. Every action has a connectivity reaction.
Assyrians are drawn to oppose the righteous which is why they tried to wipe us out through the creeds and influence of RCC synods of course.

If I would know what an asyrian baal worshipper would be then I could speak with you about this theme. But I don't know. I also don't have any idea about a "Bohm and Kohn Theorem". And what this could have to do with the creeds and synods of the holy catholic church I also don't know. But I am a German with jewish roots and I know how my people died. And so I know: you are not a Jew and you are not a Christian. Tell me: What's the reason why you try to confuse everyone?

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You did it again, displacement behavior.
As I stated, you make a perfect exanple so people learn to recognize resemblances of faulty behavior that affects reality, truth, historical info and news reporting.
You did it again, displacement behavior.
As I stated, you make a perfect exanple so people learn to recognize resemblances of faulty behavior that affects reality, truth, historical info and news reporting.

You are not a Jew and you are not a Christian - but you are producing continously a lot of nonsense against both religions. It wastes the time of everyone who tries to understand what you say, so I don't try to understand this nonsense any longer. And the less sense it makes what you say the more you seem to be statisfied. So what is your motivation to do so? Is any word what you say worth any murder on any Christian or Jew in the Orient? What is going on in your brain? Explain yourselve!

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Should we be surprised that a person who can't obey the simple 10 commands like baring false testimony, would also refuse to obey the forum rules?
Since the days of King Hezekiah the prince of peace in Isaiah, you Assyrians have hated us Jews and where has that gotten you guys? Answer: cursed and fallen kingdoms through always following the wrong leaders.
YOUR HERITAGE IS BASED ON BAD ADVICE ON FOLLOWING THE EGLOMANIACS who lead people to death-destruction-murder-mayhem-dispersing people and toppling their own kingdoms. It's in your instinctive nature to follow your pride-predjudice- hatred instead of your peace and tranquil rational part of your mind.
Your detest for me is as inevitable as the false prophets keeper's passion for seeking out my lineage in order to stop
Should we

be surprised that a person

Who is this "we"-identity? And means "person"=idiot?

who can't obey the simple 10 commands like baring false testimony,

You are not a Jew - you are not a Christian - and you know this very well on your own. And I'm not speaking about you - I speak with you. So I am not able to give a false testimony. You know your truth and you know what I think about. That's all.

would also refuse to obey the forum rules?

So because I do not to follow the lousy 10 commandements I should obey forum rules? Congrats. The best one this year, but the year is still young.

Since the days of King Hezekiah the prince of peace in Isaiah,

Who - where - why?

you Assyrians have hated us Jews

Asyrians? I do not even know wether I'm a Jew or not on my own. This depends only wether one of my my grandmas was a Jew or not. I don't know the truth in this case because life was not easy under the Nazis for Jews in Germany. But if I would be an Asyrian - whatever this could be today - then I would be more than astonished. For sure never a German was an Aryan. Some were Jews (0.5%).

and where has that gotten you guys?


Answer: cursed and fallen kingdoms through always following the wrong leaders.

Empty phrase. Some leaders in history did not like to do war for their kingdom on very good reasons. Often this kings were the best and most wise leaders. What to win or what to lose is often the question. I don't know for example what you like to win except frustration.


"egomania - island without hope" - Film from Christoph Schlingensief. So you are a Schlingensiefer ... or a Wolpertinger. Depends how to see it or not to see it.

who lead people to death-destruction-murder-mayhem-dispersing people and toppling their own kingdoms.

"mayhem" is an interesting new english word for me. What are you doing in your free time?

It's in your instinctive nature to follow your pride-predjudice- hatred instead of your peace and tranquil rational part of your mind.


Your detest for me is as inevitable as the false prophets keeper's passion for seeking out my lineage in order to stop

I guess this is the explanation I asked for. Albert Einstein is much more easy to understand. Do you try to play to be a kind of Antichrist in the name of Jews?

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you admited not knowing your own heritage yet claimed falsely to know mine then instead of Teshuva you lied and revictimized.
*this is where you throw the chess board to the ground again and continue your breaking of forum rules and commandments.
Anarchists still in Germany? Nah...

"Zaangalewa" is the key-word for me as a user here. You use this form becaue you like to speak about others but not with others.

you admited not knowing your own heritage yet claimed falsely to know mine then instead of Teshuva you lied and revictimized.

I know very well who and what I am. Lots of memebers of my families were Jews - Ashkenasim how Albert Einstein was one for example. I am a Jew if one my grandmas was a Jew - otherwise not. That's all. That's not very important for me. The only thing I would love in this case would it be to be a Jew who orders a bacon-cheese-burger with the words: "and please two pieces of this bread with this wonderful fish". And if the waitress answers: "That's bacon and cheese." I would comment: "I didn't like to know the name of the fish".


Chess? You need a very fast board if you like to win.

*this is where you throw the chess board to the ground again and continue your breaking of forum rules and commandments.
Anarchists still in Germany? Nah...

Germany is a jungle.

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That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.
That was not a Teshuva.
But it was a contradiction of your own words.

Even if you read a million books about Jews you will not be a Jew. But if I am right then you are worried about that Jesus Christ will come back - and you are right! Be worried: Jesus will come back. And don't forget : He's a Jew.

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Zangnabbit Where's that Wascally Wabbitt...... What do Elmer Fud and Zang have in common can't say it is the looks unless he dresses like Elmer but Elmer Fud is is a make believe character looking for a make believe bunny rabbit with big pointy ears and chews a big carrot... Zang is also looking for a make believe character. He doesn't have big pointy ears and he doesn't have a big carrot to chew on but he keeps hopping in and out of his imagination like that Wascally Wabbitt does out of poor Elmur Fuds mind as well.... Wink wink...

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