I am not a catholic but.............

I never understood the foot fetish thing.
It was a Mithraic sex ritual and I don't want to get crude, so You'll have to figure it out, but when the lady brushed Jesus (who was 4'6" according to John) by his leg and feet with her LONG hair it's a polite way of saying.... Do the math literally and figuratively.
You telling me some women didn't shave their legs back then either?
Middle east cults are GAY. The jewish/christian bible is GAY. That is if you define GAY as being racist, hating women, and hating heterosexual activity and thinking the Earth is flat. Suck those toes Pope you fucking faggot.
chrislam, coming to a world near you. The pope is a false leader, leading a false religion, worshiping mary.

Yes they are this--2Thess 2:3--- created a non existent trinity god then erred in translation to fit false council teachings. It is fact--two different gods are being taught in every trinity translation on earth because of the errors. And if one applies Gods word to this they will see every trinity religion on earth is up the same creek without a paddle--by this teaching---- A good tree produces good fruit--a rotten tree produces rotten fruit--yes--32,997 trinity based religions--accomplish this-Mark 3:24-26 and not this--1Cor 1:10.--- God warned all--GET OUT OF HER.
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Unfortunately he teaches a non existent trinity god, making the flock break Gods #1 commandment daily.

Not a serios question: If you don't believe in the triune god - why do you "believe" in the triune space? You can move forward-backward, left-right and up-down in the space - but everywhere where you are able to move is always only space. So let me say: to believe in the triune god is indeed monotheism - although it looks for some people to be a little chaotic. But somehow life is chaos - always new.

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Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Not being Catholic, having some Catholic kiss my feet would freak me out, in fact having anyone kiss my feet would freak me out, what kind of nonsense is this?

The pope is the servant of the servants of god. He shows with this ceremony how important everyone is for him who is on the pilgrimage through this life to god. Jesus made the same. He was not ashamed to do this work for servants or slaves to clear the feet of visitors on his own and washed the feet of the people who visted him. This shows a very deep respect and love for other human beings.

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Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Not being Catholic, having some Catholic kiss my feet would freak me out, in fact having anyone kiss my feet would freak me out, what kind of nonsense is this?

The pope is the servant of the servants of god. He shows with this ceremony how important everyone is for him who is on the pilgramage through this life to god. Jesus made the same. He was not ashamed to do this work for servants to clear the feet of visitors on his own and washed the feet of the people who came to him.

I know there's meaning behind all of this. However I still believe it's nonsense.

if he was not ashamed to work for his servants, then let him do something USEFUL of his servants, rather than kissing feet.
chrislam, coming to a world near you. The pope is a false leader, leading a false religion, worshiping mary.

I heard this and remembered in this context the old predarwinistic law "The idiots never will die out".

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Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Not being Catholic, having some Catholic kiss my feet would freak me out, in fact having anyone kiss my feet would freak me out, what kind of nonsense is this?

The pope is the servant of the servants of god. He shows with this ceremony how important everyone is for him who is on the pilgramage through this life to god. Jesus made the same. He was not ashamed to do this work for servants to clear the feet of visitors on his own and washed the feet of the people who came to him.

I know there's meaning behind all of this.


However I still believe it's nonsense.

if he was not ashamed to work for his servants, then let him do something USEFUL of his servants, rather than kissing feet.

What's more useful than to wash feet?

I never understood the foot fetish thing.

In former times the feet of people became dirty from the dirt of the streets, when people travelled. So the feet had to be washed before someone entered the rooms of a house. It's called "hygienics" to do so and some remember in this context "the house of a friend is a holy place."

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Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Not being Catholic, having some Catholic kiss my feet would freak me out, in fact having anyone kiss my feet would freak me out, what kind of nonsense is this?

The pope is the servant of the servants of god. He shows with this ceremony how important everyone is for him who is on the pilgramage through this life to god. Jesus made the same. He was not ashamed to do this work for servants to clear the feet of visitors on his own and washed the feet of the people who came to him.

I know there's meaning behind all of this.


However I still believe it's nonsense.

if he was not ashamed to work for his servants, then let him do something USEFUL of his servants, rather than kissing feet.

What's more useful than to wash feet?

What's more useful than washing feet? Well.... do you want the list? Breathing, eating, drinking........

But anyway, this is kissing feet and I can't think of anything less useful than kissing feet.
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Not being Catholic, having some Catholic kiss my feet would freak me out, in fact having anyone kiss my feet would freak me out, what kind of nonsense is this?

The pope is the servant of the servants of god. He shows with this ceremony how important everyone is for him who is on the pilgramage through this life to god. Jesus made the same. He was not ashamed to do this work for servants to clear the feet of visitors on his own and washed the feet of the people who came to him.

I know there's meaning behind all of this.


However I still believe it's nonsense.

if he was not ashamed to work for his servants, then let him do something USEFUL of his servants, rather than kissing feet.

What's more useful than to wash feet?

What's more useful than washing feet? Well.... do you want the list? Breathing, eating, drinking........

With dirty stinking feet you like to do such heavy jobs like to breathe, to eat and to drink? Most would wish not to have to breathe in such a case. But unfortunatelly this is inevitable - except someone is trained to be a german commando frogmen.

But anyway, this is kissing feet and I can't think of anything less useful than kissing feet.

Okay - sure - once, when we were happy, nice and lovely heathens and unbelievers, we nailed the heads of our enemies in front of our doors and when the vikings tried to steal them then we nailed their heads to the roof too. Problem solved. Was always a lot of fun to hunt enemies. Sigh. Good old times. But I don't think this was more useful than to wash and to finepolish the feet of guests of the earth - with or without reflex zone massage.

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It's so sad that throughout history, differences in philosophical beliefs have caused so much death and hatred.

One would think that, after millennia of hatred, Mankind would be able to reach some sort of equilibrium on the situation.

And for those who will instantly attack me for my clear opposition to Islam, I will point out that ANY belief that forces one to accept its tenets or suffer is inexcusable.
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Feel free to go kiss some feet then

Personally I think it's fucking gross

Would you say what you say is mucking rude or would you say the situation of your feet is in general not in a way someone would like to speak about?

My feet are just fine thank you and I wouldn't let any man kiss them nor would I kiss the feet or ring for that matter of any man
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Sure will. When the butchers who maim rape and kill stop using their religion as an excuse.

Thank you. Took the words right out of my mouth.

There is no way the Mooslams would ever do anything similar to kafirs?

I would rather live in his world than yours.

He isn't stopping Italian regions from banning mosque building and not recognising Islam as a religion like Christianity and Judaism, for example. Yay Papa. Wash as many feet as you like :eusa_angel:
Pope Francis washes and kisses feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees

This is absolutely awesome.

Wouldnt the world be a better place............................

Feel free to go kiss some feet then

Personally I think it's fucking gross

Would you say what you say is mucking rude or would you say the situation of your feet is in general not in a way someone would like to speak about?

My feet are just fine thank you and I wouldn't let any man kiss them nor would I kiss the feet or ring for that matter of any man

Now I understand. Sounds like Berthold Brecht "Ich will unter mir keinen Sklaven sehn und über mir keinen Herrn" = "I don't like to see under me a slave - nor over me a master." Unfortunatelly Berthold Brecht decided to live in the dictatorship of the Commies and his protest against this dictatorship was not very loud.

It's by the way indeed a little sophisticated and not easy intuitive understandable why our highest authority is only a servant of servants.

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